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Everything posted by Froy

  1. Holy! It's been only 1 month since your first post! It is coming up super quick.
  2. Froy

    Hi-Metal R

    Guardian? Guess is this:
  3. Is there any official word about what is the "shade" of white for the VF-1? Back in the Yamato ere the only super white valk was the DYRL Hikaru VF-1A all next release were off white color. For the V.2. Yamato went both ways. Off white for DYRL and bright white for TV series releases. Bandai DX toys don't seem to have any difference in the shade of white, as far as I can see in pictures since I only own TV VF-1S and J. Butt see Bandai going bright white for the new TV VF-S. And the new revivial GBP seems like is is going to be off white and not the bright as the VF-1S
  4. Hope Bandai include some explosion effect option parts to recreate its glorious appearance in the series 🤣
  5. Saw those no the for sale section. Are those Arcadia or Yamato? Wanted to grab one but sale was only for US.
  6. Definitely in for 1 at less. Arcadia is stupidly expensive and prohibitive for me now days 😩 Hope the 0A is coming soon too. A SV 51 would be nice too but seeing that YamArcadia have very small pieces on the shoulder are makes me wonder what Bandai coukd come up with.
  7. Froy

    Hi-Metal R

    That gotta be a completionist nightmare. Lol.
  8. Isn't that official line art?
  9. Froy

    Hi-Metal R

    Given is the color scheme of the VF-1J, are chances high for a Milia variant?
  10. What is Bandai up to? Even the Focker VF 0S seems not to be doing very well, Mandarake still have plenty of those.
  11. Ah! Got it. Thanks. Hikaru TV VF-1S will be my second HMR after the VF-0S. Haven't opened the box yet to take a look on the included base. I will wait for my VF-1 arrive to open both the same day.
  12. Is this the stand compatible with the Hi Metals? https://www.hlj.com/tamashii-stage-act-mechanics-set-of-2-bans56788?utm_medium=email&utm_source=transactional&utm_campaign=OrderConfirmation I was lucky to get the last set. Hope it wasn't a mistake lol
  13. From a video review on YT. Seems this are becoming a thing after the VF-0S
  14. Sadly for the time it was released the price sky-rocketed because peso-dollar exchange rates. If I remember correctly it was in the year when the oil future prices crashed. Made it a little unaffordable to have multiples of that one. Still on the hunt for the Iota and the Zeta Make it NINE. You need one for "just in case"
  15. In stock at HLJ https://www.hlj.com/hi-metal-r-vf-1s-super-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijo-bans64074
  16. Was specting to see something new about the Tread 🙁. Guess my Legioss will remain boxed for some time more
  17. Thanks for the info. I totally missed the OP with them. I'll start to check from time to time to see if I can get one. At the time I checked they were already sold out at Hobby Genki
  18. What are the chances of Bandai bringing this scheme to the DX line? I'm not a big fan of non-animated VF variants but I'd totally jump in for this one.
  19. Holly. Not only having 6 Angel Birds but extra Max and Milia for the super parts. Or are those custom painted?
  20. Wouldn't be surprised if Bandai pulls a Alaska Base VF-1A or a VF-X out from the hat. I would ask Bandai for a 100% TV accurate TEST VF-X tho. LOL
  21. A horribly crooked kite on his copy
  22. This is what keeps me off from bitting the bullet with them. Angel Birds is not a really must get to me. If I can grab one at mandarake I'd be happy.
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