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Everything posted by herbert

  1. I have watched it and strived to delete it from my memory.
  2. Sheryl Sorry I have never watched Macross Frontier but somehow my instinct tells me that I must automatically vote Sheryl and she is an awesome character beyond a certain crappy show, which has ruined all good impressions and memories I previously had on Macross series. Edit: I wonder if my words make sense. Guess it's same with the show, which doesn't make sense.
  3. I am not if you are right to say I hate Ranka. But I can tell you I'm very tired of her and find her extremely annoying. I have tried my best to be neutral, but I know my preference affect my standpoint and ways of thinking. To put it short, I'm biased and I know. If you don't want to talk to a biased person please ignore me. Thank you very much.
  4. I didn't tell you not to post. I just saw you entered a discussion and not knowing the topic. You are free to provide your opinions but I see your opinions were irrelevant to the topic people are discussing, which you said not interested. If you want to change the topic, go ahead but please make others known. I'll leave it to you, I bet JustinStrife will do the same.
  5. My apology for that misplaced critics. I beg you to acknowledge for what purpose the arguments were made. So please read blog entry and comments under on THAT Animeblog, which site JustinStrife has linked to and where hist "too easy" and "no major disappointment" statements originally came from. Read them all and you know they are all about characteristics and current personality of Ranka. If you are not interested as you just mentioned, then please leave us. She was just a pathetic little thing in that scene. It really tells very little. Why it must have anything to do with her past? Ranka is always timid and in lack of self-control so it's not a surprise at all that she couldn't let go of it (her fear). "the memories might resurface on their own or after being triggered by something in the person's surroundings." I guess you want me to read this line, right? I think it's bit tricky because the memories dosen't resurface at this like it does a little after when she sees Ozma injured. Besides, we are still in middle of air to know if this amnesia has anything to do with her personality and normal life. I am leaned to a "no." Moreover, you must misunderstand why it was brought up. People talked that Ranka need to handle a major disappointment to make and to show her growth. She needs to handle it not just to experience (plus she dosen't seems to remember). Either the past or a loss in romance, she needs to handle something big and bad.
  6. I guess you just refuse to see things from others' point of view. What they are trying to suggest you is that if Ranka's tragical past seldom haunts her and play nearly zero effect on her current characteristics, then why can't we just ignore them in a discussiong mainly on her characteristics? She does have things too easy TO HER KNOWLEDGE AND MEMORY.
  7. Better to change its title to Part 3 now. Voted Sheryl.
  8. No Max/Miria, no Bassara/Mylene, but there is Bassara/Guitar! Is this poll a joke?
  9. It may no longer be truth. Dude. Sheryl's popularity is soarring, Sheryl's popularity has been soaring from day 1. It's only a matter where did her popularity start. In en community, it's from not-good to very good; in cn community, it's from high to very high; in jp community, I'm not sure how it looked like in earlier days, it seems Sheryl's and Ranka's popularity are quite on par about one or two months ago, but I'm quite sure Sheryl should have upperhand now. Here are 3 jp polls held on a very same site, starting from Mar 31, May 21 and July 7, respectively. It is, of course, not a good indicator of jp people's preference of characters in general, but it can be a good sample for how characters' popularity goes through the course of time. (note: the voting system is quite similiar to AS forum's poll, that is to say, you can cast multiple votes in one shot.) http://www.vote5.net/anime/htm/1206894587.html Mar 31 poll, Sheryl 1st, Ranka 2nd, Alto 3rd. Gaps among 3 mains were little, but the gap between mains and rest was large. http://www.vote5.net/anime/htm/1211369207.html May 21 poll, Sheryl 1st, Alto 2nd, Ranka 5th. Sheryl started to pull away from the rest; Alto took a step up to 2nd, but the advantage over supportive characters was nearly gone; Ranka was overran by Alto and 2 supportives, Klan Klan and Brera. http://www.vote5.net/anime/htm/1215357986.html July 7 poll. For a younger than two weeks poll, it's still too early to carve its result on stone. But so far we see, Sheryl enjoys a ratio (about 70%) resembled to AS poll; Klan Klan rise to 2nd with an impressive margin over Brera, the current owner of 3rd place; Alto drops to 5th; Ranka, on the other hand, DISAPPEARS from top 10 (it took me a while to find out where's her). I read from someone who knows jp that some Ranka fans starts to complain about Ranka, suggesting she should pay more attention to people other than her princess. Frankly, Ranka is an open book, most, if not all her charms (cute looks, cute singing, low-self-esteem, a damsel in distress with possibility to grow strong) were shown or expectable from day 1. In other words, little potential for her to grow popularity. Sheryl is another story. She is complex, having more than showing. She always has something new in sleeve, she can always pull out some unexpected. While I have seen many netural-or-anti-Sheryl-people-turned-Sheryl-fans, but yet to see any in another way around. At current rate, I expect the popularity demographics at the time the series ends would be no big difference in anywhere in the world.
