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Everything posted by maxjenius81

  1. damn typos i meant 1200....
  2. It fires at 200 rounds per minute which gives the Valkyrie approx. ten seconds of continious firing. For a modern day comparison the 20mm M61 Vulcan cannon in its most widely used version (940 rounds) has approx. the same firing time. All in all ten seconds of continious firing while not sounding like a lot, it is a good amount. Im sure the GU-11's ROF in one second is enough to ensure that a quick one second burst has a high enough shot density to ensure a kill.
  3. yeah the GU-11 uses a large internal magazine as opposed to the external magazine used on later gunpods like the GU-15 meaning it isnt able to reload in the field and must be reloaded back at base. Its worth nothing that the later gunpods with external magazines use smaller caliber (30mm vs 55mm) rounds.
  4. Macross 7's Emerald Force with some extras thrown on like squadron logo (simple emerald gem) and though its too small to read, i throw on Docker's name on the cockpit. Couldnt find a first name for him so dubbed him John. Also on their is the squadron number (again made up) along with the designation for Battle 7, BC-07-1 Battle 07. I went back and redid my VF-19S blank much larger and with more detail and a better wing design. I think the shading came out much better this time and I know overall the artwork looks much better.
  5. The reconstructed version is from the Robotech Reference Guide. If i'm not mistaken it ended up being rejected by the powers that be at the website for one reason or another. http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/new.i...aval/index.html
  6. This is not Gunbuster....BUSTER HOME RUN!
  7. mmmm....god of mecha....god of guns and girls.......
  8. And before i go to bed...his and hers
  9. My first attmept, simple yes, but effective
  10. I'm surprised no ones mentioned the fact that it looks like its been dropped in favor of beyond next generation technology like unamanned vehicles. As the article says Rumsfield is entirely in favor of unmanned tech and probably wants an advanced version of the predator to take the place that was reserved for the commanche. In that case i really cant blame him. Its smaller, cheaper (esp when you figure in the cost of the pilot) and can be launched and recovered with a minimum of infrastructure. I had a friend who sadly im out of contact with who used to work for Sikorsky on the Commanche project, but I'm sure hes now out of job. I just wish if they were going to cancel a project, do it in the early design stages, dont wait twenty years down the road.
  11. Ratings for Gundam shows Mobile Suit V Gundam Highest rating: 5.3% Lowest rating: 2.4% Average rating: 3.9% Mobile Fighter G Gundam Highest rating: 7.3% Lowest rating: 1.7% Average rating: 4.1% New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Highest rating: 6.8% Lowest rating: 1.8% Average rating: 4.3% After War Gundam X (Note: Gundam X episodes 1 - 26 aired Fridays at 5 pm while the remainder of the series aired on Saturdays at 6 am) Highest rating: (all eps) 6.2% (eps 1 - 26) 6.2% (eps 27 - 39) 1.7% Lowest rating: (all eps) 0.6% (eps 1 - 26) 1.8% (eps 27 - 39) 0.6% Average rating: (all eps) 2.8% (eps 1 - 26) 3.5% (eps 27 - 39) 1.2% Turn A Gundam Highest rating: 4.1% Lowest rating: 1.7% Average rating: 3.0% Gundam SEED Highest rating: 8.0% Lowest rating: 4.6% Average rating: 6.1% Hmm....Victory 3.9, Wing 4.3....not much better ratings wise. So despite being the third worse, its not much worse than Wing. And as for Turn-A, despite its low ratings, it became far more popular after the series ended. I've seen the first 10 eps of Victory, and what i saw did impress me. I understand that the series pace is very different from say Zeta. Victory is much more like real war in that characters dont all die at the end a la Zeta, but die throughout the entire series (Shrike Team) similiar to real war. Much Like Turn A, many fans simply view the mecha without much regard and therefore disregard the series. But the like Turn A the strength of V lies in its stories and characters. Also I;m not exactly sure how you get the idea that it was an AU show with UC slapped on it. It has all the harbingers of a traditional UC series. Oh, and dont forget, with the creation of Turn A there really are no more AU series (well i dont know about seed).
  12. arrrrrrrrrr!
  13. Not quite as wrong, but still funny
  14. Umm...those arent scary....this is scary... I apologize in advance
  15. 5-10% educated guess work? Seeing as how the only ships in the Macross universe that have their actual weapon suites listed in the compendium are the Macross (which only mentions the rail cannon, buster cannon, and the large particle cannon), Macross 7 (Gunship, and four beam weapons), ARMD (which covers everything most people recognize), Oberth (ditto), and Asuka II (which while mentioning weapon syustems, gives no number). The following ships have no weapons listing at all: Megaroad, Neo Nuptiet, Uraga, Guantanamo, Bolognese, Riviera, Pricne Marco, Prometheus, Illustria, and Daedalus. Now i enjoy the UN Spacy Database quite a lot and visit it frequently, ive been going since it was back in its early days. However to claim that Nanahashi simply makes things up frequently, then claim that you barely do, is just not true. Every capital ship on your page has a full weapons suite, speeds, radar systems, comm systems, life support systems, subspace mass sensors. Nearly all of this is pure speculation. Educated guesses, yes, but still not backed up by canon source material. Yes these ships probably have these systems, but as to the ranges and capabilities, those are pure specualtion. In fact, ive thought for a while these numbers are a little low. Mecha complements are also not given for many ships, so yours are also pure speculation (case in point the Uraga). Of crouse there are also the body wing hardpoints which are point of much debate. While I do agree with them, they are never shown in the animation and not mention in canon source material. I';m sorry but i appreciate how much money and time Nanahashi devotes to his website. And while I dont agree with everything he says or does ,and do wish he cited sources to avoid this kinda of agruement, he brings many Macross fans information they never would have been able to get otherwise. Making up information is ok in my mind, especially to fill in the gaps (like the fact that 90% of the ships in macros make no mention of point defense). However, you make up considerably more than just a small 5-10%.
  16. kick ass work on those missiles. Of course things like yield would be nice, but you cant have everything. Anyone got any ideas on both size of the missiles, and the yield?
  17. very nice, but any word on weapons or variable fighter compliment?
  18. I supposed if we paid for it, it would be finished. But seeing as how these people (the modders and windjammer) probably need to have real jobs and real lives and dont get paid for their efforts, its a much slower process. If you want it to go faster, try donating some money.
  19. I saw a caterham 7 when i went to the US Grand Prix in Indy last year. I drive a Eunos Roadster. People joke about my car being small, my god this car is half again as small and has twice the HP. Can you say deathtrap? Of course, that doesnt mean I woudln't drive it :-). I think it may come @ 19k unassembled. I was under the impression it was some sort of kit car. As for Initial D bieng real, yeah it is. I got a video of couple of kids, one in an RX-7FD, and one in a GT-R32 (i tihnk its a 32) drifting around Akina i think. If its not Akina, its something similar and while it may not look as cool as in Initial D, its still damn cool. And for the Stratos being ugly, shame on you.
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