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Everything posted by Froy

  1. Is not one of those toynami´s Super Scale line Batroids? Look at the plate on the base.
  2. How big will be? 30 cm or biger or smaler?
  3. Je je I mean the model on the picture on the left side... look them carefuly you should find something strange. I'll try to post a picture for you can see it.
  4. Just curious.... Have you looked the lower legs fo the YF 21? are twisted! look the screws holes. You should be having problems trying to pose the YF 21 in gerwalk mode. Compare the legs of the model whit the yamato YF 21's
  5. What is HG thinking? if they stop all sales of macros products in america or out of japan, what they will win? we will not start buynig hg stuff. or we will? if they not sale their stuff now, they will never. They have to acept :their stuff is bad, they can´t make us buy that. I'm not meaning HG, I mean Toynami in particular.
  6. Join the club 1/60: -Roy F. Vf 1 S -Hikaru vf 1 A -Max vf 1 A -vf 1 A CF -Srtike vf 1 S -TV series Super Hikaru vf 1 J -TV series Super Max and Mirilla VF 1 J 1/72: -YF 21 Fats pack -VF 11b non fast pac 1/48: -VF 1 S w/ super/srike parts Coming soon: 1/60 Mirilla Q Rau and VF 1 D Everithing from VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE Thanks Kevin
  7. Hi every body I am new around here, well almost new. I am interested in one of your kits if i want to get one, what i must to do?
  8. Froy

    Just wondering

    I was wondering if the Vf 1J wich come whit the new gbp armor comes whit the new gunpod ( if the set includes a gunpod) and new arms, or is only the first old model of vf 1j.
  9. Froy

    Kakizaki decals

    why there is decals for kakizaki fast pack on the 1/48 stiker shet, is yamato planing to release the kakizaki valk?
  10. yes i think that you should open a forum in sapnish. i think that you have more than one memeber that have problems whit the english ( I one of them)
  11. You should post this in toys forum, it's incredible ,there you will have more opinions.
  12. Use satndar VF 1 boster pack in another valks ( vf 19, 11 or 21 ) I read some where that the first fast packs boster are tecnically compatible whit some another valks. Any piks?
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