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Everything posted by DWN013

  1. Wait, so you're going to paint a 1A solid MCPO green with a gold eye? ... I was going to come up with something witty, but now that I think about it, that sounds damn cool!
  2. Hey, don't know if I'm the first to notice but the SMS stands and super packs are up for preorder on HLJ.
  3. Also, About the top half of that pic: Ranka's left hand knows what's up.
  4. Those are actually the swiveling leg fast pack units on the VF-17 there. From the MMM: fighter battroid details I was pretty sure I read somewhere that they were officially droptanks, but can't remember where... maybe it was the yamato instructions or something... but I had assumed they were droptanks initially anyway, just seems obvious to me... maybe they were coincidentally empty when shin jettisoned his weapons.
  5. I don't remember seeing this in any of the discussions on here when ep 25 came out, but anyone noticed this before? When battle frontier swoops in and daedalus punches battle galaxy, it friggin chops galaxy in half. For a half second you can see the top move away from the bottom.
  6. Holy crap, those are awesome. I'm most interested in your triple reaction missile mount, how did you do it?
  7. Thanks, glad you like 'em!
  8. I don't have any interest in the Max 1S either, but I'm glad they released it. It's a good sign. Since it was never done as a 1/48, hopefully this means they're gonna release more they didn't (really) do as 1/48s, like the Max and Kakizaki TV 1As. And the 1D still looks stellar.
  9. Also, if the finlets folded up (against the sides) instead of down, it would be accurate to the re-entry mode seen in the show. But down-folding finlets is close enough for me. On another note, yesterday I thought of a mouth-watering, only-in-your-dreams yamato set: a 1/60 'support' 3 pack with a lancer, cat's eye and ghost.
  10. You have TV arm units on your 1S strike?
  11. Yeah, I meant the 1/48 S can't do it. Specifically it can't recreate the scene where Hikaru cuts open the bulkhead to Misa.
  12. I did that with the 1/60 2.0: Here's something the 1/48 can't do: More in the Pose thread. Also, my 2 cents on the 1S colors thing... Roy is by far my favorite, 'cause he's VF-84 Jolly Rogers.
  13. Reactions away, one Thur-salon down! Too bad he forgot about the incoming missiles. Crap! Re-entry mode. Hold on, Misa! Cut that bulkhead, Hikaru!
  14. Page 2? For shame. So here's the final battle loadout and Misa rescue special. (forgive the lighting, I had to make due with the sub-optimal conditions at my parent's for thanksgiving.)
  15. Pass, but I would be all over a green TV version.
  16. Those regult and gnerl shot-down stickers are epic, does the normal tomahawk come with those? I have a normal one on the way...
  17. Infinity out of the ones that are actually sung in-universe, but if we're talking all frontier music I'd have to say The target.
  18. Thanks man. Also, leveling up the spartan, defender and (to a lesser extent) phalanx is an absolute cakewalk on SDF level 12 (big escape). Just fill up the SP gauge once and you can pretty much infinite chain their mech specials, gold SS rank every time. If only fully upgrading my fave destroid, the tomahawk, were so easy... its special is pretty much bosses-only...
  19. I've taken some pics, but can't find how to access them... so how do you save and/or access the pic's you've taken?
  20. Don't know if this has been posted before, I just noticed it while checking lunar's status... http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=5415 Apparently five short SD frontier parodies aired or announced today, done by Studio Nu. Anyone hear of these things before?
  21. Add mine to the 'perfect' list, epic bird is epic.
  22. I noticed this yesterday... on my 1/60 YF-21, in the main gear wheel wells, the white paint is starting to get kinda messed up where the tires touch the surface when stowed. I guess rubber and paint don't play well together, since the nose gear wheel on my SV-51 removed some of the white paint from the mudguard. Not really a big deal but I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else's YF-21s.
  23. Hey fellas, first post, been lurking here for 6 months, etc, etc... Anyway, here's some low vis 2 love. Spotting a threat at 2 o'clock high, he reaches for his gunpod.
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