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Everything posted by Gundamhead

  1. Just for everybody that might not know, the Thunder Hammer has a very Gundam/Armored Core look to it. Kits from those series might interest you as well.
  2. Boy that's a grungy looking plane. Very nice job!
  3. Yeah very Gundamish. I like to keep my series seperate. GPB Armor for me.
  4. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...1300-77-box.jpg See? Millia. Not Maria.
  5. I was waitin' for this one, 'cause she will always be Millia not Maria. A green haired alien babe should not have a Spanish name. That's from the old model kits not Robotech. I think the Robotech is 'Viva Mirya'.
  6. Hey, all I did was write a review for it. Thank the kit makers and Starship Modeler for the real work. Oh wait, that's you too.
  7. http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/jb_booster.htm For those not yet convinced.
  8. I'm wondering why nobody likes this gunpod? http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models.../im1311-99b.jpg
  9. It's a scratchbuild. I measured the 1/100 and scale it up to 1/72. Then lotsa cutting of sheet styrene.
  10. I'm working on a kit review for Starship Modeler. It's been too long since I offered one to them. I'll try and get some pics up, but I've been busy at work so time isn't my friend right now.
  11. Well when I made mine, (Karakorum) I had no idea about any others. After I had sold a few, Carl asked me if I had seen the Japanese version. He called it Dolly's, and it was similiar to mine. I forget whether or not Dolly's had missiles or the optional Strike/Super pod. You'd have to check with Carl. I never heard of a 3rd offering before. I'm curious now. My kit was just for the 1/72 Imai/Bandai variables. It was meant to be permanent, and not removable from the model once it was applied, but still left it completely transformable. Just in Super/Strike armor. (I try to give options) Other than my own personal VF-1S, I've never seen anybody's finished pics. Are you working on one?
  12. Nice work Cap'n! Very fine scribing, little clean up. Yup, gonna be a fun build! I can't wait to see what people come up with on theirs! For all you perfectionists, yes there are a couple of tiny flaws, but nothing a tiny bit of sandpaper and putty can't fix. Quitcherya whining and just build it! Pretty fast delivery! The box arrived a little abused, seems whenever I get something from Canada, it gets kicked around some. BUT There was absolutely no damage to any part of my Booster, including it's box. Its box has a nice Booster pic from the lineart, and the Samurai Monkey logo. John knows how to pack a model for shipping so don't worry! Very cool!
  13. Karakorum Creations 1/72 Resin Super/Strike Armor Hey that's mine! I didn't think anybody even remebered that. Pre Hasagawa days and all.
  14. You finished the flatbed? Well let's see it! Here ya go. I haven't put the other wheels on one side, so that's why it's lopsided. The green flatbed is the 1/100. My primer snotted on the nice sanding job I had, so my diamond plate is goobered at the moment. I'm just too lazy to strip it right now. Like I said, the underside is still naked, so there ain't anything to see. One of those 'But it was such a easy thing to do' things that turned into %#$#$!!! Put it away for a little or see what a Destroid Monster could do to it. I put it away for a little bit. http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p...12296&members=1
  15. Thanks. I didn't realize that was fr the Battroid. I'd love to see some better picture of it when you get yours though. I'm just curious as to what parts they were meant to replace.
  16. Yeah, we pretty much agree it seems. I could see the Fast packs, but they aslo never say they have to eject it before they land. Just that Hikaru usually winds up pummeled and can eject it to become aerodynamic again. I'd imagine the majority of VFs would manage to RTB with their armor still intact. So the paint thing is kinda moot again. Just because they can eject it, doesn't really mean they have to. So maybe a custom armor set is a bit less disposable than everybody assumes. Can you imagine the meteor showers in Macross? All that junk floating around, worse than Earth in Cowboy Bebop!
