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Kronnang Dunn

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Everything posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. I believe it has to do with enhancing their maneuverability, usefullness, speed, autonomy, resistance, safety, etc. etc....
  2. Hehehe... The image requested earlier (the 2 valks kissing) is in one of those scans dude. Thanks for sparing me the effort, hehe...
  3. My favorite Macross Frontier character is Klan Klan, since she has a very kewl design. That flight uniform is sweet... Besides, she pilots one of my favorite mechs from Macross. Close second must be Ozma Lee. His valkyrie colors and equipment are superb. And I liked the fact that he was the more down to Earth and strong willed of all characters. Ranka Lee, Nene Rora, Raramia Reremia and all the rest of the Zentradi characters were excellent too... Sheryl is also great. I kinda didn't care about her at the begining of the series but she developed quite well during the show to the extent of becoming one of my favorites too.
  4. All I can say is one word: Megaroad Btw... To all Macross Zero haters outthere... I recommend you stay away from 2001: A Space Odyssey for your own good...
  5. ...No "power"... But it had some sort of effect indeed...
  6. 1987 - Robotech (Sorry, but you asked...)
  7. Same here... Btw... Liked the review... (kinda bit enthusiastic though)
  8. Hehehe... My birthday is on the 5th of November... ("Remember, remember..."). Err... didn't the Global had the "SDF-4 GLOBAL" name on its hull? I kinda remember that from episode 13...
  9. Found some Klan Klan fan art...
  10. I wonder how many people here have ever seen this before...
  11. You're welcome, hehe... My real purpose for posting them is to show the history of the creative process behind Macross. I don't want to start any debate on canonity and stuff, hah... I'm just posting these images since I find them fascinating... They clearly show all those exciting ideas the Studio Nue guys had during the development of the first series... Will post it as as soon as I can...
  12. Old news... That was already posted here a while ago dude...
  13. Err, no, you are wrong. If Ranshe's comment at ther begining of episode 23 was any indication... she opposed sacrifying the Vajra to achieve those ends... which mad scientist Grace wanted all along... I hope we see more of Ranshe in the new movie...
  14. Wow... Just downloaded the second OST... Lots of excellent themes...!!! My favorites so far are "Protoculture", "Shadow of Michel", "Ai Oboete Imasu ka - bless the little queen" and "Azure Ether"...
  15. Joke or not, it looks very kewl to me, hehe... Check this out, a VF-1J Valkyrie with internal missiles...!!!!
  16. Valkyrie Melee weapons since then...?
  17. Read the first post... I'd call them Hikaru, Misa and Minmay...
  18. Hehehe... I hardly doubt there was any motion capture computerized bodysuit at all back in 1979-1981... Err... actually The Vajra do space fold... And AFAIK fold technology is based in Super Dimension physics... and the main guns of some Zentradi warships (created and designed by the Protoculture) and the UnSpacy/NUNS warships they originated are in fact Super Dimension energy based weapons... Is all in the Macross Compendium... And by the Super Dimension life form moniker I think Grace O'Connor meant that the Vajra are creatures from this universe that actually use Super Dimension energy/power... And according to her speech the Protoculture came to fear, adore and defy their power to the extent of imitating its form... and an image of the birdman from Zero was shown during her speech... so I believe that to be a confirmation of sorts for Protoculture Super Dimension technology being derived from their own Vajra research.
  19. Well... changing to "Vajra" mecha now... I believe that the final episode of Frontier confirmed that The Vajra use Super Dimension energy and that the Protoculture started using SD energy technologies after researching the Vajra, The Birdman from Zero being an advanced Protoculture sentient mecha designed to resemble the Vajra Queen?
  20. 4chan anime wallpaper thread...
  21. Maybe the movie will show what happened to the main Galaxy Island in the end...?
  22. Well... I believe that the next Macross music is going to be more orchestral than anything... specially since the next Macross production is going to be officially a movie based on Frontier... I'm currently looking forward to that...
  23. ...and I was 6 years old, hehe...
  24. Well... If the movie fares well we may have a dvd release earlier than you think... with the obligatory fan-subbed version just later... Btw... Though I find that 4chan plot kinda interesting... I must confess that it sounds like a big old style trolling hoax to me...
  25. More mecha... (I wonder if the one with Alto and Ranka was already posted here?)
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