Ahhh, the ban is gone.
Unfortunately, that does not mean the prices will return to normal.
If I was going to buy an "assault" rifle, I would definitely go for the FNC. I was admiring one in a shop Noriko and I know of not too long ago which carried with it a whopping $2995 price tag!
I remember back in the pre ban days when those were about a grand, and rightfully so, FN makes some of the best firearms in the world, but 3K for what would amount to a fun gun is just too damned rich for my blood.
On a side note, there was an article in the Baltimore sun yesterday that had a picture of my old boss from when I worked at a local gun shop called Bart's Sporting Goods. The dude is as big a hypocrite as he always was. They have him pictured holding a sniper rifle in one hand, and a neutered AR in the other, and the quote says "That style of weapon was never our thing".
Hmmm, now why is it that I remember when they not only sold them, but when they were an authorized Colt Law Enforcement distributor? How many forms did I fill out for cops buying "evil" AR's, and how many ultimate use affidavit's did I process
Man, I the stories I could tell about opportunities lost while working at that place....