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Everything posted by maxjenius81

  1. At least he hasnt playing salty biscuit with the new member
  2. Trust me, she will
  3. I stand corrected
  4. Perhaps its because we are taking a western view, maybe what we need is a more eastern view as this isnt an american movie, but a japanese movie.
  5. For the ultimate in Gainax otakuness, try and find their DAICON videos they made. THose are just simply one giant copyright violation with everything from Superman and Star Trek to Macross and Gundam. And if you do find them let me know, i need them.
  6. Molding metal? Hmm....I smell Cyber Formula! Or at least, rampant use in Formula One
  7. so when do i get my 1/48 Macross?
  8. See, GAINAX is what happens when you let fans make anime. I mean look at Otaku no Video, thats roughly (and i mean roughly) the story of GAINAX. At least, the fan animation part. I mean if Macross fans were to make anime, I take it there would be a nod or two to other Macross series in one form or another. In Eva GAINAX gave a a nod to the Eye of Folger from Giant Robo with one of the Angels (the spider one) just to another GAINAX nod.
  9. I love Firebomber, but there is just somethjing about stiring instrumentals, not to mention something about someone belting out the name of the show over and over... Macross....Macross....MAAAAAACROSSSSS!
  10. good deal, just cut and paste the old one please oh mods of power and greatness
  11. Hope, thats awesome. Thanks Lance!
  12. DYRL? I mean, thats what OST its on.
  13. Ive been planning on that one too. Hopefully Ohayocon next year will see its debut, if not, then definetly Anime Central. My ideas are currently centered around getting an actual pattern from either the British Royal Navy or the United States Navy. Failing that, I'll probably just wing it and ask some of my cosplay buddies for help. Any stuff I get id be more than happy to pass on.
  14. I need some reference pictures of Gamlin from Macross 7 in his duty uniform, not his flightsuit. Thanks
  15. Shes both a good sport and a die hard Macross fan. She asked me one day to teach her of the glory of the froating head and such things, so I did. And now she is all about the Macross. As for who designed it, umm..i guess she did since she and her friend sewed it themselves. There are still a few thigns left to do. Like take it in a little to make it more form fitting. But thats why we have kazecon.
  16. As suggested by some of the members during a chat, its time for the new Macross Cosplay thread. Behold, my girlfriend as Minmay, and coming soon, me as max and my girl as millia.
  17. I need some pix of Gamlin in his regular duty uniform, not his flightsuit for an upcoming cosplay at this years kazecon. Thanks.
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