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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. Did you read the Gracelves dialogue I posted? "She's really strong. I've already discarded her, but she lived. Project Fairy has concluded in failure. Fairy 9 is discarded. We've got the precious queen due to this battle. Entering a new stage...". More than killing her, it seems they will simply let her die... which appears to be what is causing her sickness... Sheryl (Fairy 9) is dying...
  2. I kinda agree with your opinion about the Galaxy rogue A.I.s, BUT... Kawamori is a nature loving pacifist and I hardly believe the Vajra are interested at all in taking control of Galaxy. They are really defending themselves/reacting to agression... probably from Galaxy (the true villain here). In the end the plot may turn out like another one of Kawamori's pro-ecology works... "Earth Girl Arjuna"... where the villain monsters turned out to be good in the end... Thx, but I'll stick to my Terraforming Vajra theory...
  3. I'd like someone to make Simpsons/Frontier parody art... With Snake as Ozma, Milhouse as Michael, Martin as Luca, Burns as Leon and so on...
  4. Rules!!!!
  5. Yes... Shoji must have played MGS 2!!! (or 4)
  6. Nope. According to the Compendium its fast expansion and internal riffs led to civil wars (the "Schism Wars"). The "mucking around in bringing in other creatures from other dimensions" was a result of those conflicts... The Protoculture Stellar Republic wasn't really stable... Maybe that's what the Grace-selves want... A totally controlled New Stellar Republic with them as its masters...
  7. I find the pieces of dialogue from Grace-selves pretty interesting... (Kei subs) When they destroyed Galia 4: "Why are you laughing? Isn't that your homeland? Because it has finally ended. So you're going to sacrifice a planet because of that? That lacks elegance. But that's a necessary sacrifice. This is the real beginning of the overture. Exactly. The death of the Songstress of the Galaxy and the annihilation of the Forward Division. The flames of hatred will blaze high. The fold communication waves will be their guide. I wish you all good luck, everyone from the Frontier. Start up complete, beginning reorganization. Wait! The sense organs are not connected yet! But there's no time to lose. The situation is starting to progress, we cannot let this chance pass by. Should I pass the Initiative to you? No thanks. That was originally designed for your body. Fine. Confirmed fold linking. Beginning download. Now, wake up. My other self... No, ourselves..." Mid part... "Index 11983E745, Operation Carnival, code name: Fairy-9, individual name: Sheryl Nome and the start of her galactic concert tour. After 18 months of inspections, our battle target is confirmed to be the 25th fleet, known as the Macross Frontier. The last stop of the concert tour has been specially scheduled there. The main reason is because the bio-plant ship will easily be affected by environmental fluctuation. Also, this is a fleet which doesn't allow implants and cyborgs, which is rare recently. Apart from that, the destination of this fleet is the closest to ours. An additional factor is, code Q1, which was thought to be killed 11 years ago, is reported to be alive on this ship. The priority of searching for her was low back then. Such a warm welcome! They're really carefree, they don't even know we guided Vajra's to this ship. Just like that, the battle between the Vajra's and the Frontier has begun. The completion rate of battles is 72%. What about the remaining 28? The main reason is the miscalculating of the true strength of the private military company, S.M.S. Also, the testing model YF-24, gave an underrated performance rating to the VF-25, which was privately developed by the giant company, LAI. But the biggest miscalculation was Code Q1 - Ranka Lee, showing her ability at that time. Weren't you the one who denied the existence and ability of Q1? Admitting my errors outspokenly is one of my good points. Such a great voice. If I got this footage earlier... You're going to add it to your collection? Just joking. But Major Brera who went into the Vajra's main ship, discovered that Sheryl's voice has been mixed with other fold derivations. Since the proto agreement, it feels like our destines are fooling us. The world which is echoed by the fold strings... She's an interesting child. Not just that she survived, she went back to that place of cause, Gallia-4, to sing. Then, in the second defense battle, the existence of Q1 was confirmed. Operation Carnival was forced to be altered...". When they destroyed Sheryl's blood sample... "She's really strong. I've already discarded her, but she lived. Project Fairy has concluded in failure. Fairy 9 is discarded. We've got the precious queen due to this battle. Entering a new stage...". And then at the end... "Richard Pillard, is he going to pull him over? That Saotome Alto-kun? I don't know what he's thinking... Even though he's kind of cute, he's just a pilot. But there has been a deep connection since, so they're probably going pulled into this. Ranka Lee and Sheryl Nome. Also, Pillard. There are these people who are chosen by time. They're really lucky, no. I mean, really unlucky. But now, the actors are ready and the stage is set. Yes, this is the real beginning. 500 thousand years of protoculture history, might not be able to make the dream stage come true...".
  8. Just watched Kei subs. Maybe that dream is a New Stellar Republic... Perhaps they want to control everything and everyone in the Galaxy and Ranka is the key to that... (By using the Vajra perhaps?).
  9. Actually is more like my head is going to explode during the ending, hahaha...
  10. But the way they talked was strange to me. At times they seemed to utter exactly the same words/laughter at exactly the same time... that didn't seem human at all... more like parallel processing to me... When Grace speaks to Brera in VR space he sounds more "normal" in their talking... I'm getting a Blade Runner/Dune: The Butlerian Jihad feel from this Episode... Bilrer = Tyrell Grace and cohorts = Thinking Machines
  11. Awesome... Thank you very much!!! So Yoko Kanno made the Nyan Nyan song pretty fast, hehe.... and Kawamori created the lyrics of Cosmic Brother Ship...!!!
  12. Indeed. More and more I'm convinced that the Vajra will end up being terraforming bugs, like I mentioned earlier... Btw... I just watched episode 15... Those voices in android Grace's head... What are they? 1) Rebel A.I.s? 2) The collective minds of some rogue scientists from the 117th fleet? (Ranka's Mom and the rest of the bunch... Ranka's Dad? Dr. Mao?)... Or perhaps... 3) The last remains of the Protoculture? So many possibilities... I'm getting a Blade Runner/Dune: The Butlerian Jihad feel from this series so far... Bilrer = Tyrell Grace and cohorts = Thinking Machines
  13. This episode rocked... And after the subs it will rock even more. In fact, I believe it may contain pivotal information about who the true enemy is... Man... We need those subs NOW!!!! Btw... Does anybody has a pic with those strange TRON-like colored geometrical forms that changed/morphed/moved when the voices were heard? Those gave me a very A.I. feel...
  14. Well... If there was Queen, there can always be a VAJRA KING too!!!!
  15. According to the Compendium, "...he was formerly a pilot on a U.N. Forces AIRCRAFT carrier...". Hell, maybe he is a veteran of the unification wars too... Ergo... He must have been in SW1 too... (since only the U.N. Spacy saw action then is very likely that he joined that organization later...)
  16. The last theory I've heard is that L.A.I. is interested in the Vajra for their Fold capabilities and how they seem to produce SD Crystals... Supposedly at some point either Luca or Michael is going to find out and confront them, only to be killed later... probably by Grace...
  17. That's what they used to say about Alien... Btw, did u watch Aliens?
  18. "Died of old age in their sleep"? Jeez... Come on... By 2059 Hikaru (born in 1992) would be like 67... and Misa (born in 1990) would be 69 years old... Hell... even Macross Quarter's Captain Jeffrey Wilder is supposed to be a veteran of Space War I like them... and he looks healthy to me... They wouldn't be that old...
  19. It seems to me that little Klan thinks Raramia will be back...
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