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Everything posted by Froy

  1. Hey! miriya where did you get your vf-1d? i want one too I have been looking for it for a long time.
  2. 1 preordered! it's my firts time whit HLJ and I want my 21 to be the firts in arrive to Mexico je.
  3. Will be the 21 more expensive than the SV-51's? 22,890?
  4. You may take a look a this, I think that you will find good references here. wm Cheng is the Master http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=0#entry341193
  5. Wow the Ivanov is really big... and this post too. Will go this one to the hall of the super topics?
  6. I don`t konw if you have noticed this but it seems that there will be a "Monster" for the Terrans
  7. Froy

    VF X2 Ravens

    a little dark but i think is cute
  8. Froy

    VF X2 Ravens

    ooh thanks that will be very useful
  9. Froy

    VF X2 Ravens

    I have benn looking for a good image of the emblem of that squad, and no good luck. Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance
  10. Somebody sugested that some members should write in it's native tonge to prevent some problems and so: En algun lugar lei que pronto se podrian encontrar los primeros 4 capitulos de esta serie en america, no era muy buena fuente pero me intereso. ¿alguien sabe para mas o menos para que fecha se podran conseguir? Somewhere I read that soon ther first 4 episodes could be find in america.? Somebody know a date for the release? Thanks
  11. Here: http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-13...gure-3-pack-_JM 3 valk set for $1000 Mexican Pesos (about $90 dlls) sounds good.
  12. Are they really worth? I mean, after what toynami did with the mpc´s I can get them here in Mexico for a good price but i don´t know if they worth.
  13. From Mexico... at last Is very hard to find them now that Valk-exchange is no more. All my stuff came from Kevin.
  14. Hi Yes, how and what i need to know to make custom decals, printer, programs, decal paper/materials. I konw that already exist custom decals for 1/48´s but it's dificult to get them here in Mexico. One more thing, I'm trying a version of a rotating cokpit for my 1/48 and just wanted to know if you have a scan of a detailed interior of the ratotated cokpit?(instrument panels , screens positions, setaer..) Thanks in advance.
  15. Whoa !!! That makes it. I will try that for the next And thanks for the advice.
  16. I have been wasting some time...
  17. Go for 1/48 VF-1S Roy, I have 2 VF-1S 1/60 and I still belive that I did a good choice. And I'm still waiting for a good offer for a Hikaru VF-1J just to fit it whit the gbp. In my opinion the head sculpture of the VF-1J's is a little less pretty than the 1/60, you can compare if you alredy own 1 as you say. And I think... "if I get Miria scheme I must get Max scheme" But if you want something new go for the new ones: low vis I and II, and stealth
  18. Hi This is interesting. Sombody explain this to me: Why and who Toynamy is releasing DYRL based stuff? They have already done this whit the super possables.
  19. Mmmm... 1/48: VF-1 S Roy Fokker (1 GBP, 1 Fast Packs) 1/60: DYRL VF-1A Hikaru, Max and Canno Fooder DYRL VF-1S Roy Fokker and Strike version. TV series VF-1J Max, Miriya and Hikaru. (in-coming gbp) 1/72: Macross Plus YF 21 Fast Packs VF-11 Non Fast Packs
  20. Hi I just recived my gbp from Kevin, (thanks a lot Kev!!!) But i found that I have 4 extra missiles, is this for everybody or just only in my bgp?
  21. Hi Just voted. I don,t know if this could be useful but, why you don't make 3 diferent categories. - Traditional, I mean pure hand work, color pencils, wather color... - Computer genereted images - And one for mixed, traditional improved whit CGI.
  22. Just curious. I don´t know how many people are interested about this. I remember a guy being sarcastic about some faetures like this one when the first 1/48 was released. I have been analyzing the structure aroun the seat but everthing is attached tho the main body. I would like to try a custom but I don´t want to mutilate my only 1/48, if it isn´t possible. is there some secure way to remove the seat and the canopy?
  23. Somebody have to say 1/60's VF 1-S strike, the look of the 1/60´s, I thinks, is more accuarte to the valkyries in the anime and not to the techcnical line art as the 1/48 is, I say these because the 1/48 is a very impresive "toy" only for display(if you think to do not touch it again once set on the dislpay). 1/48 is great to play whit it around your room.
  24. Douh !!! Very bad new. All my valks came from valk exchange I'm wondering, was I the only mexican who bought toys here? Now were can I get teh 1/48 gbp?
  25. Hi everybody I need some of help. Where can I buy a lego star destroyer? The probles is that lego shop does not send products to Mexico. If you know any shop.
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