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Everything posted by Froy

  1. Froy

    Yamato Sale @ HLJ

    Hell! The VF-1D is on backorder again, and no signs of my order being processed. I have been checking my open orders and now are 2 days showing the "Received Request to Ship Available Items" message, HLJ guys must be working like hell. *Edit* Got the " received your payment" email. Very odd, the date and the hour: 15/06/2010 09:10:56 PDT Does this means that HLJ staff is working overtime? Any way, I just went back to HLJ and the 1D is now out of stock again.
  2. Froy

    Yamato Sale @ HLJ

    Be careful. The system does not work on real time, you oreder may take 24-48 hrs to apear. This happens to me offten. You should get an auto-generated "order acknowledge" mail for your order not an "order confiramtion" mail wich you'll receive after your order is processed.
  3. Froy

    Yamato Sale @ HLJ

    Yea! got my order confirmation mail yesterday, my VF-1D is cooming!
  4. Wow, that's very useful. Thanks. Is there any way to download that calculator? or is only avalible on the web site?
  5. How did you molded the styrene to get that perfect cilindric shape !?! I'm tempted to build the rocket boosters for my VF-11 but didn't know that the styrene could be molded like that from a flat sheet.
  6. Just ordered mine from HLJ a few minutes ago. I thought they will have it in stock agian untill late june. I have being waiting for this guy for long time because I wanted the VF-1J gbp to be my first V.2
  7. Yea! Mine showed up yeterday. Shoulder joints are solid rock whit no signal of stress marks . And I don't know if it is only me but I see at least 2 shades of withe on mine , one for the plastic parts and one for the metalic parts (it seems that the paint on the matal is yellowing. As soon as I can I'll up load pics)
  8. I'm on that rigth now!
  9. Hell Yea! Just picked up Nora's 1/60 SV-51 from HLJ 70% off!!! Special sale (damaged boxes) http://www.hlj.com/scripts/dentscratch
  10. HAAAA!!! Want mine now....
  11. My VF-1J from HLJ re-release will be here the next week (moonday probably)and the first thing I'm going to do is check the shoulder joints praying for good ones.
  12. Great! That means that HLJ must have it in stock (now or soon). Finally my first 1/60 V2 is coming.
  13. What!?! New fold bosster set also includes fast packs for 19 and 21? I have YF-19 with FP/FB and YF-21 FP, if I only want the fold booster for my 21 what the hell I'm going to do with the extra packs for the 19 and 21?
  14. Finally got some money for my bgp but I have a question: will be this re-release shoulder problem free? http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00198 I just don't want to get Yamatoed.
  15. That will be a perfect red-blood color schem.
  16. VF-11b, actually the best I have (solid, easy transformation, nice proportions) only the YF-21 is at is level, but too complicated transofrmation sequence.
  17. It seems to be one of those small pieces that covers the screw holes, some times they just pop-out with no reason. Look around the valk. Edit: I think is from the inner side of one of the legs.
  18. What is the rainbow efect on the canopy?
  19. Goldenweek is the answer. I had a little delay too.
  20. Is that display from 七人の侍 (Shichinin no Samurai) movie !?! Where did you get it?
  21. Actualy VF-1J v1.0 has telescopic neck.
  22. Froy

    What is this?

    Hi. Someone is selling this at my school and he told me that he bought it in Europe but I can not find any info about this VF-1D.
  23. Is there already release date for this red ones?
  24. I had that problem too. It's not broken the small piece poped out form the arm, take a look under the tailfin. (I think this hapened to you just like me, trying to remove the fastpack from the arm)
  25. I wonder if they can shipp to Mexico. Have you tried with an airbrush?
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