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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. More from Inui...
  2. I have been saying the same since the time the manga started 3 years ago, LOL...
  3. >ANN/Nov 12th 2012 - In recent news, it has been confirmed that The Walt Disney Company is pursuing the rights to the legendary 80s franchise, ROBOTECH. Acquisition of the trademark would enable the company to control distribution of the three unrelated mecha anime series that were used during its production, of which MACROSS is currently the more popular and is also celebrating its 30th anniversary in Japan... I found this in the /m/ section at 4chan... Can somebody confirm if is true?
  4. Seems to be a scene of something similar to Gavil flying towards the viewer... (sorry for the YouTube quality).
  5. Alto and his ride...
  6. More Inui's Meltran....
  7. Thanks. I found this other piece in Pixiv and posted it in Danbooru. Is awesome...
  8. We seriously need a Raw...
  9. Fresh from Danbooru...
  10. I didn't know Tenjin makes chibi valk art too... LOL
  11. I think the problem here is the lack of sensitivity of some over the top fanboys. I mean... Even I who do not know much about her work as a musician wouldn't ask her about Macross when she is promoting something completely unrelated. That's a totally lack of respect. I love Macross and I am a fan, but I like to respect people. The same thing with Kawamori. If he was promoting Basquiat I wouldn't ask him anything about Macross in an interview... just out of respect. Respect always comes first people.
  12. I think you all folks are forgetting a very important fact, which Mari herself posted... She's been typecasted for 30 years now. 30 years!!! Now, that's a looot of time. I actually understand her frustrattion with some diehard fans who still keep asking her anything Macross. Btw... May'n and Nakajima haven't been nearly as famous in Japan as Ijima did back in 1982, so that's why they haven't got the same problem...
  13. From Mari Ijima's Facebook account: "Every time I speak my mind about Macross or Minmay, people take it negatively. Like I don't like it / like her or I haven't accepted it as a part of my life. Maybe you guys have NEVER been typecast as one thing for years and years in life? We all need to move on in life. I do daily. More than anyone! But at the same time, my life is like the film The Groundhog's Day for the last 30 years. I move...d to the States I thought it would ease my frustration but guess what, it didn't. Surprise, surprise. lol If you hear the same thing again and again, over and over for 30 years every day, even YOU can get tired of it. Is there anyone who is willing to put yourself into my shoes? I guess not . . . instead, people just start criticizing me like I'm bad mouthing your favorite anime. I simply get tired of hearing about it from time to time. I can hold for a while. But today . . . after I talked about how inspired I am musically and shared my insight with you, I couldn't bare hearing about it again. Even if I was talking about let's say . . . my poop or boobs, you guys start talking about Macross right away. How crazy is that. I'm completely being honest here. I didn't build my career based on Macross. I'm ALL ABOUT MUSIC. Take it or leave it. If you hate me because of my honesty, what can I say. I guess we are not on the same wave length. I gotta get back to my life. My sons are graduating from college tomorrow. I'm a mom also. I raised them as a divorced single mother since 1996 and I'm darn proud of it. And!!! I'm in the middle of making my 22nd original full album. Thanks guys...". Is funny, you know? I always thought she felt that way about being typecast... is not a nice thing to have people believe you are somebody totally different from your true self. She is NOT Minmay!!! I wonder if Kawamori feels the same sometimes?
  14. From Mari Ijima's Facebook account: "Every time I speak my mind about Macross or Minmay, people take it negatively. Like I don't like it / like her or I haven't accepted it as a part of my life. Maybe you guys have NEVER been typecast as one thing for years and years in life? We all need to move on in life. I do daily. More than anyone! But at the same time, my life is like the film The Groundhog's Day for the last 30 years. I move...d to the States I thought it would ease my frustration but guess what, it didn't. Surprise, surprise. lol If you hear the same thing again and again, over and over for 30 years every day, even YOU can get tired of it. Is there anyone who is willing to put yourself into my shoes? I guess not . . . instead, people just start criticizing me like I'm bad mouthing your favorite anime. I simply get tired of hearing about it from time to time. I can hold for a while. But today . . . after I talked about how inspired I am musically and shared my insight with you, I couldn't bare hearing about it again. Even if I was talking about let's say . . . my poop or boobs, you guys start talking about Macross right away. How crazy is that. I'm completely being honest here. I didn't build my career based on Macross. I'm ALL ABOUT MUSIC. Take it or leave it. If you hate me because of my honesty, what can I say. I guess we are not on the same wave length. I gotta get back to my life. My sons are graduating from college tomorrow. I'm a mom also. I raised them as a divorced single mother since 1996 and I'm darn proud of it. And!!! I'm in the middle of making my 22nd original full album. Thanks guys...". Is funny, you know? I always thought she felt that way about being typecast... is not a nice thing to have people believe you are somebody totally different from your true self. She is NOT Minmay!!! I wonder if Kawamori feels the same sometimes?
  15. Wow, she was like, 18 years old then... So she is a sci-fi fan too? Never thought she was... Btw... check this out, hehe...
  16. For me your best works will always be Space Battleship Yamato, Macross and Orguss. Thank you for being such an awesome sci-fi anime director and a great person with the fans... your work and life will never be forgotten. "Goodnight, sweet prince...".
  17. Whoa... I just discovered all this stuff about Macross The Ride and is simply awesome. I really hope we see this light novel adapted in anime form and videogames some day...
  18. I don't know if this has been reported before, but here it goes. Kadokawa Comics A is publishing a new Macross Plus manga (in the same vein of Macross: The First) called Macross Plus: Tac Name. It takes on the love triangle of the OVA from a different perspective, including Myung's, Guld's and Isamu's friendship before the events of the anime, as well as a retelling of Macross Plus. The art is by Naoki Moriya. Price is ¥609. Is available since February the 10th...
  19. I think the original Macross TV series were awesome and excelent, but that doesn't mean they can't be remade you know? 1980 Astroboy was awesome and it got a 2003 remake that, while not having the same dark stories had pretty great animation...
  20. I bet Graham will love this one...
  21. No. DYRL started in media res and its plot was remade specificaly to fit a film format. I really would have prefered a series of movies... or perhaps a continuation of DYRL, I don't know. As for the voice actors, well... several new voice actors have replaced the originals in many other anime remakes... why can't it be done just the same for Macross?
  22. No no no... Really, you should give the movies a try. They remove lots of useless stuff that was in the TV series and they have way better animation. The mecha action in them is epic... The Gundam movies are another example of a remake done right... Maybe the original Macross TV series could be remade in a movie serial format.
  23. This image made me nostalgic...
  24. The Macross 30th Anniversary Project site posted in March 2nd a conversation where a misterious new character talked with the planners of the event. As far as I can tell from Google translator they talked about Minmay's concert from the end of Space War I in 2012. The misterious character also mentioned that in a week some results from some contest would be announced...
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