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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. Highly unlikely given the scarce resources the U.N. Spacy had after Space War I ended that also led to smaller ship development. What do you think was the reason for all those Guantanamo class carriers? Memory of Global refers to a memorial in honor of Bruno J. Global... in this case the SDF-1...
  2. Then it must have been put there for humanity's safety!!!! Perhaps that's where the SDF crystals and the Vajra eggs are produced... Tehmzin was protecting Grace's faction operation there... Maybe the Vajra Queen eats SD Energy and converts it into crystals... After all, the SDF energy that powered the shield of the original SDF-1 (created after the Fold system dissapeared) may be still inside the ship...
  3. Oops... Just disabled the multiple answer option...
  4. Damn... Hehehe... Is there a way of correcting it?
  5. Just started a poll about the whole Macross or not debate...
  6. What do you think? Was that the Macross? Or a sister ship? Answer the poll plz...
  7. Right now I am more and more convinced that Macross Frontier is going to be the end-all-be-all Macross series like the rumors said it was going to be before it aired... First we had Macross Seven and Zero References... Now Episode 12 brings us original Macross and DYRL ones (Tehmzin, Ohtogwhai, the SDF-1). What's next...? Flashback 2012? The Megaroad??? With everything that's happened so far I wouldn't be surprised if we finally find out what happened to Hikaru, Misa and Minmay... These are pretty exciting times to be a Macross fan...
  8. That was a looong time ago... I'm glad Macross II is being revisited. Perhaps finally it will be integrated into the official universe... like I said before... with a little imagination anything is possible... Loved Ohata Koichi designs on Mac II btw... More and more I'm convinced Macross Frontier is going to be the end-all-be-all Macross series like the rumors said it was going to be before it aired...
  9. Yep... until we all watch Memory of Global... ...Bruno J. Global... Who was captain of the SDF-1 Macross once... A ship that looked a lot like the one Ranka found on Galia 4...
  10. It's been debated a lot whether ot not the events of DYRL and/or the TV series are official. Here is what Kawamori himself said in an interview regarding the canonity of both DYRL and SDF Macross... Interviewer: It seems many American fans tend to thing of the Macross movie as the "official" Macross continuity. What's your opinion? Kawamori: Consider real history. Many different stories have been created based on the same historical facts, haven't they? For example, there are many stories about World War II. It's the same thing with Macross. The real Macross is out there, somewhere. If I tell the story in the length of a TV series, it looks one way, and if I tell it as a movie-length story, it's organized another way.
  11. I can't wait to see the 33th Zentradi Marines fight the Vajra with those...
  12. Of course... The whole Zentradi who fly Q-Rheas aren't manly seems pretty stupid to me... The Q-Rheas are superior to the Nousjas... And according to the Macross Compendium, Zentradi males have been flying the Rheas since ancient times too... We are talking mecha here, not a woman's dress... jeez.
  13. O.k., let me correct that... Epísode 13 is called Memory of Global because the ship shown at the end of Episode 12 was Global's ship once... (see the relation?) Add to this what was said in next episode's preview and it becomes obviously clear that the ship is the original Macross...
  14. My point was that instead of discussing whether or not is the original Macross... we should ask ourselves why in blazes was the SDF-1 in Galia 4? This is what we should be talking about, not complicating things more creating wild theories about Macross ships used as escorts of colonization fleets when there isn't any official information of such... and actually doesn't make sense, since the U.N. Spacy policy from the start of the colonization fleet program was to have small ships as escorts and not expensive SDF class ones... This is canon too. I believe another thing to consider is the fact that the working title of episode 13 was originally "Twilight Planet" instead of "Memory of Global". Apparently the producers of the show did that for not spoiling the surprise of what was going to be shown at the end of episode 12. Next episode probably will explain things. However, it is an known and official fact that Bruno J. Global was the captain of the SDF-1 once and he didn't have any other ship after that one, ergo... the ship in Galia 4 was Global's ship... the SDF-1.
  15. I hope somebody makes fan art of Themzin or any other Zentradi from Episode 12 soon...
  16. ? Episode 13 preview: "The FIRST Macross ship suddenly appeared. When THIS brave warrior awakes, Alto will experience the fate of planets. Next episode: 'Memory of Global.' Resound through the galaxy, sound of fighting." Sorry, but it just can't be any clearer than that...
  17. Indeed... After all, there's a whole Zentradi Island ship on his own fleet... His comment could have been just a slip of the tongue and nothing more... He's old, u know?
  18. Is because of the color of the glass in their helmets' face plates... It's green... just like the glass in NUNS helmets is orange and the SMS helmets have it violet. I already thought of it here... Indeed... Enought with the Megaroad 01/Macross class ship speculation... The Macross ship at the end of Episode 12 is the original Macross... (according to the Episode 13 preview). From 15 pages back on this thread... Episode 13 preview: "The FIRST Macross ship suddenly appeared. When this brave warrior awakes, Alto will experience the fate of planets. Next episode: 'Memory of Global.' Resound through the galaxy, sound of fighting."
  19. Corrected... It seemed to me that the Zentradi rebels in Episode 12 were Marines (That's why they had Heavy Armor). The Light Armored ones were Navy Soldiers (Stationed in the warship). Btw, does anybody has a pic of the Reaction missiles attached to the Q-Rheas? I didn't expect that mecha to be able to carry such ordinance...
  20. For some strange reason, the official Macross Frontier site has the title of episode 13 as "Twilight Planet", while the preview at the end of episode 12 called it "Memory of Global"... Which is the right one?
  21. Did any of u watch episode 12? I loved the merge of Zentradi designs/tech from both SDF Macross and DYRL...
  22. Actually it appeared to be the Vajra queen seen in the preview... Maybe it was in the sea near the SDF-1 wreckage...
  23. Just found this on 4CHan... BOMBA!!!! (And also more Klan fan art, hehe...)
  24. Just thought of a really grim theory. That the reason why the SDF-1 is on Galia 4 is because it made an emergency fold from a VAJRA INFESTED EARTH... That's why the original UNG was turned into NUNG and the reason to have NUNS hiding things... Maybe the idiots from Grace/Brera/Temzin faction did that by accident. Maybe they wanted to conquer Earth by unleashing the Vajra there but ended destroying/dooming it...
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