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Everything posted by FlyingPika

  1. i also use to love my 1/60 to bits until i got a 1/48 dood u dont know wot u missing !!!
  2. does any1 know if there are any differences between the blue and std yellow tracks, or is taka just getting lazy now ?
  3. i tried toywav.com and toy-wave.con thxns unfortunately no luck any1 else have any ideas?
  4. Does any1 know where i can get the pinky rei and auska without having to pay the $50 on ebay ? they must of been released while i was writing exams *cry* does any1 know if HLJ will restock?????
  5. *hugz yamato* the only thing that would be nice is if it had landing gear --> i cant imagine how it goes from bomber mode to gerwalk to try land. And theres pix of it on like a aircraft carrier, so dont tell me its space only And the cannons are the right length. Replace parts noooo. Panel lines would be nice. And im pretty sure thats not the final colour so les relax for now I doubt this will be below $160. But itll be worth it. Its like that hover tank effort but only 200 times betta *i think im in love*
  6. the second one was like watching power rangers. Same sad story as with batman.
  7. the VA-3 or MODAT 5 from megazone!!
  8. and it has more of the panel lines filled in
  9. erk im a dork, i saw some more light art and u right, just so happened the pic i saw was it mid way thro transformation.
  10. gasakari is pretty good, gundam wing SUXSSSSSS ...SUXSSssss no matter how tempting it iz, dotn buy it. I got 1/2 and i cant bring my self to watch the rest of the of series consisting of animation from the frist 3 epidodes.
  11. look at that chest scrapping on the floor in fighter mode ?_? and where is the gun pod actually supposed to go?
  12. Has any1 noticed the steering wheel on smokescreen is on the other side to silver streak? And i dying to see pics of the repaint of hound..... And since theres gonna be a 2004 edition of smokescreen, i hope this doesnt mean theres gonna be 3 repaints of each bot, i barely keeping up as it is. need some newsss
  13. But the SDF is so fugly looking? VA-3!!?!?
  14. dying for a new pic >< or some news here.......
  15. neva miss an oppertunity to tell us about that case of MIB low vis do you ?????
  16. two brand new 1/48s cost more than a brand new 1/48 + fast packs, so why say loose fast packs?
  17. well heres a quick wall paper from me, probably abit to arstsy for most If some1 creates a wallpaper thread ill just delete this.
  18. omw i would love to get the VF-11B nice collection tho, very cool. Do you plan on building them ^^?
  19. Well i suppose at some point its abit much, but who knows where you draw the line? Theres some truth to wot that dood is saying. Maybe if u spent less time opening valks, you could attract some member of the opposite sex ^^. But i hope you enjoy them all ^^
  20. it was my first valk too when my brother saw it he was said "omg, is that the... omg"
  21. nothing in life is perfect ^^ But those 1/48's are sure as 'ell as close as youll eva get and optimus prime and the rest of the binaltechs ^^
  22. isamu thats pretty cool =) iesh, i hope yamato is looking for ideas, ill happly trade my design for two or three of the final toys ^^ *hint hint yamato Grahamson can you organize ^^? Personally i always thought yamato boxes, altho classy, lacked effort or that special touch.
  23. but the fast pack version is comming out like next week ? and itlle be the same price
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