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Everything posted by Froy

  1. Wow: That is nuts! I hope this ting is fulled with explodium and be the worst toy ever produced... Just kidding, but I wonder why the rush for this kind of releases? At first sight Arcadia's 19 seems to be far superior to this one. (Although we haven't seen a production sample yet). At less for me the Frontier past packs are just a meh. I would like to get one of this just because of the articulated hands.
  2. Guess who is coming to get your soul?
  3. I saw that some time ago. Price is a killing tough. Hope hot toys gets Cain done for a fair price, I missed the 209. Or at less if the could give us a Clarence Boddicker.
  4. Isn't it a bit cheap? Assuming it is 1/60 scale. 25000 yen is around 200 USD now days. And this one comes with past packs and articulated hands. Arcadia 19 was 33000 yen and the new VF-0D is 37000 yen.
  5. Just picked this up from post office. But HLJ is really starting to do overkilling paking But, anyway it was just matter of time for me to jump on this train Hell yea. I'll be busy today maybe I'll take it out tomorrow.
  6. Haters gonna hate, but it is not that bad. Super variant in fighter mode is for sure the best. At less it does not have the ugly swing bars showing.
  7. Froy

    Hi-Metal R

    Any words about if this will have delivery bars for the legs like on the 1/72 kit?
  8. No fighter mode pictures yet?
  9. So, maybe no BF discount on HLJ? Pre Orders still open on NY though.
  10. Holy vaca!
  11. V2 Elintseeker needs one of this for sure. Should I pre-order it now or wait for BLACK FRIDAY!
  12. At less it will have some balls
  13. Translation? I know some Japanese but not enough.
  14. Oops wrong thread*
  15. This. Picked it up from post office past Monday and I won't be able to unpack it for at less one week more
  16. Here are some pictures of mine. I don't see any problem with the metal parts. Maybe the plastic is warped a bit. Use the last picture as reference and check is that plastic part is symmetric.
  17. Post some pictures. Maybe I can't tell you what you are doing wrong. And I can upload some of my 21 in fighter mode.
  18. Sutaaseibaaaa! Seems to be a production sample. This is the first time that a waiting time for a release is really killing me
  19. Meh. Arcadia's 19 is enough for me.
  20. From the last pic, the back plate seems to be fixed in place. So, no firing action pose for this monster.
  21. Any word about what will be packed with this bird? VF-4, nothing but extra hands and stand adapters<YF-19 FP, gunpod, extra pilot and a ton of extra missiles. Both almost for the same price (VF-4G was $60 USD cheaper than YF-19 when released, but due to exchange rate paid almost the same for both).
  22. Have those 2 handy now. Old 19 piece has a peg on the back, new 19's don't. New is a little bit more dark. Also the casted details are a little bit diferent and are a bit more sharp in the new piece. The one you pictured is the old one.
  23. Guys, guys remember: Black Friday is coming. I don't like to be cheap and I actually preorder some toys for the original price, but this time I have to say to me: wait for cheaper. I just hope preorders do not sold out by then.
  24. Max and Miria super J's or I'm done collecting valks.
  25. Why so much hate about transformers movies? Look Batman franchise, Iron Man, Spider Man, and some more. Really turned if not bad, at less not that good. Are transformers fans really that loyal or comic fans are really that retarded to buy anything that can be sold to them? I just don't get it. I'm 30 and grown up with both transformers and some comic sagas and can't spot a real difference.
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