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Everything posted by FlyingPika

  1. Shouldnt the fuselage be beige? Look top right, on the right hand side of the macross world icon. That is the colour scheme I know and love, where did this red and gray scheme come from =(? Thats the only colour scheme I have ever seen for a VF-4. Do I wait for another colour, and then maybe get nothing, or drop more money than I ever have or will now for a valk I love but an ok colour scheme?? Nooooooo
  2. Nice review although some things left me wondering.... Wow, can you even see 0.02 mm? I think that is more like it. So you can detach the nose cone and stick it onto its arm? Why would one do that? And in order to do that the head must be removable???? What does the nose cone attaching to the arm have to do with the head? Were you high when you wrote that? A few lines down... So first you say the nose cone can be removed and stuck to its arm, now its not removable, which one is it? The other thing is why are there no comparison pics to a VF-1 1/48. Seems like you intentionally didnt. To make it seem like something unique and help yamato sales?
  3. "Fix me" hold the arm (not the body) and pull the hand fewl!
  4. Anybody know anything about them? Finally an alternative to the toynami ones? Are they better or worse etc? http://www.hlj.com/product/AOS09136 http://www.hlj.com/product/AOS09135
  5. sil80jdm can you please give me the email address of who to email and his name? I got a broken shoulder and i wanted to buy another but havent coz of this very issue. Thank you
  6. That is simply stunning!!! I love the shade of blue you chose. The weathering is done really well too.
  7. Hmmm, i remembered watching "robotech", and my bro would tell me stories of his friends cool transforming toys (i was about 5yrs old at that time). Fast forward to macross plus, and i was hooked. I drooled over pamphlet pics about M+ toys from a new company called yamato. lol i stared at those pics soooooo much, but in the end never got them because i waited for the fast pack versions!! I even made my own webpages with pics of them! And the only one i own is a VF-19A. Which was my first internet buy ever. I remember i put it casually next to the computer, and my bro walked in and saw it and was like OMWWWWWWWWw!!! But now i have a few 1/48's a some of the smaller scale yamatos.
  8. common sense? And the sick pleasure they get from watching fans squirm when they cant get their hands on it
  9. also found this: http://www.hlj.com/product/OAK78936 !!
  10. Was browsing HLJ and came across this, maybe some of you would like it: http://www.hlj.com/product/KDK53663 peace
  11. wow, those r awesome thank you so much!
  12. lol, i love that pic!!! i dont thing ive ever laughed so much at a net pic!! i was under wot u where gonna pull out to top DH, who set the std pretty hi And Knight26, those r some sweet new pics
  13. Guys, i bought a 1/48, and i think after the 9/11 tragedy, they had to remove anything resembling a gun. When i received my Low Vis valk, it was obivous the thing had been removed from the box and abused abit. Unfortunately the Gunpod was removed. Does any of you doods have any spare gunpods, or recast ones? White would be preferable, but beggars cant be choosers. This happened years ago and havent found one to replace it since. Its been slowly eaten away at me over the years! If u can, PM with the price and shipping cost to South Africa (3652), if you willing to ship internationally. I can only pay via bidpay.com (with requires some type of auction to be listed), or send us dollars in the mail. Ive sent cash in the mail before and its been ok. Let me know thanks !!!!
  14. *pics jaw up* Well that my new wall paper, requesting more ples, if Knight26 doesnt mind...
  15. nice pics, but the panel lines are way too prominent. I know modellers paint them like that, but if u check out any photos, you wont see the same thing. Still keep those pics comming, good work!!!
  16. WHAT MISSLE COVERS??? Is there stuff i dont know abotu my VB-6??????? Do share thxns
  17. Where are these missle pods??? The only QC issue i was aware of was the leg peg being the wrong way. I reversed the peg (not pegs ) on myne and the legs atill dont come in nicely, the should of made the hips just a lil bit narrower, then it would be awesome.
  18. *remains silen about the taxi thing* What doesnt sound good about it? You wanted it to be more violent, ie not so family??
  19. Spaceship battle scene, light saber duel, darth says how much he luvs a certain some1, rinse and repeat.
  20. I bought the blue BT Tracks because of the flame decal. It's funny how much I hated the yellow but loved the blue. Sometimes all it takes is the colour to make the different. I mean look at all the exclusives and stuff Clear Plastic? Black Plastic? No Plastic? (Full Metal Bits?) And the damn thing becomes hot or a new character. Look at Sideswipes Reissues. Clamp Down and Deep Cover ( I think) And that Yellow Tracks looks like a freaking Taxi. So Blue is Best. i liked the yellow tracks more, its makes a pleasant change. Looks like a taxi??? Please, you havent noticed the large percentage of sports cars these days being yellow?
  21. i didnt know howard stern was a macross fan too
  22. lol that thing is ridiculous!!! No wonder yomato calls these things Bulky-Lee.
  23. doods. ok A1 ur whacked, but i likes. hmm i thought the whole doorknob thing keeping one busy was insulting as in basically calling the other person gay coz he keeps himself busy with knobs... glad to be enlightened now... Ok i was thinking of trying dynamite, but i think ill pass all together, until some time in far off distant furture. Until that day, i wont occupy myself by jizzing on ppls doorknobs.
  24. What took you so long A1? I'm not impressed.... ...i see wot u mean about A1 now. Well i get the feeling from ur guys posts that im just gonna get frustrated then force myself to painfully watch all 52 episodes. I pass for now. Maybe someday i will. Dling takes foreva fro me coz i can only dial up between 7pm and 7am. ha! Its actually cheaper for me to buy dvds then to dl bB)) !!! I see there's a Macross 7 Dynamite OVA, only 4 episodes, does that also come with A1's high stamp of approval?
  25. thxns guys, some very mixed opinions. Im still pretty much in the same boat but more enlightened. Theres those sets on ebay going for real cheap. Do you think ADV will eva release an english version? I know M7 will tickle my curiosity until i someday watch it, but im hoping (but know it is) its not another gundam wing (bought cheap set thing). The recycled frames and weak story really make Gundam Wing tedious to watch (like at the begining of the series, heavy gundam shoots at some mecha and them at some plane things, ie shooting down then shooting up, and eva since no matter what he fights, he always shoots at the sky afterwards just for good measure ). And apparently gundam wing is the best gundam series!?!?!? I have no idea how gundam has such a huge, well everything.
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