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Everything posted by ShizumaRobo

  1. Heh, a LOT of people on Random Curiosity are pissed about the harem ending. I for one, am personally comfortable with it. If they decide to resolve that in the movie, then good for them.
  2. Did anyone else go holy **** when the Vajra started folding over Macross City on Earth?
  3. That's about right. Definetly the best Macross production I've seen in awhile. However, if it had a few more episodes to flesh things out, it probably would have been equal to SDF Macross. As it stands, its still a fantastic sequel and a worthy followup.
  4. Just making sure. And I just saw the episode. WOW. What an ending. I'll put my impressions on the series when I have time.
  5. I would personally hold off all comments until after Episode 25.
  6. I think he means Wilder the SMS Captain.
  7. I'm dying to watch this, but I still haven't seen any torrents out yet. I guess Horrible Raws is a no show this week too.... Those Japanese commercials are fun to watch.
  8. This is gonna mess me up for the next two weeks....
  9. Not to mention it would be a pretty lazy way to end the series. It'll be like the last 24 episodes were all for nothing. It would be way too depressing for something that's as hopeful as Macross. Not to mention it would be so out of place with the show itself. Frontier never took itself way too seriously afterall. I still call BS on this, I don't think anyone will have anyway of knowing until the episode actually premieres. Kawamori would most likely keep the ending under wraps. It could very well be false, just like those fake synopsis for the final episodes.
  10. Besides, the show is celebrating Macross' 25th Anniversary. An ending like that would go against everything Macross stands for.
  11. I seriously call BS on this. Unless, Kawamori wants to destroy Macross and earn the wrath of fans everywhere, that has to be false. The show has been quality stuff, and an ending like that would completely destroy it. Still, that post really screwed me up. I really don't want to see all the characters that I've become attached to die. I hope kresphy is wrong on this one.
  12. Actually, I think you hit the nail right on the head. That would be a perfect way to end the series with the time left. I actually hope you're right. And it makes sense, especially with Kawamori did promise a surprising end to the series. I just hope he really comes through with his promise during these last episodes. Though I gotta admit, things might still feel a little cramped with only 4 episodes left.
  13. Fafner in the Azure also had an hour-long finale. If any anime deserves a double-length climax, its this one.
  14. I was just wondering, has it ever been revealed as to how long Macross Frontier will be? A lot of sites seem to say 25, but I'm not so sure. (25 would make sense, seeing as its the series 25th Anniversary and the show has been playing around a lot with that number) With that remains one of my main worries of the show. It may end up being too short. 25-26 episodes may not be enough, especially with all the mysteries, character conflicts and conspiracies that have popped up in the show's storyline. (Who or what created the Vajra? The mystery of Mikhail's sister. The incident involving Global and Ranka's past, the rocky relationship between Alto and his father, and lots others) I'm really worried that they might end up rushing the story to a conclusion and leave a lot of loose ends untied. Then again, I remember reading that Kawamori claimed that the final half of the series will be mega epic and "suprass the past Macross shows." So far, with all of the wonderful surprises I've experienced on this show, I'll cautiously take his word for it......But as of now so far, so good.
  15. "Bad Dog." It's on Vol. 2 of the OST's.
  16. I agree. I'd like to know that myself. Just maybe the story will have some link to it later on, but that's still up in the air. Maybe, there'll be some Sharon Apple music playing on the radio as well....
  17. To be honest, I liked the Movie version a lot more. It was the first version of M+ I watched. While the OAV had a lot of cool scenes I missed in the Movie. (The Opening battle, Isamu getting sent to Eden, the Battroid fight between Isamu and Guld) I thought the movie told the story better and it had a lot more closure than the OAV. We also got more breathtaking visuals from Sharon's concert in Macross City, and Sharon seducing Isamu with his love of flying was more developed here too. I thought the OAV ending was too rushed.
  18. Klan Klan (Klein Klan) is really growing on me as well. (Especially after Episode 9) But..... The show needs more Kanaria Berstein. Not to mention more scenes of her firing that Koenig Monster.
  19. .........I'd actually like to see Frontier do a shout out episode to the series much like Macross Zero had. Hell, I wouldn't even mind if that had just ONE episode of Valkyrie pilots singing to the Vajra. And we've seen in past episodes that Ozma is obviously a Firebomber fan. And while it might be too much to ask, I'm really curious to see what became of Nekki and the rest of Firebomber in 2059. Then again, I'm scared to see Nekki trying to apply his methods to this whole Vajra crisis.
  20. You know what? I can't choose just one. The entire soundtrack is brilliant. Yoko Kanno is indeed the greatest composer ever. But if I had to choose some favorites, I love the instrumental piece from the beginning of Episode 2 when Alto is escaping from the Vajra with Ranka "SDFM-style." It was a really strong action-piece that seemed to combine all of the themes used on Episode 1. It almost felt like a reward for waiting for this show to premiere. But I really hope it appears on the OST. I also really like the instrumental that played at the beginning of a few of the Episodes. (It appears at the end of Episode 6 right before Diamond Crevasse.) "Diamond Crevasse" is also a really beautiful song, and the way they integrated it with the events of Episode 6 and the End credits was absolutely brilliant. Also, I think the song has kinda of a "Cowboy Bebop" feel to it. Only a bit more elegant. I know people don't think much of Sheryl's version of "What Bout' My Star." But I like it. Mostly because it gives me some serious "Macross Plus" flashbacks. I can literally see Sharon Apple performing it. In fact, I love how well they integrate the music into the story. The editing and direction is just superb. Also the way they edit "Infinity" into Episode 7 was just awesome. It made the whole thing feel so epic and heroic.
  21. One more thing. I also have to give credit to this show for having some of the most vicious and frightening antagonists on a Macross show. The Vajra are some really nasty son of a guns and I can't wait to learn more about them as the series goes on, and judging by the next episode they should have some bigger and nastier stuff in store for our heroes.
  22. My opinion? The series has been absolutely amazing so far. Right up there with the original series and Plus IMO. I only hope Kawamori doesn't screw things up with the story like he did with Zero. And so far, this is absolutely everything I wanted in Macross sequel. The animation and production quality is astounding (Count me as one of the few people blind to the supposedly "bad" animation of Episode 6.) And I love how its focusing so much on character development. All the characters are really starting to grow on me. Also, this show has some absolutely fantastic direction. The show is so easy to get into compared to that of Macross 7. There are so many memorable scenes where I was fully engaged in what was happening. Right from the suspenseful first attack (that really had me on the edge of my seat) on the Frontier on Episode 1 (Deculture Edition), to the launch into enemy territory during Sheryl's Farewell concert (the way it flowed so smoothly to "Diamond Crevasse" nearly brought tears to my eyes.) The emotion of each event on this show really comes through full force. I also think Frontier really does an excellent job focusing on music without smashing you in the face like Macross 7 does. Yoko Kanno's soundtrack is so well integrated within the story. Ranka singing at the Zentraedi Mall and Sheryl's Farewell concert are prime examples of this. So overall again, I hope this series retains this wonderful quality all through to the end. I've seen many anime get to an awesome start only to crap out later (Gundam SEED Destiny) But at this point, I'm very positive. This show indeed seems to be a labor of love.
  23. A part of me says yes, but its not necessary. As everyone else said, 7 is in the past and Macross Frontier is now. Still, I thought a few aspects of Macross 7 could have been improved. I felt the fact that it was made at the same time as the Macross Plus OVA's sort of hurt it a little bit. The animation, IMO is even below the original Macross series
  24. Ranka Lee is easily the most charming character on the show so far. Though in the end, I know the other characters will grow on me as well.
  25. Sorry, accidental post!
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