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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. I'm positive they had, they just couldn't turn them on in time... Maybe they didn't expect such an attack from a single Vajra unit... Btw... I just watched episode 17 with subs, and I found this piece of info pretty interesting. According to Brera Stern, the Vajra are constantly evolving and the information about the damage that one unit receives is instantly shared and stored by the whole race, then used as feedback during the creation of new Vajra units. This makes the use of the same type of attack on them useless over time... And the BFG of the VF-27 is called a "Quantum Laser"...
  2. Of course, I did both, hehe...
  3. Indeed...
  4. Nice. Is there going to be a Macronized Klan version?
  5. Actually I was thinking more of having Milhouse as Michael, since both use glasses and both have similar names... Btw... Ranka done...
  6. I got some of these from a mega-thread of Macross Cosplay in 4chan...
  7. ...but not from the Macross franchise... From a design point of view is veeery similar to the VF-2SS (without the canards), even more than the VF-4 and the VF-24. Perhaps it was an homage of sorts...
  8. Actually, I remember that some time ago someone mentioned that anime magazines had some Macross F info describing the Vajra as being the mix of several alien species. Perhaps there's some space whale in them...
  9. About time!!! I found it in 4chan... (is up again!!!)
  10. I recognized one of them... I didn't remember I had one of her photos...
  11. Well... Most series have a new opening halfway through the season... Could this mean that 18 + 18 = 36 episodes? Did we get an extension?
  12. I'm surprised nobody posted this one earlier...
  13. I just got VSO's convert X to DVD and it works pretty good!!! It converts anything to DVD format (in a temp folder), and then lets u burn the new DVD video/audio files in a blank DVD. U can convert mkv., mp4., DVix, avi, anything to DVD format... It lets u use custom menus, chapter entries, fonts, menu backgrounds/video and menu audio... Is great!!! I haven't burned any Macross Frontier episodes yet, but I just made 3 dvd's with up to 8 chapters each of the original Animeigo Macross in them and they look and sound very very well... I recommend it a lot...
  14. Wow... Can't wait to see the new op... (I really really wasn't expecting a new one!!!) Let me see... We are already in Episode 17 this thursday... With supposedly only 8 more until the series end (25 episodes). If the new opening is going to be shown until this or next week, could that mean that there is going to be an extension to the number of episodes? 36 episodes perhaps?
  15. I don't wanna be a rain in everybody's parade but I really believe Ozma is going to die this week... I hope I'm wrong...
  16. Actually it didn't disappear at all... It just became the Tomahawk for a while...
  17. I couldn't have said it better myself...
  18. U know... The Valkyries were originally going to be called Breastfighters... Since early SDF-1 designs had the hangars in the chest area... Now it makes more sense...
  19. Episode 17 will have lots of Fold Quartz...
  20. The VFX-E303 kinda looks like the VF-0...!!!
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