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Everything posted by izanagi11

  1. Bahaha, when I saw the raw, I was thinking the same thing. Good to fill in the blanks before I go to sleep. My japanese isnt very good, but I usually get the general idea.
  2. Thought I should mention that IT IS OUT!!!!!!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fObg_0nWA2w Ranka Lee what'bout my star? does a mini duet with Sheryl too!
  4. Tho I add in Random Curiosity website, the lastest blog has a vid of May singing Diamond Crevasse.
  5. Saw that Gattai Macross Frontier 6 MKV is out! (1280x720) GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO !!!!!
  6. Thanx alot for the post, Graham!
  7. Another great one, here is some things I liked about it
  8. Hey guys, I got a question. I dont suppose anyone knows who this "Bilrer" or "Bilra" the mayor was talking about?
  9. Thanx to Graham, Ackem, and Boinger for the great stuff you got posted! It helps fill my appetite for Macross!!
  10. OMG, you guys are right, it was better than the first one! Even with my choppy understand of Japanese, I got the general idea what was going on. I Luv this one I guess I got watch this again!
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