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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. I believe that was already posted a while ago... Now, more Klan...
  2. Maybe she did it all by herself?
  3. I just thought of something right from the tale of "Snow White"... What if Ranka is the one luring the Vajra? Maybe Ozma's original orders were to kill her and he just couldn't do it (another reason to leave NUNS). Maybe that's why he has cared for her since and became a heavy drinker...
  4. I believe is kind of a tragedy that Klan Klan is perhaps the only girl in the whole show who really cares for Michael Blanc despite his flaws (womanizing anyone?). She seems to be in love with him (remember her tears on episode 9), but sadly that's a relationship that will never be... (for obvious reasons). Go Macro Michel!!!!
  5. That page seems Korean.... Am I right?
  6. A good reason to buy a PSP...
  7. Finally... This is what happens when u mess with Klan, hehehe... (posted under permission, hehe)
  8. I found a couple of images in 4chan that is somewhat riske... Well... One is of Michael's VF grabing one of Klan's boobs in a joking manner... Could I post it? The next image shows Klan punching Michael's VF in the head after that... Those are supposed to be satirical/funny pics, not erotic... But with the mods, who knows... Whaddyall think? Do I post them? Need some help here...
  9. Man, I hope it didn't scare him...
  10. Wow... Excellent work!!!
  11. I believe that has been discussed already in the Mecha/Tech thread... The official word from Kawamori is that it resembles the VF-1 and transforms like the VF-19. However, many ppl have pointed out that it transforms more like the SV-51. I believe the SV-51's transformation was also derived from that of the VF-19 (from a designing point of view), so both statements are technically true, hehe...
  12. Mine too!!! Man... Need... Macross... Frontier... Fix...
  13. Maybe the faction is Anti-N.U.N.S. and they plan on using the VAJRA to destroy NUNS or descredit it... who knows...?
  14. Maybe they retained some characteristics from the AFOS (like the spirals), but the AFOS seemed sentient. The Vajra on the other hand are mindless drones...
  15. Hehehe... I believe the Vajra don't have a Queen per se... it is more like they are mindless drones that react to music/sound/sound energy/whatever... I mention this cause this kinda fits with another theory of mine... Sheryl was created as the owner of the Song of Destruction/War/Death. That's why the first Vajra attack ocurred when she gave her first concert at Frontier. Grace is an agent of some faction that's controlling Shery. Maybe her songs have that effect or were created for that end too. Now, Ranka is the opposite. She owns the Song of Creation/Peace/Life. Dr. Mao created her as a fail safe if the Vajra went amok or were used for destructive purposes (like they have been). That's why the Vajra stop each time Ranka screams. Also of notice is the fact that the Vajra at the Island 3 lab awakened when Ranka sang a Sheryl song... Maybe the song that will end the Vajra menace is "AIMO" only if is sang by Ranka. That's why the faction controlling Sheryl want Ranka death/captured/whatever, hehe...
  16. Yes. However... I believe more in the "cloned from the AFOS" theory. The spirals could be a genetic mark from its blood left by the Protoculture technology...
  17. There was a Destroid Mecha never used in the original SDF Macross (only pre-production designs exist) called Masamune... I believe Kazutaka Miyatake designed it (just like the rest of the Destroids, hehe)...
  18. For me the best episode so far has been 7 (First Attack). It seems to be the only one so far where we humans kicked the bugs' rear good. I also liked the first one (Deculture Edit) and 4 a lot... Man... Need... Macross... Frontier... Fix...
  19. It seems to be a (beautiful!) pre-production sketch made by Kawamori. I wonder if the S.M.S. VF-25 will be equipped later with a BF Beam Gun, since beam weapons seem more effective against the Vajra... Man... Need... Macross... Frontier... Fix...
  20. I re-watched the episode with spanish subtitles, and there the agent/Grace words when mentioning the Hydra to Leon were something like "Eventually you will know how terrible the Vajra really are...". Maybe the agent was refering to 1) The V-Type infection, which is perhaps what is causing the Vajra to attack the fleet... Or 2) Maybe the agent's faction were controlling the Hydra and they wanted Ranka dead, since she seems to be stopping the Vajra from attacking Frontier with all their force...
  21. I wonder how many people who hate either show have really EVER watched them... I used to say Macross 7 was crap... but I saw it entirely (including 1 of the OVAS and the Encore). I must say that, while I still like the other Macross shows more, it is not as bad as I thought... In fact, I've come to accept this series over the years and like the mecha (the VF-19, VF-22, The Quaedlunn Ouilqua and the Varauta Mecha above all) and some of the characters a lot (Exsedol Folmo and Max mostly, hehe)... "Fleet of The Strongest Women" was kewl and funny too, hehe... I saw the Macross II Movie. I liked the designs and the animated film since the first time I saw it. I'm kind of surprised it wasn't included in the continuity by Studio Nue (anything is possible if u want to, hehe)... I'm a fan of Shoji Kawamori's work, but the designs by Ohata Koichi hit the spot right for me at least, hehe...
  22. Hehehe... I remember someone once said that man is the only animal stupid enough to make the same mistake twice... Anyway... I believe Sheryl will end up being a clone... the ultimate humiliation for someone as full of pride for being 100% natural as her, hah... Maybe Ranka is a cyborg (like Brera) and she doesn't know it... (and she has a Super Dimension Crystal as reactor/power source).
  23. Somebody should do this costumes... VF Girls need someone to dogfight with, hehe...
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