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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. I started this thread as a means of talking about the different theories regarding the plot of Frontier. Anything from what the Vajra are, who is controlling them, what factions are involved, etc. Everything is a go... from the wild far-out fan speculation to actual realistic and probable theories... Here goes one from me... The VF-27s seen so far (Brera's crimson one and the 2 green cannon fodder seen at the end of episode 7) were indeed Galaxy/NUNS property, BUT got stolen/hacked during the attack on the Galaxy fleet. The VF-27 seems to be Virtual Reality controlled and we all know Galaxy Cyborgs can use VR. Some unknown faction from Galaxy caused the attack to steal the prototypes. Grace O'Connor and Brera Sterne are both part of that faction... The Vajra are creations of the Protoculture (hence the spiral markings) but were found by this unknown faction, who maybe even experimented on the bugs to make them the biological weapons they are now... Also of note is the fact that the Vajra started appearing in 2040, the same year of the Sharon Apple incident... Perhaps remains of Sharon Apple were transmitted to the Galaxy fleet, where it took control of some cyborgs and they unleashed the Vajra and are bent on humanity destruction? (Very DUNE like, hehe...).
  2. All that joking/mockering of Macross 7 will invoke the Macross 7 spirit to spread all over this series... (You have been warned, hehe...)
  3. I just hope you don't end up hating Macross Zero (and Mr. Kawamori) after that... like most so called Macross fans were... Macross Frontier has lots of links to Zero... I loved it, hehe... (Hell, I love anything Macross!!!)
  4. Like Michael would say... "Oooooooooh...*!", hehe... Let me correct that... I find the shield transformation design and placement very similar in both the VF-19 and the VF-25... (Happy now?) Btw... The VF-25's Knife goes in the shield, and the knife seems to have some type of energy shield... So is logical to assume the Knife itself is the pin-point barrier (PPB) generator. But this is just my own little personal opinion, hehehe...
  5. Btw... another thing I find very similar between the VF-19/VF-25 is the shield/pin-point barrier design...
  6. Actions? Insults? Again, not my words... And still no mention of the VF-19...
  7. Notice how you never mention that he created the variable fighter designs for SDFM... (just an observation, hehe). I thought the thing in discussion here (the "MF mecha thread") was only the VF-25 design? Not the "General Director" or "Supervising Director" function in a Macross anime? What do those have to do with the design of the VFs I wonder? Thanks dude. Couldn't have said it better myself...
  8. Again putting words in my mouth. Never said that everything Kawamori says is infallible. I just can't figure out why would he give innacurate information about a design he created himself? As a mecha designer I find no logic in that... If he says the VF-25 is based in the VF-1 and the VF-19, I just trust him... plain and simple.
  9. That's ... http://img378.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ne01oa7.jpg U wish... He looks more like ...
  10. Mmmh... I must admit I admire him a lot, but never EVER used the word "God". Never said he did the original Chō Jikū Yōsai Makurosu all by himself. So don't put words in my mouth. I like to create mechas myself and some of the worst things you can do to a designer is to question his design ideas and/or not give him the credit he deserves for what he created. I hardly believe there would be any Macross (Not the one we know at least) if it weren't for him, specially since he practically designed each and every variable fighter in the Official Macross Continuity. Again, the VF-25 is his and only HIS creation... Nobody else's. You all got to take that into account when implying things that descredit him as such... If he says the VF-25 is based in the VF-1 and the VF-19, I believe the man's word waaay above any type of fanboyish remarks and/or useless intrigue... Read what I just said... I guess that should go in the newbies Questions thread...
  11. 4CHAN of course...
  12. Doesn't surprise me at all, since Kawamori also designed the SV-51. The SV-51 design came after the VF-19 design, so is logical to assume that he used elements of the VF-19 on the SV-51. And the VF-25 design came after the one for the SV-51, so is obvious he used elements from the VF-19 on it too...
  13. ...and you also forgot to mention Kazutaka Miyatake, the "Silent Backbone of Studio Nue"... (he created the SDF-1, lots of ships, the Destroids and the Zentradi power suits for crying out loud!!!). He is currently a conceptual designer for Macross Frontier too... Btw... I really can't understand what does Ranka hair or the original Macross have to do with the design of the VF-25? I thought that was the only thing in discussion here. Shoji Kawamori is the person who designed the VF-25... No one else... If he says is based on the VF-19, then VF-19 it is... nothing more, nothing less... Let me see... What should I trust more? The opinion of Macross Mecha Designer (and Anime Legend) Shoji Kawamori... or The opinion of a fan... (Mmmmh... a tuff one!)
