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Everything posted by Froy

  1. Nope, they only ship to Japan addresses.
  2. Seems it is not. Last pic don't show the bonus missiles.
  3. They are reliable. Last thing I got from them was the DX VT-1 with no problem. And yes, they do under value. Shipping label on the box for my Ostrich read 7000 yen as value of the contents.
  4. Nin nin is offering Store Exclusive, bonus missiles. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/sentinel/154934-riobot-armored-genesis-mospeada-ab-01h-tread-148-limited-edition-bonus-sentinel-.html 50k Edit: Bite the bullet. Even if the price is a bit step I have plenty of time to save the money.
  5. Nin nin https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/sentinel/154929-riobot-armored-genesis-mospeada-ab-01h-tread-148-sentinel-.html
  6. Hmmm. It is seems the preorder date is only for the store exclusive not for retailers.
  7. https://sentinel-store.jp/カテゴリールート/RIOBOT-1-48-AB-01H-トレッド(ストア限定特典付)/p/SEN-JP-60?site=GENTINEL_JA&lang=ja&clear=true But it is only domestic for Japan.
  8. https://hobby-genki.com/en/sentinel/43039-riobot-armored-genesis-climber-mospeada-148-ab-01h-tread-4571335880835.html Still nothing at HLJ
  9. Hooooooly c**p! That is impressive.
  10. One showed at mandarake https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1279245993&ref=list&keyword=Vf 1&lang=en Interestingly only 5k Yen above original price. Few months ago I paid 28k for an opened/used first release. Lol.
  11. A Hi Metal R VF-1J. Post man showed up when I was dusting Nora and Ivanov 😂 Didn't remember what a floppy mess those 2 where. Haven't touch them in years.
  12. And those better como as a bundle or as regular release. I totally see Bandai pulling out one of this twisted things, one retailer releases and one web exclusive. And want fast packs for those? Get ready for one of those lottery kinda sales. Lol
  13. As a hard fan of the J variant of the VF-1 I have been considering on getting that one. But a $150 USD at BBTS I think is a little bit step on the price, plus I'd have to throw in around 28 USD on import taxes.
  14. @sh9000 sadly no plans for getting Macross toys at that price range for the reminder of the year, I really wanted that 50th anniversary valk. Still I will continue to bring in some more hi metals. Still need to get a VF-19
  15. So far TV releases and DYRL have some different tampo markings. They would need to strip some off.
  16. I actually picked up this one from the post office Saturday last weekend nad just had chance to put it out of the box today. From Mandarake, no Tamashii shipping box. This would've been my most expensive Macross item to date. MXN to JPY and USD have been terrible the past month. Luckily it came free of import taxes. Now, if I just could get a Max VF-1A at a decent price.
  17. Maybe in 2 years. Lol. First photos of the prototype where posted here almost 2 years ago!
  18. Just paid for my ordered at Mandarake , 44750. (38000+6700 EMS shipping) But hoooooly cow! At 6.6 yen for 1 MXN that is the worst exchange rate I have seen in years.
  19. Seems I finally managed to grab one at Mandarake last night. Still waiting for the confirmation/invoice mail. I really hope I didn't got cart hijacked since it took me some time to log into the site. Lol
  20. Thanks. My DX 21 is next. Still in the box while I make room for it. I just had to open the Ostrich first because of the color and be because it is the only VF that I will ever display in Gerwalk mode 😂 Battroid pics are awaiting.
  21. One more Brownie. Probably the luckiest pick so far. A couple popped at Mandarake almost together (the opened one from my last post). The first one seems that whoever grabbed didn't pay for it. And it became available a couple of days since my last order. This one comes in a very pristine box, even the store staff cared to slap the store sticker on the side. Count so far is 6. I consider my self lucky as hell since my 4 picks from Mandarake have been popping at very nice hours for me in Mexico. Past months for the time I wake up they were already gone. I was willing for just 2 or 3 but now it seems this is going to be a bottomless pit 😂
  22. Picked up 2 more brownies from the post office at the start of the week. Just got time to unpack them. One is opened and the other still sealed. Both from Mandarake. Been lucky that this 2 popped at the online store early in the night for me in Mexico.
  23. Yikes! 45k at Yokakunow. That, plus shipping place it above I can afford right now. I will keep tryin my luck at Mandarake.
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