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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. I read somewhere that the SV-51 was designed for combat since the begining and was more stable during battle, able to hover and with VTOL in fighter mode. However, it consumed its fuel pretty fast due to its engines and had slow transformation times. The VF-0 on the other hand was a rushed combat capable prototype, with little underwater operations capacity, no outerspace operations capacity, overheating engine problems, low ammunition and no VTOL in Gerwalk mode... All in all, the VF-1 is waaay superior to them, despite the lack of passive stealth. I don't think is fair to put the VF-1 in the same league of the Macross Zero valkyries...
  2. Any official announcement about the release date for the Macross F Movie Blu-Ray/DVD?
  3. Holy Deculture!!!! Those clips are even better. God... They deserve a standalone DVD release... Hope they do that someday...
  4. Wow... This video made me want a remake even more... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPYF_9ciYdI
  5. That's actually a good thing...
  6. Indeed. I didn't even think about that...
  7. Is that a guy dressed like Ranka? LOL who is he? Me too. And I like it... This film I bet the second film will cover that... and more!
  8. What about a TV series focusing on the valkyries. It could be about different one-episode-long short stories related to each and every valkyrie model ever produced... including those dark game designs... There are like 30+ valkyries, right?
  9. Weren't both shows sponsored by some of the same companies? I wouldn't be surprised if there was some influence there. Also of note is the fact that Frontier started just as the first season of 00 ended.
  10. Just found this on 4chan...
  11. Actually information about the characters and units of 00 was revealed in summer 2008. Mikhail and his sniper variant first appeared in April 2009. That's nearly 10 months...
  12. LOL, Because many of my female friends love it... (just for the characters) That's why I call it the Beverly Hills 90210/Gossip Girl/Twilight of mecha anime. Gundam 00 Season 1 first trailer aired on June 2, 2007. The show ran from October 6, 2007 to March 29, 2008. Macross Frontier Deculture Edition was aired on December 23, 2007. The actual series ran from April 3, 2008 to September 25, 2008. Nuff' said...
  13. While I liked the idea of sniper mecha and the way it was depicted in Frontier, I must add that it was obviously taken from Gundam 00.... a very very overhyped anime (I've seen it and re-seen and I still do not like it!!!). I agree with Itano's complaints about how most mecha anime today is just following trends. Not true innovation anymore...
  14. Whoa... Is Itano a mechanical designer too?
  15. Some Zentradi ships...
  16. Macross: The Super Valks Super Show!!!
  17. Whoa... Nice design. Where is it from? Looks like an improved Nousjadeul Ger....
  18. Yep, but I wanted to learn everybody else's opinion about a remake... so I started this thread and made the poll focusing more on the SDF remake, inspired by the CGI footage seen in the new Fever Macross pachinko game...
  19. Indeed. Don't get me wrong. I love the original. What I meant was that it would be interesting to see it redone with Frontier style animation (or better!) and some new alternate designs from that era that didn't appear in the first series (imagine the SDP-1 Stampede or some VF-0s thrown in for fun).
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