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Everything posted by eggy99

  1. There was already a regular damashii release long time ago. They also had Web exclusive wings of light and dragoon arms. It was only okay figure and the wing effects were too heavy for the figure. Bit of a fail. I think I still have mine packed away in storage. I'd hope a metal robot version would improve over the original.
  2. But this is Bandai. You know they gotta milk the mold and release variants. Wouldn't be surprised if they announce a full saber version after they release vanilla Qant.
  3. Confirms that Bandai raided MoShow factories in China, and obtained the mold of their QanT. LOL! Another one added to my PO list.
  4. YES!!! Ready for PO madness! NY will have up later than everyone else right? I might try for HLJ first and then NY 2nd so I can apply my store credit to the order. Unless NY typically go up on the dot I'll just PO at NY.
  5. OMG! Even with my store credit, it will be $430 AU shipped EMS.... I just can't pony up that much cash for Destiny.
  6. Unfortunately I chose to give up my PO of the SF Wings of Light because the NY shipping was just too high for accessories (damn you Bandai your massive empty box!). So I have NY credit left over from that, which I always enter using in Heine Destiny, because I actually prefer an orange Destiny over the Shinn's default blue. I'd previously opted not to purchase the 1st release of Destiny too and it was really cheap - AU$180 shipped. A better match for MB Destiny would be a MB Infinite Justice, and recreate the battle from the final episode. I haven't seen the packaging for the retail Heine Destiny. Probably different to the Tamashii event packaging, which I agree is very cool. The Red Frame option parts definitely do not interest me. They'll probably wait until Blue Frame is released and shortly after announcment 2nd Revise - which is the one that I want.
  7. I'm actually thinking I might get a Heine Destiny instead, but still pretty expensive, and Destiny isn't that high on my <3 list. I might hold off for the F91. That thing is so beautiful, and if the rumours are true, it might be scaled up to the taller to fit in better with other Metal Builds. Remains to be seen.
  8. I hope so too. The store I preordered from has deleted all MoShow products from their site, and the QanT has passed the estimated release date. Also their Facebook page has been deleted. Comments from one of the Metalgear KO 00 Gundam Seven Swords YouTube videos mentioned they got taken down by Bandai, which seems to make sense with their sudden disappearance online. Truely sad and they were really going to give Bandai a run for their money. 1/100 with LEDs! AMAZING!
  9. Wow that is really cool! Nice that they improved on the original Bandai release. My Bandai MB is definitely a bit floppy in places especially after attaching the 0 Raiser. In other news to commemorate the demise the MoShow (I assume Bandai destroyed them and threatened all retailers who were taking preorders), I purchased the MBPro Strike / Mecha Warrior, even though it isn't in 1/100 scale. Didn't want to miss the opportunity to own such an awesome 3rd party figure. Will be taking the place of the tiny 1/144 GFF Next Strike I have in my detolf. Now I hope Bandai don't make a surprise announcement on the 28th and announce a MB Strike Full Package release. FML if they do - hahaha. It would be really interesting if Bandai announces MB QanT due to taking the molds from MoShow's upcoming QanT that was vanished from existence.
  10. After seeing more details of the F91, I'm definitely sold on it, and will be preordering one.
  11. another video of the Metal Gear Metal Build Seven Swords 00 Gundam Based on the comments from tha YT video it sounds like Bandai came down on MoShow. They gone now, so maybe no more 1/100 QanT or 1/72 Buster. T___T
  12. Oh wow! Interested to know how it compares to the original Bandai Metal Build Seven Swords 00 Gundam.
  13. If anyone is looking for Metal Build Exia reissue at not scalpers price you can get it from Madman Entertainment (AU). https://www.madman.com.au/catalogue/view/38231/metal-build-gundam-00-gundam-exia-repair-iii-die-cast-tamashii-nations
  14. Not a massive fan of F91, but will probably pick this one up because it's quite an attractive design.
  15. Got mine today too! Arrived in 2 days from Amazon JP. AMAZING! Looks a few images from previous books included in this one (could be mistaken - my memory is poor now that I'm a father of 2). Much thicker than book 1 and 2.
  16. Yep got my Amazon shipping notification. ETA Friday!
  17. Holy cow! Amazon JP shipped out some of the items I ordered with the book and it's coming via DHL!!!! Shipped today arriving Thursday (Australia)! WAY faster than EMS. Nice that Amazon ship items separately but only charge you for single combined shipment.
  18. Actually I wouldn't mind the RX-78 Full Armor Gundam from Thunderbolt. What a beast!
  19. Probably more MB Astray variants. Wish would be announcement of GP01 Zepherantes/Full Burnien, and Perfect Strike.
  20. Metal Build Blue Destiny would be the bomb!
  21. Anyone know what has happened to MoShow's Facebook page? Seems to be gone or locked. https://www.facebook.com/MoShow72/
  22. I believe brand new on Amazon JP. So probably good option to buy 2nd hand for US buyers to save on shipping, but JP option is best for the most everyone else.
  23. Amazon JP has Book 1 and 2, and available to ship outside of Japan. https://www.amazon.co.jp/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_ja_JP=%E3%82%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8A&url=srs%3D3534638051%26search-alias%3Dspecialty-aps&field-keywords=%E3%83%90%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AD%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA+%E5%A4%A9%E7%A5%9E%E8%8B%B1%E8%B2%B4%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9%E7%94%BB%E9%9B%86 Remember to use the Amazon Global portal when searching for items that ship internationally. It will only return results that can ship internationally so you don't get disappointed during check out. https://www.amazon.co.jp/b/ref=footer_global?ie=UTF8&node=3534638051
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