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Everything posted by eggy99

  1. I received my other 2 from Amiami and did a check on them for faults. Number 2 and 3 are A OK. Only minor things, like slightly misaligned front and back parts of the foot unit, light tampo of UN SPACY on 1 of the side of 1 of the gunpods. My impressions of this toy. I love it so much. It exceeds all my expectations. I did a full transformation to battroid and back to fighter for one of them and a half gerwalk on the other. The DX is very solid and feels very sturdy and weighty. Many of the changes from the Yamarcadia 1/60 are functionally better on the DX. I mentioned previously about the landing gear doors having visible hinges. The doors work amazingly. Very tight, sturdy and well aligned. I think I could go on and on about the DX, but it would be too much to write. The attention to detail on the DX puts it in a class above even the PF 1/60. The 1/60 feels light, and just a little bit fragile in comparison. The heft of the DX is just so good in the hands and all the clicky joints are a joy. The DX is immensely more fun and satisfying to play with than the 1/60. The things I don't like on the DX. The diecast seam on the feet. The 1/60 has no seam, so I’m not sure why the DX feet needed to be cast that way. Must be a diecast VS plastic molding thing. Nose cone. I would have preferred it to be removable with radar detail like the old 1/48. I guess they just didn’t want people misplacing their nose cone if they took it off for the GBP. Missing ejection warning tampo. A dumb mistake by Bandai. Useless wing flap gimmick. It doesn’t add anything. I found it very challenging to open the landing gear doors. I had to use a plastic seperator tool for model kits to get started. Oh yeah I took a photo of the legs positioned for attachment of the FAST packs. Enjoy: Ahh yes and Hikaru. I measured him and he’s approximately 3cm so he’s only 144cm tall scaled to 1/1. That's too short even for a 16 - 17 year old Japanese, who ends up at 175cm by adult hood. I’m very much looking forward to more DX VF-1 toys.
  2. I've been thinking about this too. Why did they remove the brackets to lock the arms to the underside of the chest? Someone mentioned this was designed by T-Rex, which is why it is so similar to the Yamarcadia 1/60 design. Then I thought about the paint scraping issues from the the more colourful VF-1s. Clips are definite culprits of paint scraping / wear and tear. this could have been the reason for the change. Another aesthetic change made from the Yamarcadia - which could be a functional improvement. - Rear landing gear doors: the 1/60 had really flush doors. DX has visible hinges. the DX's do sit cleaner overall though. The 1/60's doors were some times a bit misaligned. Then the leg fins. There must have been a functional reason for less ridged lock compared to the 1/60. I feel like ridged flaps would not be safe with the amount of weight the DX has at the rear now. The 1/60 could comfortably be placed on the fins without fear of breaking, but perhaps the same could not be said for the DX. But again, it doesn't feel like the DX fins can be positioned outward and flat, so what happens if you do place the DX on it's leg fins? Snap or fall off the hinges? Who dares to try that?
  3. The only weapon needed.
  4. Oh dear. He mounted the missiles on backward.
  5. http://arcadia.ac/products/detail.php?product_id=209 ¥2916
  6. For those that have not received their yet and want to see the arm tabs, this is what we're working with: The friction on these isn't amazing. There is no satisfying click. Any pressure pushing those arms out of position will give you droopy arms in Fighter mode on the DX. I managed to get the left arm on mine to stay put by adjusting the legs around a bit and reseating everything. The legs attach just like the Yamarcadia 1/60. Imagery sourced from this YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m2HBHt8328 Regarding the FAST pack armor, we now only have 1 hole for the leg armor to attach to if it's the same implementation as Yamarcadia. The back pack armor situation is the same. It will be interesting to see how Bandai implement a secure connection.
  7. I thought they changed it to Preorder status so you could not use the 5% off promo on that item. LOL! Sneaky.
  8. I remember the day when @spanner stated he probably wouldn't get this series. Let's go find that post.
  9. LOL! It said NO and I had to say YES! I only noticed the scratches on the wing when I wasn posting the photos. I have no idea. I’ll need to look again tomorrow. It’s all boxed up again at work. Keeping it there until some of my work colleagues return from Xmas/NY break. They’ll be stoked to check out my faulty wing flap, err... I mean valk. I also had one of the arms not want to stay clipped into the underside of the body, but wiggled the legs a bit and it went in snug and tight. Thankfully the rear flaps aren’t a floppy mess and the nose cone has enough resistance. A bit of messy sprue cuts left here and there though. Maybe I’m too picky. but shouldn’t we be for a AU$280 toy? EDIT: I just remembered my gun strap also has some bad molding on 1 side. *complain complain complain*
  10. 1 of mine has arrived, and it has a faulty wing flap. There is not enough plastic to hold the peg in place. See the other wing Might have to glue that flap. Waiting on the EMS delivery for my other 2.
