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Everything posted by Froy

  1. Wouldn't be easier just glue the joint in place? My adapters should be in home tomorrow afternoon. As soon I got them I'll up load pics.
  2. Is that a production sample? Even in those low-res photos it looks sweet.
  3. Have HLJ already charged you? Check out if all the products in you order are in stock. If one item in your order is not in stock you order won't go in process until all of the items are in stock.
  4. Had that problem too. I used some drops of super glue to fix it.
  5. Wow, I just got dinged the past week with almost $50 due to import fees for my VE-1 and the SSP (from HLJ via Fedex). Hope this won't happen this time.
  6. Me too, the right shoulder joint (the one that connects to the body) is very loose and can't hold the weight of the gunpod I was tempted to pop out the cover on the shoulder piece to reach the inner screws, but the cover is on the visible side on fighter mode and I think I would be too risky remove it with out damaging he surface.
  7. My bad, was lookin to the wrong spot.
  8. The stand again. Makes me wonder if the VF-4 will have balance issues.
  9. Went through and placed and order for a set of adapters taking advantage of the free shipping. I have the stands but not how to attach the weird yamato elintseeker stand adapter to the bandai stands.
  10. Just opened mine. I could not be more happy with it. Mine suffered the exact same symptoms. Though mine it wont be transformed to battroid. Also noticed that the color of the helmet of the pilots is now yellow, not the blueish color of the box.
  11. 1/60 or 1/48 scale?
  12. Will be selling my VE-1 and strike parts options. According to Fedex my shipment should hit my door this wednesday.
  13. Oh man! Finally!!! Been waiting for the VE-1 for long time. When it was first released I was at the university. Now I can afford this beauty with no remorse.
  14. I think VF-17 is the heaviest of all. Waiting to see how it goes
  15. Last time the orders stopped the release date was 31/12.
  16. Nothing good last for ever.
  17. Here is my try. Super is too heavy for the joint, normal fighter can be displayed with a more freedom. Actually for super valk, the gun pod helps to keep the valk in position. Yamato's adapter if very far away from the gravity center of the super valk. Little tooling required, took me like 30 min. to fix this one.
  18. Well, here comes an other full month of waiting for my VE-1
  19. Odd question but: is there a way to cancel my preorder from Yamato online shop? My friend do not find how to do it.
  20. One page back. http://www.macrosswo...ndpost&p=979808 Got the template from valkyrie factory several years back, this is for 1/72 though. vf-11b_tail.pdf
  21. Damn, this waiting is killing me. The release schedule is for early December or late? May not be a significant difference but i noticed that shipping on the last part of December takes a hell of time to arrive even if they are shipped via EMS.
  22. What about upper arm exploded parts? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35649&view=findpost&p=929440
  23. Mmm... this would be my 3d one. One with a proxy, one with NY and now one from HLJ. Maybe I'll end cancelling 1.
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