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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Nice range of stuff, man. I was thinking about picking up the Ptolemaios, but I don't know if I'd have the room to display it. I know it's a snap kit, but does it feel like a delicate model after it's completed?
  2. I got Starship Trooper vibes when Michel got impaled like What's-her-name from the movie, after which Casper van Dien goes, "Aw, shucks. At least we got to knocking boots last night." Or something to that effect. The scene was quite similar, with the difference being that it wasn't the pining person who bit it, but the one who'd been pined for.
  3. 2 hours? That's the running time of a movie.
  4. Thanks for the answers, everyone. Yeah, it sits pretty snug if I play around with/adjust the cockpit; just doesn't click, so I was wondering. I got it from Kevin at Valkyrie Exchange for $75 + shipping. Don't know if he has any more, though.
  5. Yeesh. Did the piece just snap off when you were moving the hinge during transformation? Or were you were simply posing the shoulder?
  6. Just picked one up (the Millia version), and it's a great toy. I have a question about the central cockpit hatch, though. It doesn't click into the closed position, or snap shut in any way. Is it supposed to be this way? Just wondering. Thanks.
  7. And the non-meek will be whooshing around slightly broken/slightly gimpy valks...or re-selling them on eBay when the improved versions hit.
  8. LOL. This thread is slowly dissuading me from getting into this line. Glad I haven't pulled the trigger on the VF-1A Hikaru preorder yet. As usual, plenty of time and plenty of releases for Yamato to iron out the kinks--loose leg fins, delicate shoulders, etc. At least it seems like the backpack hinge is sturdy this time around.
  9. clchieng


    Cool! Thanks for the tip.
  10. clchieng


    Thanks for the tip on CLR, though I'm a bit worried about trying it, given how strong it seems. Would it damage the rest of the metal as well, I wonder. I'll definitely look into the metal polish. Thanks again.
  11. clchieng


    Recently picked up Bandai 1/55 Strike Valkyrie. In great shape except that there's a bit of rust on the metal hinges. Anyone have a good way of dealing with this, or preventing it from getting worse? Thanks!
  12. Really? Hook a brother up, yo. Was it off eBay/Yahoo Japan or through private channels? I would very much like one. Or three. Seriously, though, if you have any leads, please PM me.
  13. I'd have to agree, especially given that the collector's market for the old stuff has probably only gotten smaller with time (and the diehard Macross niche wasn't huge to begin with, compared with the rest of the toy demographic and in the eyes of a big company like Bandai). What this does mean, though, is that for those of us looking to pick up some vintage Takatokus and Bandais, the prices (for the ones that have been reissued) will be dropping like US housing prices. Well, maybe not quite so badly. Still, the door's open now, if just a sliver, to the possibility of the Super-O and Elint being re-released. I'd be excited mostly because I'd be able to snag an old Super-O for a good price. All this reissue talk is the reason I'm holding off on buying one. As far as that goes, probably the best thing Bandai could reissue is the holiest of holy grails (IMO), the Takatoku 1/3000 SDF-1. It would be great if a) I could actually find one MIB, and b) it would cost less than $1K. Chieh
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