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Everything posted by boganrobotlightning

  1. I miss this.
  2. 5 years later. Just dropped by to check on the action. Pretty quiet. Sigh.
  3. ...I'd like to see those tattoos.
  4. A few months became a few years... Polidread, where are you?
  5. I don't speak spanish, but I have to say that I just got banned from Robotech.com for defending Valkyrie Project. HG are jerks.
  6. Just popped in to see if there was anything new. Back in a few months.
  7. I come back here every now and then to see if anything is going on. I probably will keep returning till I'm old and grey. Big smiles to Poli and Bake (thanks for the tattoos), and everyone else who's come and gone over the years. The older I get, the more sentimental I become about the escapism of my youth. Any new art guys?
  8. We have a winner folks... http://m.theage.com.au/national/education/history-transformed-in-vce-exam-20121114-29ce7.htmlq Bah... you guys already saw it.
  9. The vector 30th logo is great. I miss your work Pol...
  10. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your opinions before and after watching this film. The community here has helped me get more enjoyment out of the movie. Many thanks.
  11. I miss this enthusiasm and creativity... ...Where are you now Bake? Guys? I got a tattoo of one of your VF Girls, And one of Polidread's. It's sad how time passes and we all move on.
  12. So very long ago...
  13. Keith... Wow, Pacific Rim for 2013. The plot looks so similar to Robotech that I can see no way that Warner Brothers could justify investing money in both projects. Looks like the RT-LAM may really, finally, be kaput.
  14. I still wear my hair like that.
  15. Totally stunning.
  16. Lots of good action here lately. Thanks.
  17. Very good episode. You can tell that the writers and actors respect the heritage of the franchise.
  18. I would buy at least one of each if they made 'em. I would.
  19. I've got a gig in Adelaide on the 16th, so may have to leave early on the 15th. I also have a gig in Sydney on the 10th, so need to work out if it's cheaper just to stay there, or fly home to Melbourne and back again for the con a few days later. Either way, I'd like to be there to see the movie marathon and meet the other Aussie Macross fans.
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