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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. Actually the Regults were very well armed (energy weapons galore) and were pretty maneuverable in space. They also were very good and fast mechanized infantry units. In big numbers, they were devastating... They had practically no armor though... (The TIE fighters of the Macross universe...!!!)
  2. Like I said, time was the key factor here. All those resources would have taken time to be harvested. So, in the meantime and with the available resources Megaroad ships were built and launched instead at a rate of 1 or 2 every year (after 2012). No more SDFs were made because the resources needed for those were used in the Megaroad ships and their smaller escorts instead (Guantanamo and Uraga Carriers, Bolognese Frigates and such). A.S.A.P. Colonization was far more important than creating a mighty fighting force for the U.N. Spacy. Years after the Megaroad proved succesful and planets were colonized (2030), resources were directed to ships more similar to the orginal SDF... the New Macross class...
  3. Sorry, hehe. Actually I don't mind something like that (loved Zero). But I'm pretty sure many ppl do...
  4. Perhaps we did, but those resources were not ready to be used in colonization fleets right away... Time would past until the ships of the colonization program were built...
  5. Me too... It seems like model kit box art to me...
  6. Yes, but that's probably the best mecha fan art that I've have seen... Looks a lot like model kit box art...
  7. Thank you all. I will check 4chan regularly for more pics like that one... Yes... I was thinking the same thing. Maybe the artist posted it in 4chan for feedback... Who knows? I just hope I find more mecha art like that soon. I want the Q-Rheas, the Vajra (large and small) and the Monster!!!
  8. Actually, I believe that whoever unleashed the Vajra (NUNS or Grace's faction) didn't expect that virus. The Vajra are the results of experimenting with the Birdman's/Mao Nome's blood... The results of the V-type infection may lead to paranormal effects on humans the likes we have had only glimpses of... we may have not seen anything yet. Mark my words... This show may turn into the Macross Zero type esotherical stuff near the end... Beware...
  9. Well... the art there is nice at least, hehe. Check out what I just found... Could it be official art? I already posted this image in the Mecha thread... Sorry for the re-post, I couldn't resist sharing it here...
  10. I believe the key words here are function and time. Even the SDF-1 couldn't sustain the population it had for great periods of time (remember "Bye Bye Mars"). All that "machinery" in the Megaroad superstructure were habitational/colonization facilities, so I believe that the SDF-1, despite being a great combat vessel, just wasn't fit for the Colonization Program. It was too dependable on resources from Earth and could transport half the population the Megaroad could (40,000 in the SDF-1 vs 80,000 in the Megaroad). The Megaroad is more of an island/carrier combo than a combat ship... Now, after Quamzin's final attack Global realized that the Colonization Program should start A.S.A.P. to avoid humanity from being decimated (by either other Zentradi fleets or Supervision Army survivors). The more colonists that could be transported to other planets, the better... So basically, he had 2 choices: a) Finish the SDF-2, which had great weaponry, BUT consumed lots of energy and resources and could carry only 40,000-50,000 people. b) Modify the SDF-2 into a less armed but better suited for colonization vessel (The Megaroad), which could transport 2 times the amount of colonists (80,000 people) and was less dependable on Earth resources, with Vrlitwhai Kridanik's Nupetiet Vergnitz as escort. Start repairing the SDF-1 to keep it as Earth's permanent defense. I believe the right choice must have been obvious... Afterwards, more Megaroads were produced and they were escorted by refited Zentradi ships and Guantanamo carriers. Then came the Bolognese Frigates and the Uraga Carriers and finally, when more planets were colonized (and the U.N. Spacy had the available resources) came the New Macross class. So this is why I believe the ship we saw at the end of episode 12 was the SDF-1 Macross and nothing else... (You don't wanna know what must have happened in Earth...).
  11. Indeed. Obviously designed more for colonization than space warfare. That's the reason for all those smaller carriers, frigates and refited zent ships as escorts... and not a multi-SDF-1 fleet... just waaay too expensive and energy-consuming (Super Dimension Cannon anyone?)...
  12. Thank you. I'm surprised by the quality of it too... Could it be official art?
  13. Whoa... Now that was extreme... I've read those comics and believe me... there is not such thing in those. Hell... Sometimes I also use the word when I'm in a hurry (and I've seen plenty of ppl use it as well in these forums). HG didn't use that...
  14. Indeed... It had more space for the colonists and less weaponry and energy conversion systems. Very logic... for me at least...
  15. This is even cooler... (Just found it in 4chan).
  16. Of course... That's what I've been saying all along... I want to see the Zentradi Marines blow the Vajra away with those reaction warheads...
  17. That's what I've been saying all along...
  18. Whoa... Highly unlikely. If you have watched each and every one of the Macross F episodes so far you must have realized by now that Grace's faction has something to do with the Vajra and they don't want NUNS/SMS to find out about them. The Vajra aren't sentient and they are bioweapons. They have spirals like the Birdman from Macross Zero, which was made by the Protoculture... Ergo, the Vajra come from the Birdman or were created by the Protoculture too... The Protoculture was super-duper advanced, so overcoming the fold dislocations must have been very easy for them. But after 500,000 years it seems unlikely they exist anymore...
  19. Indeed... More SDFs is not canon (and for me, if is not in the Macross Compendium then it simply doesn't exist in the Macross universe). The UNSpacy wasn't all that high and mighty... They lacked resources to build more SD ships... That's why they relied on smaller carriers/frigates and refited Zentradi ships for the colonization fleets. Actually logic itself dictates that it must be the SDF-1 Macross. Like I just said, after Space War I ended there weren't enough resources to build more SDFs and the Colonization program demanded ships more focused in carrying huge populations than engaging in space warfare (Thus the change from the SDF-2 to the Megaroad configuration). That's why the Guantanamo Class Carriers and the small Bolognese Class Frigates became the main ships produced afterwards... Add to this the fact that the captured factory satellite malfunctioned and it seems highly unlikely that any more SDFs were produced... Colonization fleets with several SDFs just didn't exist in the actual Macross universe... With the official information so far, the ship at the end of episode 12 was the original SDF-1 Macross. We will have to wait until episode 13 is aired for anything that could change that...
  20. The model kits were awesome too...
  21. Well, maybe is also because they are genetically engineered or belong to a different variety. The original animated TV series also had a grey skinned variety (Warera, Vrlitwhai), a violet skinned one (Quamzin, Folmo) and regular colored ones (Milia, Lap Lamiz, Konda, Rori). The green skinned ones come from DYRL...
  22. I already said that I edited it... And nope, they can be edited if you are the one who posted them, hehe...
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