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Everything posted by Froy

  1. Froy

    repair for my VF-19

    The old Yamato explodium. Basically the upper arm part bellow the part that slides down for battroid mode just disintegrate. Happened to mine. I just used some crazy glue.
  2. Is there something in the art line or on the master files(?) that say something about the extra armor part on the shoulder bellow the missile pod? The 3 of the Yamato iterations have it too. Edit* I can't see that small shoulder part here
  3. There is a post like that one already here. Maybe just dead long ago.
  4. My shipment finally left Japan after almost a month.
  5. No top comparison with the cm's, ET or toynami? They way sentinel legioss legs tuck in fighter is one of the strongest points in the design improvement for me.
  6. From the little japanese I can understand. Seems the fighter stand attachment will be probably used to connect to the tread Boomer I have to way for a month more to get mine shipped from HLJ.
  7. This variable F-14. Dope.
  8. Shouldn't the yellow little arrows on the head of the tv series VF-1S be black?
  9. Got payment request for my legioss from HLJ minutes ago!
  10. EMS from HLJ. Seems it hasn't moved an inch
  11. Probably the 1/60 VF-1 v2. I only own yamatos. I can bet Bandai new 1/48 is a bit better. Is one of the models that happens to not be affected a lot by anime magic. Like the YF-21, those skinny legs are just awful.
  12. No one on the Yamato 1/60 VF-11? Probably the best designed valk from that era. VF-1 v.2 came to fix some things after the 1/48 scale.
  13. 1/48 TV packs only came in bundle with Hikaru's VF-1J
  14. Just model builders "mumbo jumbo"
  15. Good luck! I just got a pack that was stuck in line before even getting to aduana check. It was hold in line for almost 2 months. The only explanation at post office: personal cuts. No enough people to do the job.
  16. As a toy (something to handle and play with) 1/60 scale. As a display piece 1/48. Tends to be a floppy mess, it is better just to look at it sitting untouched in any mode.
  17. Sweet merciful crap!
  18. Seems to be back at nippon yassan https://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-es/figures/27881-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximilian-jenius-custom.html no "pay latter" option tho
  19. Are those completed models? Been looking for a nice A-10.
  20. Still too gappy. No much improvement on that area. Or it juse because is a test piece?
  21. In stock at Nippon Yasan https://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-es/figures/25676-super-dimensional-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-vf-1j-valkyrie-ichijo-hikaru-custom.html
  22. Is any one here going to consider and try to paint the visor grey?
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