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Everything posted by karmajay

  1. Erased is so good
  2. Loved the book and the trailer looks good. Excited to see it in the theater!
  3. Yes, I really enjoyed it as well. Very fun and inspiring movie!
  4. Just saw it. Incredible movie. Basically one long "Road Warrior" shot. Nothing was wrong with the plot. It fits just fine in the post-apocalyptic world scenario. The MRAs who penned those articles are definitely idiots. It is more like Max and Furiosa are co-protagonists plus the fact that women show strength and don't really play second fiddle. Also Max has always been ordered around (sometimes by a women) and never really had control of his situation in any of the movies. He typically is forced into his role. Here is a good article about it the movie that explains it a bit. I hope everyone gets a chance to see it.
  5. I recently finished binge watching Hunter x Hunter and enjoyed it. I never thought I needed to watch a sports animne but I hit random on crunchyroll and Ace of the Diamond popped up. I'm now on ep. 20. Also found another interesting where ep. 1 was quite good - Time of Eve.
  6. I still have yet to pull any of mine from the boxes. Hope they stop the re-releases soon and get to some more clone wars figures (Ahsoka) or some Rebels figures.
  7. Sorry to comment late on this but Ronan was pissed because a treaty was signed to stop a war his family had been dying in forever. He wanted the other side crushed not safe behind a treaty. Weak? Maybe but his motivations are definitely stated. Anyway I loved this movie also actually saw it twice in one day! Also, dat soundtrack!
  8. Luckily, no. This looks great so far. i really like the explanation of "told by" to show why he looks different. It totally fits with the narrative of the other movies.
  9. I'm going to be spending mucha bucks after the 1st. Ghostbusters, 2 final Lego Movie sets, Guardians of the Galaxy and the summer star wars sets! 2 kits I've put together the last two weeks. Captain America and the Hydra vehicle. Pretty cool little kit! Republic gunship This is a little motorcycle hover bike that gets stored in the back. Only issue is I need more clone troopers to fit in all the gun turrets. It only comes with 2 and has 6 seats plus a lot of room inside!
  10. I'm a fan of some toy forums and there is pretty much nothing out there in 6" form from the movie. I loved the movie. Man, I was HORRIFIED by some of the mutant deaths that were happening!
  11. 7066 earth Defense HQ - pretty awesome set. Lot of movement and extras!
  12. I started watching Brynhildr in the darkness, Captain Earth and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I just finished watching Golden Time and although I don't typically like slice of life shows this was pretty good.
  13. I wouldn't say it is exactly easy to fly using that tech. Why doesn't Cap fly his own jet? What good is Maria Hill? These things are better left to the "normals", etc. Falcon had years of experience with the tech wings that others can't gain anytime soon. Made perfect sense to have him use them.
  14. Well said and exactly my feelings! Right now I feel the producers of Superman Vs. Batman are just looking around thinking "WTF just happened?"
  15. New projects for me!
  16. Timely posts, my finger is hovering over the BUY button for the haunted mansions monster fighters set...
  17. Wow now that is a nice figure! I don't really purchase any sexy anime statues (a discussion I don't need to have with my wife!) but that one would be tempting!
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