  17. Here's the 5000th B-17... http://fivegrand.freehomepage.com/cgi-bin/i/Front1.jpg http://fivegrand.freehomepage.com/cgi-bin/i/Tail1.jpg http://fivegrand.freehomepage.com/cgi-bin/i/brandnew.jpg http://fivegrand.freehomepage.com/cgi-bin/i/flightline.jpg Then there's the 10000th Hellcat http://spruebrothers.zoovy.com/product/HAS08144
  18. The nose cone sensor may be a FLIR-like pod like on modern Russian fighters. But with a VFs head, I don't really see a point to add it. Kinda like the GERWALK helicopter. S'OK, but kinda redundant. I'm sure those are the signatures of the people who built the Valkyries all over the nose (and part of the chest itseems), like they signed certain aircraft in WWII. It was the factory workers who signed primarily, not just VIPs. That was the whole point of 'signed' aircraft, everybody that worked on them was proud to add their name to it. The missile racks are odd. So is the drop tank. Maybe the tank is for range, fusion will still need something to consume. I dunno. Maybe somebody can translate the article and it might mention their purpose? Either way, they wouldn't be on a commemrative aircraft. That sorta stuff would be on expirimental machines. The signed aircraft would fly around drumming up support and boosting morale. It wouldn't see comabat or a expiremental program unless they were very desperate for fighters.
  19. Curiousity has me. What is this on your list? Could you post a picture of it if you happen to have it? "49.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/J/S) Battroid Valkyrie Upgrade Parts" Correct sized wings?
  20. I like the scheme. It's cool to see the Vf-4 getting some customization.
  21. You can make an arguement for anything really. You can't really use the launch vehicle as a arguement one way or the other. They could have a small number of them and many boosters. (There's only 1 shuttle tower for all of NASA's shuttles.) Nor can you use the custom paint. (Remember the VF-1D for Max'x wedding) So what you are left with is, Earth has been devastated. Scrap material is everywhere. Technology is almost magical. People are valuable, equipment isn't. But, is the material valuable for the booster? Are the risks to people in recovering the booster worth the effort? Is custom paint really that simple in Macross? Is the effort to build new boosters minimum, or complex? I still kinda like my space recovery idea. Gives the ARMD carriers a neat role other than being cannon fodder. It also gives the Spider Bugs a military support role. But after they get them aboard the ARMD, how would they get them back on Earth? Shuttles? I'd think they'd be able to stuff 2-3 in the bay of that massive shuttle. Does anybody know if the ARMD carriers are capable of re-entry and lift off? Are they just spaceborn only? If they can re-enter the atmosphere, it'd be a cinch to bring back a whole squadron of booster units in one shot. The reason I favor the deeper space recovery idea is I would think the production of boosters would be a fairly complex operation. More complex than a recovery anyway. Many examples are shown in Macross of things being re-used. I don't think they'd afford to waste material like that. Also we know Roy got his VF-1S carrying a VF-1D nose section into low orbit without any booster unit. That would imply the Boosters are needed for greater speed and range. That much power and size implies a great deal further than a standard VF, which would put the seperation sequence in space away from Earth's gravity. Maybe as the VF seperates, the boost from the feet initiate a slowdown/stop command for the Booster unit so a recovery team could retrieve them. Then again, they could just tumble and burn and become an artificial reef for mutant fish. But then again, why would it tumble to Earth if the booster takes the VF farther from Earth? Then again... ...
  22. Isn't a Gerwalk helicopter kinda redundant? I gotta admit though, I got a soft spot for the old stuff. Pretty cool to see some of it, Thanks!
  23. Heya boss! Check here for some info. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10572 Basically it was never known. We kinda decided they would be re-used if they had put the effort in to customize the schemes.
  24. BUMP for ONE ZERO.
  25. '1/100 Animation Figure Set' Yup I got those guys. I wonder why they were never called Macross figures though. A bunch of mine are serving as Zeon offficers and mechanics re-armin a Zaku. They're pretty decent, but the Prieser guys are top notch. They've got a slew of 1/72 guys suitable for various Macross dudes and dudettes.
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