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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. I noticed that, just like last week, the official site still doesn't have any preview images for the upcoming episode. Does anybody remember on which day the preview images appeared last week?
  2. Gubaba Overcriticizing Compulsively? (Just kidding...) I already read something like that in Galachan, err... I mean 4chan...
  3. Grace O'Connor = Galaxy Omni Computer????
  4. I was about to post that, hehe... Bilrer owns the Special Military Services Company and that's it... Whoa, that's some interesting info u got there!!! Plz, re-post it here...
  5. Of course it is an experiment. I believed everybody agreed about that since episode 15. The question is what is the objective of such experiment? I wonder what is going to happen when the Vajra finally become resistant to the MDE... They should start using love instead of weapons to fight the Vajra, hehe... So they de-volve into a bunch of Ai-kuns... (Ranka anyone?)
  6. AFAIK, according to the Macross Compendium the Protoculture Schism Wars were the result of a Stellar Republic that spread too far too fast... Exactly what has happened to the Zentradi/Human hegemony... revolt after revolt after revolt since Space War I and the start of the Global Colonization Program...
  7. That's what I've been saying all along... He's gonna go Roy on us... (I'm telling u ppl, Michael is Frontier's Roy, not Ozma...)
  8. U gotta be kidding me... ARKAN (part 1 above all) was a beautiful track!!!
  9. Wow... I'm surprised I didn't post my choices before. Well, here they are... My favorite instrumental themes have to be: 1) Vajra 2) Frontier 2059 3) The Target As for the music with vocals... 1) Ranka's Aimo (original) 2) Ranka and Sheryl Lion 3) Sheryl's Northern Cross 4) Ranka's Ai Oboete Imasuka 5) Ranka's Watashi no Kare wa Pilot (Miss Macross) 6) Ranka's Neko Nikki 7) Ranka's What About My Star? (at Formo) Ranka's Interestellar Flight
  10. I found a ... hope u like it, hehe.
  11. I had an idea for a cosplay Regult costume with mirrors inside the sphere/cockpit so u could walk backwards... Btw... check out this Milia costume... (Love the third one... "U better learn to fly straight noob..." Hehehe...).
  12. Err... I've watched Ideon and frankly lots of combat/death scenes of the original SDF Macross were obviously inspired by it...
  13. Just watched Episode 19 with subs and the way Michael mentions how he's come to terms with the fact that he is a womanizer because he is afraid of having a serious relationship, as well as his willingness to finally accept being closer to Klan made me think that he is doomed.... I also noticed how Michael looks a lot like a younger version of Roy (with glasses)...
  14. Maybe next episode Sheryl ends up wounded or such and Ranka becomes her blood donor...
  15. Indeed... I would trust the show first above anything else...
  16. To honor her grannie perhaps? Btw... I'm a bit confused... Is Ranka the only survivor from the 117th fleet or one of the few? AFAIK Leon mentioned that there were several survivors during his VAJRA research speech on Island 3... But I've seen in some sites that she was the only one... Any official word on that?
  17. According to some information in the news forums, Grace chose Frontier to be infested by Vajra because and What? Protoculture?
  18. Is that the General Galaxy logo? I don't remember watching it in the YF-21...
  19. Well, I've seen maaaany references/relations to everything Macross... From the original SDF Macross (Zentradi, The Triangler, etc.) to Macross II (Captain Willen's fighter), Macross Seven, Macross Zero, hell... even some games like Macross M3 (The symbols on Brera's VF-27, the insectoid VAJRA)... I'm telling you ppl, I wouldn't be surprised if it all ends in a super-mega-dupa MACROSS franchise closure finale... with everything Macross thrown in for the lulz...
  20. Again, all I can say is...
  21. I don't think that qualifies him as a "woman beater"... Did he punched her face? Her stomach? Did he leave her with any serious injuries? Broken bones? A purple eye? Dislocations? I don't think so... A slap or "smack" is a broad stroke made with the open hand, as opposed to a punch that is made with a closed fist. Slaps are frequently made across the face, but can be also made across hands or any other body part, and can use either the palm of the hand or the back of the hand. The purpose of a slap is often to humiliate, instead of injure, the target. I know ppl who have worked with japanese employees and they told me their bosses slap/smack them a lot... only if they are truly disrespectful or fail really bad that is. Anime in general also shows slappings/smackings to be very frequent among most characters... specially those that are supposed to be the good guys. Kaifun was a moron, no doubt about that... But at least he wasn't a genocidal control maniac like G.R.A.C.E....
  22. Never underestimate Overtechnology.... Whoa... "woman beater"?!!!! WTH!!!! When?!!! WHO?!!!
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