  10. I guess I haven't said my dream scenario in MW. Mikhail KIA, Sheryl gets a blue VF and Klan Klan and a slave who serve them. @ Westlo People can vote a character for all reasons. But for Sheryl, I really beg for no sympathy vote. We all know Luca needs a co-pilot more than anyone else.
  11. Have you cast your vote? If you haven't, do it. Nanase's number haven't increased for a while. Since Ranka and Nanase are unlikely to catch up Klan-chan in 2nd place and dethorning Sheryl from the #1 is simply impossible, I'm more interested in who will end in the 3rd. Nanase definitely need more support to be more competitive.
  12. No, it's simply a problem of misunderstanding, a showcase of the imperfections of vebal communication. Alto:"Not all people have been evacuated (pointing to himself). People have been here for you [read: I have worked for you]. You should still have something to do before you leave [read: give me a ride to shelter]." Sheryl:"(not looking at Alto the whole time and thinking he is a selfless but stupid boy) it's only for professionals." Alto: "That is where your professionalism goes(stunned, thinking Sheryl means a professional singer having privilege over a school boy not it's a job for professional soldiers to handle enemy.)." This is the real story. If your scenrio is true, I bet there is another scenario would happen about one year later.
  13. Thank you very much. And sorry for what I just said in my last post, I was little hotheaded at the time. But I guess I won't be this aggressive if not for her.
  14. I invite you to AnimeSuki, which is the only anime forum I actively posting. Never been on 4chan so I have zero idea about what you mean. Let me have a look on dictionary, "wrongdoing" is 1. behavior or action that is wrong, evil, or blameworthy. 2. an act that is wrong, evil, or blameworthy; misdeed; sin. Ranka must be saint to not have done any. Kidding aside, I said this only because I have seen bitch this and bitch when Sheryl does something wrong or not wrong just some people are too lazy to think, but I am only taught by them about forgiving and tolerating when Ranka is in the question. Well, after all she is new, young, inexperienced and still growing so we are responsible to forgive her and say she is always a nice and cute girl, so we must not call her a bitch. Maybe I need wait a day there is the flying knife instead of a frying pan hitting up with Ozma's forehead to call it wrongdoing. Maybe not. Ranka-chan justifies anything by her existence.
  15. How conveniently you forget what really happens in ep 10. Her reactions are not anything like "I am so regretful I didn't work up my courage to ask," but more like "damn it, I didn't think of asking but others already know." Ranka's shyness is really a great weapon to destroy any critics against her wrongdoings.
  16. How about True Tear?
  17. Voted Sheryl. You mean Sheryl turns bithier later? More likely those Chinese didn't realize how cute she really is as her popularity is on the rise recently in chinese forums. Bad news, we don't have 11 this week because of Eurocup. Which part(s) make you think there are nudges pushing to Ranka and Alto pairing? You must a real Ranka fan to ignore the fact Ranka knows nothing about Alto and don't care to know until someone tells her that she knows nothing about her crush.
  18. @ MisaForever thanks for the hot pic. I like her not because of hotness per se, which is a plus I admit, but mainly her personality and attitudes when comes to her trade. as far as I know Sheryl is 8th place and Ranka 10th place in female department, Macross is 4th in series department of NT June issue. I haven't seen Alto, maybe they just have big trouble for not knowing which department the princess shall compete in.
  19. Don't know about 2ch (knowing next to nothing about Japanese language so not to mention 2ch language), but I have googled "マクロスF人気投票(trans: macross F popularity poll)" and found two results. 1st poll http://www.vote5.net/anime/htm/1206894587.html current top three 1. Sheryl Nome 238 votes 2. Ranka Lee 177 votes 3. Alto Saotome 166 votes 2nd poll http://www2.finito-jp.net/m1/FRONTIER7/vote.cgi current top three 1. Sheryl Nome 301 votes 2. Ranka Lee 300 votes 3. Alto Saotome 234 votes It seems the two polls are still votable and open for overseas voters.
  20. Before Sheryl thread we got a Klan Klan thread? May I join Klan Klan club if I'm a SherylXKlanKlan supporter?
  21. Of course you don't like her type if you're Ranka fan. Even though she is Ranka's friend, she keeps stealing spotlights from Ranka (she is topping Ranka in this poll again). I voted Sheryl, but I really want to vote original Miria.
  22. I am a Sheryl fanboy ever since deculture version, so no reason for me to not vote the Galaxy Fairy. I'd like vote Klan Klan if I can cast two votes. I just think blue would suit Sheryl very well (doesn't matter which blue). By the way, is that possible to do a VOTE CHANGE function? I'm sure there would be ppl have done voting want to change to Sheryl after ep6.
  23. Just in case you didn't notice these. Bird Man can well be Sheryl's version of Aimo song.
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