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Everything posted by FlyingPika

  1. 1/48 yf-19's, 21's and 11's are comming out eventually, although this has not been put down on paper yet. But they a long way away *sigh*
  2. wow, learn to walk before u run dewd. You should honestly try a simpler model first. nah i jk ^^!!! those are great little kits to start with. Just as long as u remember to get good it takes practise and a whole bunch of mistakes. You should look up some modelling websites if u really enthuastic. codyscoop.com has some great walk thro's
  3. thanks for compliments dewds. I hope hasegawa brings out another calendar of their newest box art. The YF-19 and YF-21 art is just to lovely to miss out. I hope you noticed the way that all the valks look like they flying out of a focal point, almost like they where made to go that way.
  4. And yes i do own yamato's but those are kept in glass =)
  5. and from another angle ^^
  6. another pic from further away
  7. Finally after waiting a couple of years i got them framed, and put them up, my parents just got a digital camera so i was tryign it out ^^ Beeg pics ahead !
  8. Altho it may be the most realistic, this does go down very well in toy form. I think yamato's 1/48 transformation altho not true to the anime, is the best and most practical.
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