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Everything posted by maxjenius81

  1. True of False: Macross Compendium by Egan Loo is officialy sanctioned by Kawamori and Big West and its timeline is 100% canon,
  2. http://rapidshare.com/files/28759292/Macro..._Love_.mp3.html
  3. Its interesting I'll say that much. So is it from a particular macross cd? Or did she do it on her own?
  4. I just came across a chinese language version of the song Do You Remember Love?, any idea what CD its from?
  5. My old Robotech RPG squadron will suffice for this
  6. Actually i got into CF before i learned of its relation to Kawamori, tht was just an added bonus to me! That being said, I got Kawamori to sign my CF Design Works book instead of a Macross book when I saw him @ AX 2002. He was quite puzzeled by that and shook my hand for it.
  7. Hey, other people know cyber formula exists, yay!
  8. I have a friend who actually is working on the new release with Palladium and he said that while he cant say exactly whats going on, he did say that there will be changes and it will not merely be a rehash of the old Rifts based system.
  9. In my own RPG I of course needed to put some numbers to this gunpod so after some consultation and the such I used 2400 rpm and 600 rounds in each magazine. One question I do have is how exactly does the feed for that kind of magazine work?
  10. Actually its total length is 7770 meters, battle section being 1510, powerplant 800, and city section 5000.
  11. A lot of stuff, mostly giant robot has been mentioned before so i wont add to it, but I will give a shout to my #2 anime right behind Macross, Future Grand Prix Cyber Formula. Fast cars, good music, entertaining and interesting characters that never gets as formulaic as most racing serious ive seen (Initial D) with the main character going up and down constantly and not always winning. Also car designs by Shoji Kawamori make it the win!
  12. As I recall RRG never referenced the VF-7 as a veritech fighter until harmony gold started to directly state canon and non-canon facts. While they may have been invovled in that process, im sure HG held the ultimate power over them and its a similar situation to Armor-01/Armor-10. Btw, about the translation arguement I found this interesting: Thats from their "liner" notes about each techinical file.
  13. I personally don't find RRG that bad of an idea. I wish they would have a better system for listing what is and is not canon within the series (for a good example try: Daystrom Institute Technical Library) but the fact of the matter is that other anime have the bulk of there background material written by fans at some point (Gundam comes to mind). Filling in the gaps is a really nice idea and one that I wish wasn't as frowned upon. Though the RRG does get itself in a lot of trouble on its own, I applaud the overall concept and wish a similar site existed for Macross rather than just relying on the scant canon facts as presented by the Macross Compendium (which will always be THE canon source for facts).
  14. I think this is a pretty cool idea. Ive always felt the core Macross 7 story wasn't that bad, but it was just simply far too long and probably would have been much better as a 39 or 26 eps series. So chopping it down to movie format would be nifty.
  15. Strategically speaking Giren's Greed and Front mission are better games, there is something magical of watching Mazinger Z wail on a Zentraedi battlepod.
  16. Yeah Hell hasnt frozen over yet. If any of the main line SRW with tons of anime crossovers get licensed, then hell will be overforzen.
  17. I like the VF-2SS in battloid mode it looks pretty slick. But it falls apart in any other mode. Im not too fond of it in fighter mode at all.
  18. I miss Side Story 0079 Rise from the Ashes..so much fun. Id really like another Giren's Greed myself as Gundam Strategy Games is grossly underdeveloped idea in Japan. Giren's Greed for PS1 was a good start then the PS2 one took some nice steps (Corps, and more in depth politcal system, oh and WAY more aces from MSV) but overall took steps backwards (No more post OYW stuff). Id like to see a Giren's Greed style game going through CCA at least if not through to V.
  19. PM Sent btw.
  20. I like yune's art, not the best but still enjoyable. I look forward to this with caution but I wont pass judgement until i see more from it, more to the point, i wont pass judgement until it makes it to production. Most anime live action movies never get past preproduction (DBZ, Starblazers/Yamato, Sailor Moon, and Eva). This move makes sense because there are like 500 topics at RObotech.com saying "Cast the Live Action Movie!".
  21. Awesome work. I desire, ne require a 1440 x 900 version.
  22. I really like the new front page much more than the previous one. Your individual race indices still need some work, but given your changes to the front page, im sure it will turn out great.
  23. HLJ claims its already discontinued, anyone know another site where i can get it?
  24. Its not RPG stuff, its from RRG which at least a bit more credentials for backing than the RPG. That being said, its nothing to do with MOSPEADA. Though replace the Protoculture with (i cant remember MOSPEADA's power source) and due to a lack of stats from MOSPEADA itself, they arent too bad.
  25. How about Deep Blue Fleet. Gotta love crazy alternate history anime where Japan kicks the US ass then goes on to fight the Nazi's because everyone hates them.
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