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Everything posted by Gundamhead

  1. Not to go too far off topic but, I thought you may like to see these. Us 1/100 scale guys gotta stick together. http://www.reynaulds.com/preiser/p_1-100_f...=lngNumericSort
  2. There was a 'people' scale gun pod done as a kit. Just in case you guys didn't know. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models.../im1311-99b.jpg
  3. I just did the flatbed from the Factory kit in 1/72. (It doesn't have any belly guts though) I just always liked that thing. It was actually a little tougher than I thought it'd be. I had started the cherry picker, but got tired of wheels, but so far it was going OK.
  4. I'm in for a Regult with options. As long as it's big. The old 1/72 kits are too small for 1/72.
  5. What the heck is that? Really large.
  6. Well my caster is a little busy right now, so it's on hold until he's free. But it's all set for him when he calls for it.
  7. By the way, the Q-rau has been bootlegged already, and you can find them occasionally on Ebay.
  8. Generally, recast is copying somebody else's work and getting something for it. (99.9% of the time that's money). The arms, antenae, and face converted on the Q-Rau, then recast is bootleging still. That's a pretty small conversion. You would be doing only a tiny percentage of the work. The general rule of thumb is that to call it your own work, you have to do at least 75% of the work. Now if you offered just the parts as a conversion for Q-rau owners, it's your work, and would be original. Think of it in terms like this. If you bought the 1/72 Valkyrie Booster, added a few Wave Option parts, rescribed a few lines, then recast it, would it be your work or Moscoto's?
  9. The list is on the 1st page of the 'For Sale' thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=10279&st=0
  10. So those test peices being all junky and horribly miscast like that are nothing but trash, you won't mind sending them along with my improved final cast kit? Seriously though, they're looking great!
  11. So that's the new Legioss toy eh? Pretty nice looking. The gun however is about 3 times too large. Their guns are small like. I'd think it'd look better sizing that toy gun much smaller like the model.
  12. That looks so @#$% cool! I can't wait to get mine. So did ya finish the launch vehicle yet?
  13. Man those are cool screen grabs... Thanks!
  14. Man that's a big chunk of resin! Looking great so far!
  15. It was Cdr Fokker who had the screen caps, sorry. I wish I could do that. The episode is 'Viva MIllia' (#30) and the scene opens on the SDF-1, and the camera pans down to the tower. It all happens in the first 2 minutes of that episode. I've been thinking that it seems awful wasteful for them to just trash the boosters. They'd have to be fairly low priority on the construction priority lists, A VF can make orbit without the booster like in the first couple of episodes when Roy catches up to the SDF-1 with a cockpit pod in tow no less. But I'm sure the range is greatly reduced. Multiple uses for the booster would be more economic. Maybe they get jettisoned in deep space? They look to have enough power to make it well past Earth's gravity. Then they could be programed to decelerate and a ARMD could send a recovery team for them to be refurbished? I think that would make more sense. The idea of something that big and powerful being completely disposable just doesn't sit well with my pack-rat/salvage nature.
  16. The reason, I mentioned Max's being blue is cause the screen caps (Pg. 8 of this thread BTW) show it white. That scene is the poorly drawn far away shot. In the scene where the camera pans past Max and to Millia in her cockpit, Max's is blue. Looks cool too.
  17. Well paint aside, this vehicle is shown for about a minute. Max, Millia, and Hikaru use them to blast off the Earth. Along with them are about a 1/2 dozen Grey schemed VFs and a shuttle mounted on a enormous booster. The tower, (A cool idea to include in a display with the new model) gives the go for launch, and they all blast off. The Shuttle shows it's booster free falling back to Earth, so I would imagine a parachute and sea recovery to reclaim it. The next shot is the VFs escorting the shuttle to Breetai's ship, and they are all plain. What happened to the boosters? They don't strike me as being parachuteable (is that a word?). They aren't very aerodynamic looking and appear like they would tumble too much during re-entry. So would they jettison them once the VF's reached space? It seems the most likely to me. So what do you guys think?
  18. I just watched episode 30. Max's booster is blue with white trim, just like his VF. They never quite show Millia's, but a safe bet is it is also identical to Max's only in red. Hikaru seems to be an overall all white. Boring plain old white. Those boosters'll look sweet done up and sitting next to each other.
  19. Very cool of you Rob. Thanks for a great raffle/idea! It made my week.
  20. Nice win Flash!
  21. I got 219! SWEET!
  22. Ken, I have some photo etch diamond plate scraps from my Macross flat bed (I scaled up the 1/100 cherry picker and factory flatbeds to 1/72) if you want it PM me your addy. The scraps should be more than enough for that tiny tug.
  23. Yeah! Ewilen oughta burn in hell for mentioning a Variable Valkyrie in 1/72 that isn't a model, and I ought to join him for further suggesting it could be converted to a more model like state.
  24. They're called customs cause they've been customized, but not made into model quality. I think I've only seen 2 or 3 toys that ever bothered filling the screws or seams that approach model quality. The 1/55 won't make into a decent looking model no matter what someone does to it, but if somebody did a 1/48, it could. But it'd still need a whole lotta work. I didn't mention the HCM originally, I just included them for being 1/72. You're preaching to the choir. Sometimes scale matters more to somebody than the effort to kitbash/scratchbuild. For the record, I've been here for several years, probably even before you, so it's OK, you don't have to take anything into account. Did I offend you some how? If so, sorry, it was not intentional. I consider the amount of quality work somebody puts into a peice before I dismiss it as being just a toy. I also consider some poorly finished models as more toy like. It's not what it started as, but what it becomes when somebody does it all right and the quality shows through.
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