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Britai 7018

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Everything posted by Britai 7018

  1. Growing up definitely sucks... I think I have some extra Mac F Sound drops I'll bring to get rid off... they were Christmas ornaments last year =P
  2. Don't forget if you need more decals there are 2 CCCP remote control Itasha RC cars for sheryl... I used alot of those together with the bandai 1/72 itasha model ones for my ugly ranka guard...
  3. I'll be there, sorry I thought I had RSVPed earlier.
  4. I like CDJapan for releases from Japan. Haven't had any problems. Not a big fan of yesasia. One time when I ordered from them the prices kept fluctuating depending on if I had emptied out my cache before visiting the website. They also had a new release delayed 4 months and wouldn't give me a refund.
  5. Sounds good... I'm in unless something crazy happens.
  6. On mine, I could just take the removable cockpit out, use fingers on both end to pinch the bottom side of the shield firmly and pull it until it clicked. It was alot easier w/o the little pod in the way. After getting the bottom half in place I could slide the cockpit back in without dislodging the bottom half and bring down the top half as normal.
  7. There were 2 CD singles released awhile ago... http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VTCL-35043 http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VTCL-35044
  8. Welcome to the board! Nice reviews...
  9. That figure looks fantastic! I hope that if this is a real pvc figure, it doesn't need those supports in the back. Well either way, I'd buy it! Cmon let it be a Alpha x Omega... edit: Okay just saw Ngee Khong. It says the Klan Klan is a Megahouse. It also has a picture of a Red captain outfit version of Alpha x Omega Sheryl and alternate color N.A. Sheryl.
  10. Sounds good! March sometime?
  11. The regular color scheme is a japanese magazine exclusive... it might be too late to get direct. maybe yahoo auctions though? The NA Sheryl looks fantastic! Time to spend my monthly macross budget...
  12. You can always use a proxy bidding service for Yahoo Japan auctions... rinkya.com is one possibility, but beware of high fees =(
  13. Got mine today... echo-ing the smooth shoulder pin assembly. I think I'm gonna try and see if my Ranka decals for the bandai models can be used to make a "Ranka Guard" VF-1S... or just an Itasha Valk.
  14. I don't think this is very high up on the priority list, but I would like alternate pilots. So if I wanted a 2040 era pilot in a VF-1.. or a CF pilot in Skull leader. Actually now that I'm typing it, it seems sort of lame. But hey, while we're just throwing out ideas. I would love some sort of ground crew / support vehicles (missile loaders, etc.) or diorama friendly items.
  15. Just ordered a 11B... it seems like the popular choice =) . I also picked up a Virgin Road VF-1D and a few key chains... What a great sale!
  16. That picture is from the 1997 Macross Calendar I believe. There was one page each from Macross TV, DYRL, II, Plus, 7 and VF-X
  17. Oh sorry, I thought he was looking for the TV series... I'm looking for bootlegs of the movie too!
  18. Did you want bootlegs or official releases? Bootlegs are all over ebay with english subtitles as a box set for the whole series. The official releases you can pick up from CDJapan. They carry both the DVDs and Blu-Rays. The San Francisco Kinokuniya also carries some if you are or know someone nearby. Just a heads up the official releases don't have English subtitles.
  19. Tomopop has scans of the Alpha x Omega Ranka showing the Cast-Off features and the alternate head with a winking face and alternate Kira hand as well as the Megahouse Sheryl N.A. with Cast Off parts...
  20. Those 25th anniversary FPs look great! Makes mine look so plain and boring by comparison
  21. Hebime, thanks for putting the time and effort into translating this. Seems like a lot of fun.
  22. I remember this, it was great! Best $250 (+$10 shipping I think?) I had spent at the time. It felt like I was contributing to a cause, not just buying a set of DVDs. Everyone still have their Lenticolor cards?
  23. Just got my copy of the limited edition from Play-Asia today, shipped 9/30. Came USPS.
  24. I got my ship notice on 9/30 from play-asia, but its still not here yet (using regular air mail). located in california.
  25. I've ordered from all 3 and had good experiences with all of them (so far). To be fair, I've had few issues with any of them so I've never had to contact customer service about any orders. I like how Overdrive is a smaller company, so they seem to be more customer service oriented. They have special items such as the Ichiban Kuji merchandise. HLJ has a wide variety of merchandise beyond toys, such as the Cospa and the CCP merchandise. Angolz has some good sales on merchandise from time to time.
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