  14. AFAIK The Macross Compendium is an online guide to the official Macross universe.
  15. As said in the Macross Compendium VF-25 "Messiah" Article... "According to Kawamori, the VF-25 is a deliberate attempt to move away from the silhouettes of current real-world fighters, which are dominated by an emphasis on (passive) stealth. He also notes that since this is the first major Valkyrie that transforms in all modes with its Armored parts still attached, he gave the unarmored fighter a slim profile. He thinks the VF-25 resembles a slimmer VF-1 Valkyrie in Fighter mode, but transforms like a VF-19 Excalibur." I believe u ppl should visit that site waaay more often, hehe...
  16. Hehehe... Just before I became a member I believe, hehe...
  17. Working on it... AFAIK Shoji Kawamori himself said that the VF-25 looks like a modern, slimmer rendition of the VF-1, but transforms like the VF-19...
  18. I dunno why, but Brera Sterne reminds me of Quamzin Kravshera a lot... I just hope he and Ozma Lee don't end up killing each other in battle later...
  19. Yes!!! I'm so happy to be wrong, hehehe... (Now the rest of the Pixie Squadron please...). Btw... Check out this images!!! There's a plethora of Macross F cosplayers outthere... They're so fast!!!! Only 9 episodes so far and they already have made pretty detailed costumes!!!!!
  20. How come there aren't any Zentradi costumes? If I did cosplay, I would make a Vrithwai costume...
  21. Minky Momo Macross
  22. Nope... It was used by Yellow Belmont to kill an Inibit in one episode of Genesis Climber Mospeada... (And it was messy!!!) Indeed. I think the VF-27 and the VF-25 are parallel designs. Like the VF-22 and VF-19, one is apparently more advanced than the other, but each one has its own advantages. The VF-25 seems more versatile and better for multiple tasks with all those add-ons... The VF-27 is more "hit and run"...
  23. ...Which could have been hacked/stolen as well... I believe the whole point of the episode 9 story was to show how they need each other to be effective against such a formidable foe like Brera Sterne. Against the VF-27 Alto needs Michael for the kill shot. Even Michael skills aren't enough to get the VF-27 (due to its speed) without Alto's help to have it slowed/stopped...
  24. I agree to all that. However, there's always the possibility that whoever owns the VF-27 just stole it/hacked it (Like Ranka's promotion site was) from Galaxy Fleet... (Under suspicion... Grace, Brera and other cyborgs... Bilrer?). I'm loving the cyber-punk inspired cyborg/corporate elements from the show more and more... The Vajra may have been unleashed by them too... I believe that the Vajra were indeed created by the Protoculture... that's why they have spirals (Those marks may be genetically coded in them). Some party discovered the Vajra eggs and is using them to cause trouble for their own agenda... (like I always said, the best way to sell weapons of war is to create war). Again... these guys must be pretty dangerous since they don't care for lives... damned utilitarians!!! I'm convinced that in the end is not a matter of civil/cold war between colonies... but a matter of "Corporations/Ppl screwing each one up to get o goddamned percentage"... if u know what I mean.... Of course... A way of the Macross F producers to make the audience relate the VF-27 as a nemesis/baddie valk like the SV-51 was in Zero...
  25. Yes!!! No way. She is a cyborg. Brera is a cyborg. I still think she is the one pulling Brera's strings and maybe she talked about Michael's sister on purpose. What faction they belong to is beyond me, but judging by their methods must be the bad guys... (end-justify-the-means types... the worst ones...). AFAIK they must have come from Galaxy... (Grace is from Galaxy and the VF-27 has Galaxy NUNS logos on it). The Vajra are living weapons... and perhaps an experiment/research on some creations of the Protoculture by NUNS that went horribly wrong... I used to believe they were PC controlled, but now I think that... while the Vajra were indeed created by PC, they are now being used or experimented upon by NUNS or some other party (Corporates? Weyland Yutani? SMS? Anti-NUNS? endless possibilities...).
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