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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. I believe it also must have something to do with the amount of resources available. U see... Is very logical to think that a full grown Zentradi will consume waaay more resources than a micloned one. So, I really found the decision of banning macronization from the reconstructing/post-holocaust Earth to be sound & right for the times... Maybe that is also a factor when enabling miclonization to an individual in the colonization fleets. Since Macross Frontier is such a big self-sufficient colony rich of vital resources no wonder there are macronized Zentradi communities there...
  2. That goes in the episode 6 thread... After watching Macross Seven & Macross Zero I realized the Protoculture were waaaaay more advanced than the technology used by the Zentradi. All Zentradi hardware was produced in automated factories scattered across the galaxy, so the technology was very very dated since the times of the Stellar Republic's Schism Wars from 498,140 years ago. The AFOS in the other hand was from 497,970 years ago... when humanity (a sub-Protoculture) was created from mutating the existing hominids that lived on Earth (the Birdman itself caused it). All this happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. So by now is very probable the Protoculture are extinct & the Vajra are just what is left of their biogenetic technology... (I believe the bugs could be some sort of automated defense that keeps anything out of the center of the galaxy.... where the remains of the Protoculture lived). Perhaps there's some sort of intelligent PC biomechanical device that is leading the Vajra (since they have almost no brain)... a Brainbug?. Well... more than her emotions the AFOS seemed to react to her chant. Btw... I re-watched Zero not long ago & yes... The AFOS had lots of that purple stuff in it... (maybe it was all made of that stuff!).
  3. I believe so. But I'm convinced they're after the pink crystals... not the people. That's why they got Luca... because of the device in his VF. I bet Ranka has some crystal implanted in her belly too... that's why it protruded & started to glow...
  4. I just thought of other names beside "VF-27 Slayer"... VF-27 DIAMOND VF-27 EARRING (The marks on the VF-27 have the same shape of Sheryl's earrings!!!)
  5. That sounds pretty far out & interesting... I like it! That is the best translation/explanation ever. It seems to me those pink crystals must enable an easier fold communication & could help avoid fold dislocation. Maybe the Fold transmission device in Luca's VF had that type of crystal. Perhaps that's what the Vajra are after... Maybe it lures them somehow... That's why they attacked Frontier in the first place... & why they captured Luca instead of killing him. Where's Ranka's crystal I wonder????
  6. From the Macross Compendium... "Howard Glass is the president of the New U.N. and administrative director of the Macross Frontier fleet. He carries the authority and bears the responsibility of the political decisions in various situations of space travel to keep civilian lives safe...".
  7. AaaaaAAAAH!!!!! U just gave me an idea for a new Micloned Zentradi mech!!!!! THANX!!!
  8. Babel Fish translation: "[makurosu] VF-X2 The lens which is discovered to super spatial resonance lens 2043. Spatial resonance phenomenon is caused by giving the vibration of wave length of specification. It is said that communication and super space flight of the next generation are made possible..." It makes sense to me... perhaps that's the material they used for Richard Bilrer's Ring, Sheryl's earring, Brera's clip & Ranka's... protrusion?
  9. I humbly correct myself... YOU WERE RIGHT!!! The VF-27 IS N.U.N.S.!!!!
  10. Indeed. I couldn't see the logo because I have the Low RES FLV version of the episode. Now I see it clearly. Is like the one in the uniform of Kathy Glass. Could this mean that the VF-27 was developed by studying the Vajra "corpse"? It may be a fusion of Vajra/VF-25 technology...
  11. Nope... Harmonica is N.U.N.S... Check it out... This must mean that Leon knows about Ranka's origin/abilities (like it seemed from previous episodes) & Ranka has some kind of relation to Brera Sterne...
  12. Nonono... I know is N.U.N.S.... Just didn't watch it clearly until I brightened the image... So the other "alien symbols" must be only some kind of tech patterns... But they aren't Zentradi like I said before... (unless they are Protoculture & Mr. Bilrer is one of them, hehe).
  13. Wow!!! Nope... Hehehe... Thx for the pic. So the VF-27 is N.U.N.S. That would explain why it shot the small Vajra onboard the carrier & didn't help S.M.S. (expendables?). Perhaps its orders were to observe & recollect data from the Vajra. I bet the VF-27 was made from merging Vajra technology & the VF-25... So Leon/Bilrer are really the bad guys!!! Galactic Conspiracy!!!! If the Vajra aren't Mr.Bilrer's creations, they must be... PROTOCULTURE!!!!
  14. Not quite... (like I said before... a lot, hehe).
  15. "Ranka (with protrusion) = Shin + Sara? Mmmmh... Futanari dreaming? Try again Try again...!!!" LMAO No really... Just kidding. Btw... I see NO NUNS LOGO in the VF-27/Harmonica/Crimson VF.... & Those symbols aren't Zentradi. I think they are from some other faction not yet shown (Protoculture or Anti-NUNS). Mr. Bilrer seems like he is very fascinated by the battle... almost like a child watching a cartoon. I have the theory that he may be some kind of Protoculture outcast that is making mankind + cultured Zentradi fight creations of his (The Vajra) to turn them into a warrior civilization (like the Zentradi were originally)... This could fit the Shiva (God of War/Destruction) look of his... Perhaps Brera is trying to stop him... Or maybe Brera is some sort of supervisor that was sent by Bilrer to make sure everything goes according to his plans (He shot Luca's gunpod to keep Alto from fighting him...). So many possibilities... Another question I have... Why on Earth did the Vajra captured Luca? This was the first time ever them destructive bugs attempted something other than mercilessly destroying everything on sight... Could it be because he was young? Or like it has been posted earlier... for interrogation? Or because he was from a rich family & Mr. Bilrer didn't want him killed?
  16. I Couldn't have said it better myself, hehe...
  17. OH-MY-GOD!!!! Futanari... (Getting tired of the word, bleh...)
  18. Sorry Ranka, but after watching episode 7... My favorite character may very well be Bobby Margot... (Let's see what happens next though, hehehe...)
  19. ...since it was the only other variable fighter seen in thew whole episode beside the VF-25... Futanari Spiritia Dreaming... (TRY AGAIN!!!! TRY AGAIN!!!!)
  20. The VF-27 looks a lot like the M7 Varauta mecha to me... Must be the "fold without a booster" thing... its beam gun & its speed... Yes... The wings must have mini-fold generators in those engine-looking things... The cockpit looks very very advanced too...
  21. Make a screen capture... So we all can see the "protrusion" & the so-called "protruberance"... *yuck*
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