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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. I also demand the same... By the way things are unfolding we may very well see the Macross Quarter and the 25 (Leon going "boom"?) fight the Macross Galaxy in the forseable future...
  2. Whoa... Didn't notice that. Then we can discard what I just said of the "Proto-agreement", but I believe that the rest of my theory is still probable despite of that... I thought about that "Fold Network" when watching the "strings and shapes" sequence. Perhaps that's where Grace went when she was being destroyed by the Dimension Eater. Then her multi-mind was uploaded into the new body through Fold communication... (what would explain the dialogue and the scenes during that whole sequence).
  3. And they will succeed... Btw... I re-watched episode 15 for the second time around... and I just thought of this... Grace's toaster mind is the sum of 5 rogue consciousness that once belonged to Protoculture individuals. They had been hiding in a Super Dimensional "Fold Network" developed/discovered by the PC, which serves as the last resting place of their knowledge. The "Proto-agreement" they mentioned was an oat they made of not interfering/communicating/interacting with lesser developed species/societies, but these minds/entities broke it. NUNS scientists (probably from the 117th fleet, hence the reference to Grace's birthplace) connected an A.I. to that network to investigate it and the end result was that those consciousness infected it like a computer virus. They merged with the A.I. forming a totally new entity that has been secretly watching/studying the Human/Zentradi Alliance. Is very likely that they were the cause for the development of the Vajra and perhaps the Dimension Eater too. The Vajra attack on the 117th was their doing... For what purpose? I haven't figured it yet, but their utilitarian methods clearly indicate that they are willing to sacrify any living being for their ends, what makes them quite evil and dangerous in my book...
  4. Just found one... Check out the ...
  5. Fighter mode is the one I like the most... It kinda reminds me of the SR-71... (My favorite plane). I also like the placement of those beam guns in Battroid mode... (shoulders).
  6. I hope any of these hasn't been posted before...
  7. Indeed... What amazes me the most is that his design style kinda "jumped" from SBS Yamato/Harlock stylish ships to very realistic SW/2001/Galactica types in a matter of a couple years... I wonder if Kawamori exposed him to some western Sci-Fi designers/artists of the time (Ralph McQuarrie, Syd Mead, Chriss Foss, Peter Elson, Juan Gimenez, etc.)? And it was the early eighties...!!!! Man... AFAIK Macross took a lot of time to develop. It was supposedly going to be released in 1979 to capitalize in Gundam's success, but Nue got into lots of trouble trying to finish the project (which they did in 1982)... I bet they made lots and lots of revisions to the designs... I found this in the mecha thread...
  8. Argh, just another very possible theory to mess my head even more...
  9. MKV has superior image/sound, but is only good for watching it in the Pc. For DVD I would recommend XVID... U can convert it to DVD Video format or keep it as such in a data DVD, since some DVD players can even read XVID...
  10. I never get tired of posting images of this VF... I like its design a lot, hehe...
  11. Ozma done, hehehe...
  12. Hehehe... oops. Sadly I didn't find any Macross fonts, sorry...
  13. I really really hope that happens to be the case eventually... (Need more classic Zentradi action!!!)
  14. I just hope we don't get another IdeON/EvangeliON/TominiON ending... (Macross FrontiON?)
  15. Thanks. Exactly what I meant... Maybe next episode Leon will try to test the use of her singing against the Vajra...
  16. Ranka is naive, not selfish...
  17. Yes... and according to what the Grace-union said in episode 15, they were the ones who lured the Vajra towards Frontier. I wonder how?
  18. Indeed... There's a supermassive black hole at the very center... Near that area the stars are too close, there's lots of heat/radiation and gravitational perturbances... However... Going coreward across the galaxy distances between the stars get shorter... and the probable amount of planets is bigger... Thus the chances of finding planets suited for life increases... not at the center, but nearby... I'm convinced that if there's any Protoculture left they must be hiding near the center...
  19. I visited the official page and I noticed in the preview for next week's episode that one of the pics has Ranka in a flight suit... Could this be the "Ranka Attack" mentioned before? BOMBA!!!
  20. Err... actually it does not "suggest". The official site clearly says that Glass is president of the New United Nations Goverment... and executive administrator of the Frontier fleet... His administration was responsible for the creation of the Frontier fleet...
  21. More and more I'm convinced that the Grace-collective are the consciousness of 5 scientists from the 117th fleet that want to transform Frontier into a Vajra Colony and use Ranka (Queen 1) to control the bugs... To what end? Total domination of the Galaxy... Maybe one of those 5 was once Dr. Mao Nome...!!!
  22. That's making me hungry... *drools* More art... (Check out the one with Macross Galaxy on it!!!)
  23. Could it be The Angelionis?
  24. Clones cells have shorter telomeres, so they age faster... Maybe Sheryl is indeed a clone...
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