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Everything posted by karmajay

  1. Kicker, you should get the batman statue that came with Batman:Arkham City. It is very nice.
  2. I did not know that Liara one was actually released hehe
  3. It is always good advice to make sure you think about tattoos and consider good placement for future job aspects. That being said I have some tats including a japanese Kanji on the back of my neck and have not had a problem getting jobs and I'm an engineer. The same people that are 100% against tattoos are the same people that say "How will that look when you are old?". Honestly, I doubt I'll be worried about tattoos on my old droopy skin when I'm 70 years old! Nice tats in this thread!
  4. Just watched Black Rock Shooter (TV). Short at 8 episodes but good stuff! I enjoyed the animation style a lot!
  5. I've been so busy with school and then a new job I have not been keeping up with collecting lately but I'd like to thank this thread for showing me a SDCC green Zan tactical pod item. I went and bought it the same day!
  6. Loved the 1st series and this one is shaping up to be just as good. Love the world they created!
  7. Wow! gReat stuff, sad I missed the Big O stuff last year! I'll have to keep track of this thread in the future!
  8. Mog -- Is that a VCR in tha background?? Is a VCR/Betamax combo????
  9. Looks nice BUT what's up with that Fan Racer! I've never seen that before! Looks like 30 bucks, a search on Ebay only pops up one fan racer model kit for $75. I'd like a nice diecast one! EDIT: Man I need to check this section more, I see a thread for this subject! Oh well...
  10. No talk about Dr. Girlfriend's new costume? Yowzer! Also, has anybody that purchased shirts from the shirt club received any yet? I'm really liking this week's shirt! http://www.astrobasego.com/shirtoftheweek.html
  11. I saw it twice this weekend and enjoyed it immensely. The only store that had toys in my area was Toys - r -Us. I got the interactive Wall-E and some small figurines. A stockperson at target basically said they got zilch for Wall-E, Disney was pushing its Camp Rock (what the hell is that?). I can't believe they didn't think Wall-E would do real well!
  12. I can see the pilot getting into that Stealth, macrossman -- "Er, with all this sponsor advertising how the heck am I gonna sneak up on anybody!"
  13. I have 5 or 6 1/48 and 1/60 Yamatos, but I find I hardly ever transform them because I just enjoy the fighter mode so much. I know we have smaller non-transformable Revoltech battroid toys, but are there any NON-model fighter mode smaller toys? I know I could just keep my big ones in fighter mode, but spending $100-$250 and hardly transforming it is starting to make less sense Thanks!
  14. karmajay

    Macross Revoltech

    Received my Regult last week and it looks frakking awesome!
  15. I know that hovercycle looks cheesy but I had to have some Southern Cross stuff, so I bought it off Ebay for 10 bucks.
  16. Yeah I can't believe someone purchased the rights to that flexistand and then doesn't make them anymore! hmph!
  17. Promethuem5 - holy cow, I saw those pics and thought I clicked on the wrong forum, I thought it was some type of working engine kit or something! Great job!
  18. Is there anywhere I can get a timeline of when movies were released and/or actual timeline? I have not yet delved into all the Macross movies (Oh noos karmajay has only watched Robotech! The horror! ) but plan to soon but I want to watch them all from the beginning. It MAY be in the Noob question thread but I'm not going to go through 108 pages to find it! Thanks!
  19. It was the 80s, check out the outfits, everything had to be overstated in the US back then!
  20. What's the difference between the Legacy version and the Protoculture version?
  21. Do the matchbox toys count? I'm starting build up a good pile of those!
  22. Frakking incredible! That is all.
  23. Yikes! We need a better angle picture of the girl, looks like a quality costume!
  24. Great show! I'm looking forward to Season 3! I always liked Brock just because he kicks so much ass. I liked the episode where they were showing all the ways Hank and Dean have died over the years! Overall, too many good scenes to list!
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