  11. @jenius Nice transformation guide. I haven't handled my Yamarcadia VF-1s in a while, so this is a nice refresher for when I receive my Ami order. Looking forward to the full review. About the pilot figure size. So while looking into the Hasegawa 1/48 VF-1J kit for the additional decals, I looked at the pilot figure. Looks bigger than the DX Hikaru. Yes? It definitely feels like they have purposely under sized the pilots for the DX series so they can make the 1D with less retooling/resizing in the cockpit area. It was mentioned a few pages back, currently the DX VF-1J looks like it can accommodate 2 seat configuration as there is a lot of equipment behind Hikaru's seating position. So Bandai will probably just adjust the canopy shape for the 1D and put in the 2 seat parts.
  12. TWE seat option part to go with with GBP release.
  13. Maybe they are saving that feature update for the 1D with raised pilot seats option parts. I can’t recall another time in the TV series we see that feature used except in the 1D.
  14. It’s bandai poking fun at how shrimpy Hikaru is.
  15. Then we also need additional canopy also with matching tampo for Roy and Hikaru. Oh wait. It’ll be TWE option parts. Yay!
  16. Received my Ami shipping email. Those guys working hard to get through their back log.
  17. It’s not required, but I find a matte coat adds that little touch that makes it look really nicer. Nicer than a matte finish plastic has. I’m not experienced with washes for the panel lining, but from what I remember from tutorial videos I have watched they do recommend to apply a complete gloss coat first which helps the wash run through the panel lines more smoothly. Once it’s dry you apply a matte coat to seal it all in (or another gloss if you prefer a gloss finish). I think another reason for the initial gloss coat is actually for application of water slide decals as they adhere better to a smooth surface as opposed to a matte one. I think with no initial coat ist will be fine though. If the surface is the same as the HMR line then you can apply a water based wash right into the panels no problem.
  18. I normally use grey copic marker as the tip is smaller than the Gundam marker panel lining pen. I think it’s 1/2 the size. But... on all my latest work I used Gundam real touch markers to weather the panel lines and edges which provided a subtle panel line + the weathering effect. On some parts a line still needs to be added, but it depends on the depth of the line. Also some silver dry brushed over metallic surfaces. Once that is done I spray a matte coat to lock it all in. This is the kind of finish I end up with. I’ve never worked with a completely white valk before, but I’m relieved that the DX is more a grey white so that should be easier to work with without the weathering looking too heavy.
  19. Also additional decals added to that Toysdaily one. Ejection triangles, 101, UN Spacy on tail fins etc. Perhaps I'll have to look into getting some Hasegawa 1/48 decals now. I wonder why the owner did not panel line front and back of the shoulders. Looks very nice overall! I'm excited to work on weathering mine. I love the panel lines on Bandai's molds. I've said it before; Arcadia need to improve in that department.
  20. I feel like it’s just us hardcore fans who love the military paint schemes. The customers the KO companies are going for just want the popular anime paint schemes so we can only continue to dream and wish.
  21. You don’t have to feel like it is a waste. I was contemplating going SAL Parcel for my Ami order, but the compensation for lost parcel or damage is tiny just to save $20 AUD. It was a small price to pay for piece of mind compared to the total payment. For something this expensive I didn’t want to risk it.
  22. I’d definitely have to include the GBP in my collection if it comes bundled with grey goggles. Bandai move: just includes the head for you to swap out...
  23. Bandai gotta milk this mold and rake in the money. They released so many Metal Build Exia variants. Ami is back to work today correct? I imagine we will see shipping activity as early as 4 hours from now and throughout their work day.
  24. Fortunately I paid my Amiami order using PayPal before the AUD dropped ¥2 overnight Too bad I couldn’t prepay ahead of the drop. Would have been nice to pay when it was above ¥80.
  25. Plamax 1/10 scale! LOL!
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