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Everything posted by Froy

  1. Nope. Just regular releases. And only the original release came with fast packs. If you wanted fast packs for the 21 you had to hunt down the fold booster bundle with pack for both 19 and 21.
  2. You either have a slim and aerodynamic fighter with a skinny batroid mode or a well proportionated batroid mode with an absolute chunk of fighter mode. I wouldn't be too picky. The 21 by far, might, gotta be the most anime magic affected valk.
  3. Froy

    Hi-Metal R

    Weird. I have never seen a product like this with shipping to Mexico.
  4. Go, go, go! https://www.hlj.com/dx-chogokin-vf-1j-armored-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijo-bans61451 I'd be in for one more if I had the moneys
  5. Froy

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh! So, is this going to be an actual release? Wasn't very sure if I wanted to get some hi metal (since I wasn't able to grab either Max and Miria supers or or Hikaru GBP). Guess this will be a good chance.
  6. Froy

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I knew there was something odd. Why is Arcadia giving it hard points?
  7. Froy

    Hi-Metal R

    Because of the perspective proportions may look a bit off but it looks to me that the landing gear is longer than the landing gear bay.
  8. Not a huge fan of Transformers but a Lego fan since kid. To be assembled this weekend
  9. Just scored a terrific deal on amazon this weekend. Guess these sets are not that popular here in Mexico. Luna Lander came with 34% off and The Discovery with a whopping 25%
  10. A VF-1S in Kakizaki colors? Now, that is a view.
  11. I'd believe that if this is a official second run, the price should be near MSRP (around 20000 yen) The price for that publication seems to be aftermarket pricing.
  12. VF-1S neck is bigger/widder. VF-1J head won't fit on the S neck. Also I found out that S head is very lose when you put it on the J neck.
  13. Froy

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Not a great fan of M7 valks but I hope this is a small window opening for VA-6.
  14. Since Arcadia was Yamato, lots of VF-1. Does that count?
  15. Got curious about this. Just tried removing them from my Fockker. No issues. I remember having trouble back then with the 1/48 Yammies. DX is way easier, or is just my copy. VID_20220206_192522.mp4
  16. Just ask your friend if is a first release. If it is open ask him to check the the biceps. On the first run of the biceps just exploded for no reason and to make the things worse you only noticed it when handled the toy just to find the arms to be loose as hell. (A part that slide over the biceps during transformation hide this issue) http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=1673 There is the listing for the releases. After the original release there are 2 more. You can identify the release by the box art.
  17. Sure is a delight to see them together. And side by side you couldn't tell there is a 15 years gap between both designs. It is just me or Bandai pilot figures are a bit small?
  18. Wait. I think this is illegal...
  19. Taking some time to clean the old Yammie. I also trying to get a nice back ground to shoot some comparison pics Also, didn't remember how loose and fiddly the Yamato is.
  20. Got some time to play with my combo. So far zero issues. Only found out that the left shoulder and the socket for the left hand are a bit loose (not to the point of compromising posability) A minor inconvenient (almost had a haert attack), missile cover just fell off while installing the leg parts. It just needed a little bit more glue at the factory. Easy fix.
  21. Something cool going thru the instructions. On the first page on how to install the armor parts the first step is on switching the heads. But on the part about transforming from battroid to fighter. The first step is switching the heads again. Is some part of the visor actually ejected with the rest of the armor? Or it is just anime magic?
  22. I'm in Mexico. For all the years I have being buying from over seas it is the 3rd time I pay taxes. As far as I know only 10% of all packages that go thru customs are acutally checked and charged some taxes.
  23. Just picked mine up from post office. Customs charged me an extra $66 USD Anyways, I was expecting to be a bigger box. Also is a little heavier than I thought
  24. Holy! I should be picking up mine from the post office. I can't tell with all certain for now but the pieces seem not to be mirrored except for the place of the peg. It may be an easy fix if you can't get a replacement. Check the side conectors.
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