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Everything posted by maxjenius81

  1. Horray for me. Now for my lame question: In Power D.O.L.L.S. what does the D.O.L.L.S. stand for?
  2. We need a small chi-town macross world meet. As the mid-west macross world con is well...a long way away.
  3. I moved, new location Park Forest IL (just outside chi-town) Lat - 41° 27' 55" Long - 87° 40' 3" btw, any MWers in chi-town?
  4. I think its still the Seburo C-25, and Togusa doesnt use it, he prefers a old fashioned revolever.
  5. still good job, and im glad there is a better one kicking around. I used a YF-19 to make mine and that was a bitch. Im amazed at how little the final product resembles the prototype.
  6. well those beat the crap out of mine. *goes and feels inferior* and thanks, i really need one of those, i just made mine because none existed.
  7. decimal deg-min-sec latitude 40.1777340189538 40° 10' 39.8424682337" longitude -82.8967970129617 -82° 53' 48.4692466621" Columbus Ohio, just NE actually.
  8. They only made 280 because thats how Ferrari is. From the very beginning Enzo and his company have been very picky about who they sold their cars to. Mr. Lamborghini started his rival company after Ferrari refused to sell him a car.
  9. But wait...there's more Shao_Pai_Ron___Minmay.avi
  10. Ask and ye shall receive My_Boyfriend_is_a_Pilot___Minmay.avi
  11. Just to make sure that you did mean this Concordia and not the one from WC II (which I think is far superior) As for my own list, aside from whats been mentioned here so far, id like to add a few hear and there: The Battleship from Project A-Ko: Part Yamato, Part Arcadia, Part Zentraedi, and part every other cool ship from anime lore. Not to mention it makes a handy amusement park and hotel. Dogos Giar from Zeta Gundam: One of the few Gundam ships I respect as it carries a decent armament and more than say 4 mobile suits. Queen Emeraldas from Queen Emeraldas: Gotta love a ship which looks like a Zeppelin with a 17th Century Man-O-War on the bottom. Lean Horse Jr (Reinforce Jr) : Whatever you call it you gotta love a ship with a giant Beam Saber attack.
  12. Yeah I've got my R2 box set, thats quite a uphill battle to fight to beat that set. Sure it was a 150 dollars, but i'm glad I bought it from Kieth and Manga when i had the chance.
  13. Umm last time i checked, there was nothing wrong with the subbing on Initial D from TokyoPop, the dubbing yes there is sometihng wrong with it, but the subs came through very intact.
  14. actually, if you look at a lot of cosplay pictures from japan, the faces are often left out. Though usually the background people are fuzzed out, sometimes the main characters are simply to hide their identity.
  15. Despite being salamon, i would not refer to any of Char's early MS as...sizzyish. However that YF-19 isnt char's its all about Johnny Raiden, the Crimson Lightening.
  16. Well seeing as you were the only one to even answr, its your turn for a question. The full answer is: A total of 12 Gundam Ground Types were assigned to the Kojima Battalion which were divided into 4 teams of 3 each plus one hover truck per team. Their numbers were 01, 04, 06, and 08.
  17. Well either youve got the wrong team numbers and the right total number of teams, vice versa.
  18. No official numbers exist for Macross, but the RRG which isnt too bad in absence of those lists them at: ARMD 1500 Ships' Crew 600 Air Group Oberth 100 Ships' Crew 4 Air Group 40 Troops
  19. Raideen did get a remake i think. Or at least another show called Raideen came out with giant robots that turned into birds. As for Gaiking, not one of my faves either. For me not growing up with these and it being difficult to see the series these days im left with Super Robot Wars to educate me about the shows. As a result I lean towards Mazinger Z and Getter Robo more than any other. Though i do think Combattler V is a kick ass machine.
  20. partial credit, what say which part.
  21. Like I said in my post, it is a non-cannon MS so officially, its probably the RX-75 Guntank or RX-77 Guncannon depending on how you want to define MS. As for a question.... Sticiking with the Gundam theme, in 08th MS Team, how many teams in the Kojima Battlion were equipped with the the Ground Type Gundams and what were their numbers.
  22. sorry just didnt want this thread to die.
  23. http://www.pinpinlelapin.com/movie_uk.htm just thought that needed to be shared.
  24. Wll it depends on how you want to look at it. Im not 100% sure on the exact date of first deployment, but the RX-75 Guntank was developed in 0075 (hence the 75 number) and the Guncannon being developed in 0077. Im not sure these equate to actual deployment dates as the feddies never took MS seriously until the One Week War where they whipped the feddies ass. Speaking cannon and 100% cannon, its the RX-75 unless you dont conisder it an MS then its the RX-77 Guncannon. Speakin non-cannon, which I;m more than happy to agree to as it has made an appearance in additional games beyond Tactics Mobility Fleet 0079, the RRF-05 Zani (Zanny).
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