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Everything posted by karmajay

  1. Bought the DVD last night for my grand daughter and we watched it 3 times! She (and I) love the movie. \ As far as toys, it seems like it is going to be heck getting her a couple of dolls at a decent price!
  2. hahahah Man someone else could not make golden comments like this even if they were trying!
  3. Can't you make lego type parts with a 3D printer nowadays?
  4. I watched it and it was just horrible. Like, really horrible. This coming from someone that will at least try to watch most anime and I don't usually look down my nose on anything. Until I watched this. Someone would have to tell me that the 2nd episode was infinitely better for me to watch it but really, that will be impossible.
  5. I have a Ford Focus ST and love it. 238 HP on the dyno and handles incredible. Recaro seats are sooo comfortable. I don't race it around ALL day so I usually get 25mpg.
  6. Watched the whole Girls und Panzer this weekend and really enjoyed it!
  7. Cool and terrifying!
  8. Haven't been following this thread but I love my Ford Focus ST. It is pretty quick and a fun car to drive. Took it to the dyno a bit ago and it was like 238hp/270 torque. Loving the Recaro seats also!
  9. Man, great hour of television. I liked how the animation was different. Not sure if they were trying to portray a different era or purely because these episodes were made by a different animation company.
  10. The kaiju were getting progressively stronger plus attacks weren't as widespread. They also thought the kaiju they were "natural". Seems like the wall building was a measure to be defensive and put people to work. Of course once the kaiju got to lvl 4 the walls were moot.
  11. Well if you remember in the beginning, plane bullets did not even pierce their skin. Probably a majority of all that got scrapped since it seemed the threat was global.
  12. That would have been cool but I think that was a time full of Lvl 1 -3. The lvl 4s monsters seemed quite a step up from the past.
  13. Well just saw it and loved it. Great action. Story was just fine. Incredible battle scenes. Basically this is the movie mech fans have been waiting for.
  14. I'm visiting Ohio this week for business so I have to see it tonight in 2D since it seems they don't have any IMAX theaters within an hour of here I'll just go see it this weekend again with the family in glorious 3D IMAX when I get back home! Can't wait for tonight!
  15. So, we need our Martial Arts films to have a deep and engaging story now...? Looks like a action packed martial arts flick to me.
  16. I've only seen positive stuff from people that are seeing the early release showtimes on twitter. I think this is a stereotype comment. They are marketing for people that like action movies, etc. To market it differently would just get them blasted after the movie comes out. Plenty of women are interested in the movie. Plenty of men probably aren't interested either. Just depends on if awesome robot vs monster action is your cup of tea.
  17. What show are those samurai robot suits from (around 6:28 in)? Thanks!
  18. As probably one of the few (or only!) people in this thread that has actually seen the inside of a reactor compartment, I thought the Engineering room design was pretty good! I enjoyed the movie. I saw it at IMAX 3d and it was very well done. I'm a fan of sci-fi so a fan of Trek but I don't know much outside of the shows and series (i.e. crazy canon stuff). The parts I really enjoyed was all the space shots. Man, I just really love how they make it look when ships are flying around and shooting stuff. Can't wait to see similar SW scenes from Bad Robot!
  19. I'm not sure long term but all the comments about how "inconceivable" it is that anyone would attack the jedi temple (Hello Anakin Ep. 3!) was kinda foreshadowing!
  20. I saw it today as well and enjoyed it (non-3D). Nice action flick! I'm not big on critic's reviews because i could care less if a movie is oscar worthy! Also, Gemma does look great the whole time!
  21. Watch both eps today and LOVED it. Can;t wait to see more!
  22. I'll definitely disagree. I like foreign films but this one was just...not good. At all.
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