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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. I'd like a remake...
  2. Actually I think Mikimoto is pretty sober on this. He doesn't overexpose his characters for fan-service like Ebata does most of the time... (a habit she developed when designing Hentai characters). Risa Ebata's designs look waaay better when done by Mikimoto...
  3. Don't think so. The "Birdman" Protoculture mecha from Macross Zero was waaaay more advanced than anything shown before and it is already millenia old... Well, the final episode of Frontier showed that the "Birdman" from Zero was made by the Protoculture based on the Vajra Queen, not the other way around... so Glaugs and Regults are more likely to have been developed by them to resemble the Vajra to an extent. In fact... my theory is that the Vajra inhabited the same star system as the Protoculture and they got some ai-kuns somehow and researched them to develop space fold.
  4. While searching for more promotional art I found a video made with all the awesome ads for the pachinko game in YouTube... (This is the closest thing to a Macross Live Action Movie right now...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCtTUvZzA4w
  5. Good night, sweet prince... Thanks, is beautiful. Do you have the source of this image? (The official site for the pachinko game I guess?) Btw... I found this (apparently) official movie promotional image (movie poster? flyer?) in both 4chan and Daanboru... It has the new "Tornado" pack in it... and the movie release date...
  6. I'm with Haruhiko Mikimoto's designs all the way. It is not the same as it was before, but still looks excellent, fluid and up to date. Risa Ebata's art looks more cold and "plastic" to me... And too many artists already have her style these days...
  7. LOL, there's nothing wrong with you man. I'm 33 years old and loved Bayformers designs & effects (but hated the plot). I loved Frontier and Zero. Liked Plus and II. Think 7 was okay. And love the original SDF and DYRL above all the others... DYRL because of the animation and SDF because of nostalgia (and the fact that it was the first). I don't think is an age think. But I've been told that I'm a pretty open-minded & adaptable person too... Must be a matter of taste though, hehe...
  8. I couldn't have said it better myself...
  9. Well, I found these in the web. They are not line art per se, but they are pretty well done...
  10. Thanks. Here are some pieces of fan art I found in 4chan... (love the "Monster pack"...)
  11. What the... "A tragedy"? "Escaping from this fate"? What the hell? Man... But that's the whole anti-war point of this series!!! Zentradi were denied culture by the Protoculture, and humanity showed them the way to be free through culture. Otherwise Zentradi would have kept being the living weapons they were and all those fleets would have continued destroying civilizations for milenia until the automated factories would malfunction or the Zentradi start destroying themselves, leaving the galaxy a deserted battleground void of inteligent life. Now Zentradi have the choice to live their life the way they see fit. Materialistic society? I think that one died in 2009... The fleets have their own mini-versions of it, but not as bad as the one the original Earth had before the holocaust.
  12. I know, I know. LOL. Sorry, couldn't resist...
  13. Check out the official Macross page... (Macross The First animated?)
  14. I'm telling you people, Macross the First animated for 2012...
  15. But she has green hair...!!! *sobs*
  16. LOL... Well, for what is worth... the man has been involved on so many anime projects doing anything from the story to the mecha designs that I really don't blame him about it. Give the guy a break... Btw... Wait until you see the Macross The First Manga... Just another Macross production with different uniform, mecha and situations on it...
  17. Episode 12 has lots of Zentradi designs from the TV series... Kawamori himself said that each Macross production is different since they are all fictional accounts of the same story...
  18. Macross Ultimate Frontier videogame wallpaper...
  19. You need a mouse, brown paint, lots of cotton and lots of glue...
  20. Found this one at 4chan a while ago... I don't think it has been posted here before... (I use part of it as my avatar as you all can see, hehehe...)
  21. Meet the Saotomes... Daanboru has the translations of all the text. Someone should edit the images with them...
  22. Same here. My first contact with Macross was through Robotech. I watched DYRL for the first time in 1998 and understood pretty much anything. By that time I already knew Macross was the original japanese series but I didn't know why DYRL was different. Actually I didn't care at all. All I cared for were the mecha and the action sequences. I was very surprised at the quality of the animation, which I found amazing for a 1984 anime film. I still think that DYRL is the best hand-made anime mecha film ever made... The only other hand-made sci-fi anime film nearly as good released before DYRL must be Final Yamato (1983), but DYRL designs look waaay more advanced and sophisticated than any other hand-made anime film from the early 80s.
  23. I like the name too. Wow... looks interesting. Perhaps the N.U.N.S. (I see the NUNS logo on its left wing) YF-25 Prophecy will be the prototype of S.M.S.'s VF-25 Messiahs. Maybe at the begining of the movie Alto and Ranka will fly it instead of Gilliam's VF-25...
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