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Everything posted by woll622

  1. I will be receiving the Legioss Drone from him by the end of this week or the first part of next. I'll chime in as well.
  2. Hey there! Looks like you're a long way from this part of the country now. 505thAirborne - I agree, too bad something else couldn't be done about the wheels. The ones on this plane don't lock into place well, so if it slides a little bit, the wheels fold back. Mog - The shoulders were stronger this time around, though I agree something a little different would be great. I haven't had shoulder problems with the other 5 alphas I've had. Instead, I have had problems with the extendable arms breaking, the shoulder sensor attaching thing breaking off, and the leg breaking off at the hip. I thought the color was a little strange too for the sensor. At least this time it actually fits iinto the hole! The messed up version I had last year was molded in some other plastic and gooped with sloppy white paint. I almost got out my exacto knife to try and clean off the post to fit it in. Thank goodness the recall came first. Uxi - I noticed that the arch gone as soon as I took it out of the packaging. I was suprised, but obviously very happy about that. It was nice that it actually would set on all three wheels, instead of the back wheels and the chest plate.
  3. I'm terrible witht his stuff, but I think I got all of the photos I took up on flickr... http://www.flickr.com/photos/47504398@N04/
  4. It is not as weak as the first release, but the right leg is slightly split, and the head is wobbly. But overall, I am pretty happy. This will be my 6th alpha, and this one feels more secure. The hand is made of better plastic, but the gun does not fit all of the way over the hand. Also, the gunpod fits securely into the peg between the arm thrusters where as my original shadow alpha does not do this.
  5. Hey, I just openned up my Maia Sterling RT Masterpiece. It has all of the improvements of the aoshima legioss, like ratchet joints. Here are some pics.
  6. I'm not sure if $50 is high, but they are near impossible to come by. Where did you see them on Yahoo Japan? I've been looking for them ever since they were sold at wonderfeast.
  7. I buy all of my mospeada/robotech from that seller, in fact I will be receiving my Maia Sterling reissue from him this Friday. He is very honest and easy to deal with. I have been buying from him for about a year and a half. You can also go to his website where he has the same prices. http://www.digital-toys.com/ I am not associated with the seller in any way, but he has really been helpful.
  8. I'll let you all know, especially since I was one of the unlucky ones to buy the first one. With the first release, the plastic felt very soft, it had lots of glue marks, and crumbled in my hands.
  9. I was just notified from the company that I buy my Mospeada/Robotech stuff from that the boat arrived yesterday in LA with the reissue of the Maia Sterling MPC. I should have it in a couple of weeks. I sure hope it's better than the one I got last year, the arm broke off just as I started to transform it. I also wonder if they stuck with the same molds or went with the updated ones for the Aoshima. If I remember right someone here said that the Aoshima molds couldn't be used by Toynami or something like that.
  10. The wheel arm on the right slides out so that they are both even. Just pull from the wheel arm connection point out. Don't pull on the wheel it self.
  11. If you gotta have this, and ebay reseller in Hong Kong has it for $48 plus & $16 for shipping. http://cgi.ebay.com/Megahouse-Mospeada-VR-...=item4a9b93e2f1 It would be cheaper than paying tax and shipping charges thru RT.com
  12. I'm bummed out on the possibility that we may have a famine of Mospeada toys. I was finally able to talk my wife into letting me buy display cabinets so that I could get my stuff out of the garage and where it can be seen. Now I have the space for more items, but very few available in the pipeline.
  13. You all gotta understand Whamhammer when unfurls this banner. You could kind of say last time he did this it worked. He did it on RT.com for the beta so long, it became a standard shout. Keep it up Whamhammer! I WANT MY RED BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Thanks Jenius! I have their site as a quick link so I forgot how they are listed on the web.
  15. Your best bet is from www.overdrive.com. They are selling them at $50.99. Of course, you will need to pay EMS from Japan, which will be about $17 to me in California. But it's a lot better than $90 plus every where else. I was in the same boat as you. I awnted to get a bartley, but didn't want to pay a lot. So when I ordered it from overdrive, I went ahead and bought the dark bartley from them as well, which is listed at $49.99. My total for both including EMS was $126.
  16. Your planes look great congrats!! I just found a Hong Kong reseller on eBay that had the green on hand. So we might be seeing them hit the west coast in a week or two!!!!
  17. I don't remember where I read it but you're probably right that it was for the shadow beta. I wish we already had the green and shadow betas by now. But then toynami wouldn't have any masterpiece products left except for SC alphas. Being that the cyclones have gone away.
  18. I read earlier this week that someone saw a card at sdcc that the release date will be in September. Since it has not been in stock on eBay at overseas shops, September sound right.
  19. I have ordered a few things from rt.com over the years with no problems. But last year I preordered the beta and never recieved a conformation email. So I emailed them and emailed them but didn't get any response. So I called them up and found out a third party takes care of the orders placed on the web. Anyway, they helped me out.
  20. Micronian Ace says July or August for the green beta with his recent release update and I saw a listing on eBay that said delivery would be in August. So expect the middle to the end of next month.
  21. So far neither of the boxes released so far look like Scott or Rand. Don't get me wrong, the art looks good, But I think they could have done better. Maybe they used helmeted art for the cyclones because they used helmetless art for the Alphas?
  22. I found a couple of pictures of the box for the Toynami Rand version of the Beagle Cyclone on ebay.
  23. Thanks for your comments!
  24. Hey if your interested, I started the bidding at $20 and they end on Saturday. Also, I believe that the Megahouse Fuke will be released. But once I saw the Beagle version of her, I was sold on their line and decided to sell myegahouse ride armors.
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