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Everything posted by Froy

  1. Gosh! This new Arcadia nuclear anti-flash white is horrible. First time I see this 2 shades side by side.
  2. My 3 best Too young for Takatokus: 1- Yamato VF-1J GBP armored (gray visor) This one has the everything that V.2. line has to offer. The only down side is that it does not include the Super/strike parts. 2- Yamato 1/48 VF-1J GBP armored. Because size matters. And again, everything in the same package. 3- I must call this a tie. Yamato VF-11B and YF-21. Being the Omega One one of my favorite valk of all times and unarguably the VF-11B being the most well designed valk from the Yamato era. For my 3 least. I never owned a toy I didn't like. For some time I owned a Yamato Q-rau but I got bored that it is just a figure. I can say that if it does not transform, it falls in my least favorite category toys.
  3. Been cheking at NY. But after the conversion I have a price of 3,816 MXN. This is 200 MXN more than HLJ. For USD the price conversion is right, around 15 USD cheaper. Any explanation? Don't want to cancel my PO at HLJ and find a nasty surprise when paying time comes.
  4. Just POed at HLJ. Been waiting for this for years! Good to see they are applying 1 item per costumer.
  5. So, it begins. Better keep an eye on HLJ.
  6. This. LOL Already waiting for the PO button.
  7. When your Valk dingaling shrinks because the cold bacum of space and does not need much cover. LOL I just remembered this option part. Not present on the V.2. BTW.
  8. Thinking the same. I don't like the coloring Arcadia has been using. I won't mind to pay a little extra if the prices lower close to the Arcadia releases.
  9. I've always wanted a perfect transformation Legioss toy, but this one does not look like a $200-ish quality toy.
  10. God! It was time already
  11. Hope this is a thing. I was thinking on jumping out of the boat of collecting Macross stuff since I miss this 2. There is no way I can get the Yamato releases at the ridiculous price of the aftermarket.
  12. Oh! The old times of Valkyrie-exchange. I wonder if somebody still remembers Kevin. Most of my v.1 collection came from him and when his site shutdown I switched to HLJ. It is not too easy or cheap to get old stuff shipped to Mexico for a reasonable price. The most of the things I have are from preorders or fresh new releases.
  13. Those shoulder armor parts. They are way too wide. They kinda remind me the over sized chest piece of the 1/48 GBP armor.
  14. The old explodium. Got to check my 19 as well.
  15. Whoa! Just seen this at HLJ front page. Am I the only one that this is just no sense? Even the color is horrible! We need a reissue for M&M super VF-1J!
  16. That revoltech joint XD
  17. Nice! FAST packs are going to happen. Hopes for a reissue of M&M super J's to follow soon.
  18. Still no words of this being released as a bundle?
  19. I don't transform or touch them too often, but Yamato did a very good job solving the problems about the shoulders. I have found my Max and Kaki (both displayed in battroid mode) a couple of times in the ground (blame the cat) and they don't show any signs of damage at all, not even cracks. They are really quite resistant!
  20. The one I have does not seem to have any shoulders issues and it has the updated crotch. It seems to be from the "safe to buy" era.
  21. Arggg. I miss my GT1 game. I dumbly lost it a few months ago. The regrets are strong. It was the only PS1 game that I actually enjoyed.
  22. A VT-1 would be tempting. Speaking by my self I find it kinda boring. But if reissue happens I will jump on a M&M super set definitively, even is the price is a bit steep.
  23. Damn!
  24. Whoa, that sad. I enjoined the first movie. Maybe in 30 or 40 years or so may be possible. It is already happening now.
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