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About cosplaygirl

  • Birthday 05/12/1987

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    Ames, IA

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I'll never get over the guy who had nothing but cardboard boxes and a sign that said "I am a Gundam"
  2. That's one fo the reasons I cosplayed as her.
  3. I did her uniform from The M3 video game actually. But I'd like to try some others. Got a suggestion? As for the Minmay pic I'll just post it again
  4. I'm sure it's been said a thousand times before, but I'll say it again. Millia is one sexy bitch.
  5. Oh I'll still post them. There's already a picture of me as Minmay up. And soon one as Millia, so why not add to it?
  6. I can't believe I started that. *note to self, never post again*
  7. Actually I did Minmays red chinese dress that she wears for her sixteenth birthday. I plan to try the dress she wears in the final battle of DYRL and also gonna try and make Misa and Millia's Duty Uniform. I've also done the uniform Millia wears in the Macross M3 video game.
  8. I'm just curious.... What females from Macross would you guys like to see cosplayed?
  9. Hehehe. No need to argue boys. My problem isn't so much character design, it's complexity. I just have trouble with figureing out how I'm gonna make sometihng look like an anime. Because, as I have discovered, drawing something is much easier then building it. In my own opinion that is.
  10. The best I ever saw was
  11. I'm wantign to do a Mylene cosplay. Only problem is I have no reference pics. If any of you have some, please send them to me! It'd be a great help!
  12. Iwant to try my hand at some of Millia's flight suits. I actually became intrested in it because of my boyfriend. He would reference to it quiet a bit. And so one night I asked him to tell me all about it. Ever since then I've been hooked. Has she seen it? I bet if she saw it she'd like it. Kind of is like a cartoon soap opera.
  13. Thanks for the comments on the pic and the costume. The costume was an original design off of Minmay's dress for her 16th birthday from the TV series. I think/hope I did an at least decent job on it. After seeing Both the TV series and DYRL I decided I'd like to cosplay as Minmay and her many dresses. This is the first attempt. Please tell me what you think.
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