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Britai 7018

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Everything posted by Britai 7018

  1. That is an AMAZING collection of LDs! Makes me want to start collecting them.
  2. http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=FIG-MOE-2005&template=default/product/e_display.html I wonder if this is the figure pictured above. If so, it looks like the next in the line of Macross F prize figures (after the 4 Christmas figures). It would make sense with that round black base. The prize figures are slightly taller than the CMS figures and definitely sturdier. The Sheryl Kimono figure is about 7 inches tall.
  3. The behind the scene videos can be found on the DVD and Blu-ray releases of the concert, on the second disc I believe. They're incredible! Highly recommend the actual concert itself, although it does get a little slow in the middle.
  4. I've been buying the frontier blu-rays, and thats w/o subtitles. So I'd definitely buy the subtitled ones. I'd even pay full JDM MSRP for them.
  5. How much are you listing it for?
  6. Love both of them. Expensive primarily because of their relatively small size compared to the other 1/60's (with the exception of the VF-1). I think its a great buy if you can find it at less than MSRP. I prefer the VF-11B, but its purely a subjective choice. Build quality, paint quality, etc. etc. is more or less the same.
  7. Forgot to add... These are the first press bonuses for the Superdimensional Anthem and Universal Bunny CDs. Just a pair of postcards.
  8. A pair of E-Gallery Cards...
  9. I wasn't sure if these belonged here or in the modern trading cards thread... these are medium sized plastic cards for the Macross Frontier movie. I think some shops have it listed as "Visual Bromide", but I'm not sure what that means or if its a fuzzy translation. They came in individual plastic sleeves and can be purchased by the box-set or in vending machines (I think). Theres also a regular set for the series, but I can't get to those right now...
  10. Just a few CDs I didn't see posted above...
  11. These are the cards that came with the Nyan Nyan album/binder from 2009.
  12. A couple easier to find Macross 7 boards...
  13. Macross Frontier Wafer Cookies with cards from Cardass Masters...Series 2? The card is the same as the one from the Trading Card series except it has a shiny foil effect.
  14. Yeah WB VF1X... I think I still have one of your shirts. I also have some stuff from your car website I think... But short version is that almost all of the current Yamato releases are 1/60 scale. Mac Plus had all its valks redesigned in a 1/60 design. Mac zero had 1/60 releases. The VF-1s were already covered above. There are alot of designs that were never released in the original 1/60 scale that were made in the 2nd version.
  15. First Macross F Movie is in theaters in Japan. No word on release date for BD or DVD. 2nd Movie out this Fall/Winter in Japan. No translated movie online yet. Series is pretty common on any fansub site.
  16. That looks fantastic! I'm very curious what kind of price it would fetch. I can see it matched w/ the 1/60 blank slate valkyries...
  17. Just picked up a copy @ Kinokuniya in San Francisco for $14. They still had quite a few left, along w/ 2 of the other art books from the movie and the Ranka/Sheryl dedicated books.
  18. I don't have the reissue, but I bought one of the last round of the VF-0S from last time, when it was reissued by itself.. the ones that had the bubble wrap around the tail in the box and the screw through the upper arm. My VF-0S is off-white, does not have the bubble effect on the canopy and the gun-pod rail is a dark greyish color. I also have no peg on the hand for the gunpod. I don't know if this helps you, but my 0S is absolutely perfect, no flaws at all. All joints nice and tight and no issues w/ the shoulders.
  19. That base looks pretty nice... but I wish that the clear peg wasn't so large. The base of the peg looks unnecessarily large.
  20. First time trying this... here are the secret figures for the movie Ichiban Kuji (along with some other stuff) Sorry, not too sure on resizing and whatnot.
  21. Dynasty Warriors, Dynasty Warriors: Gundam and Samurai Warriors are the first games that popped into my mind when I saw this thread. Oh, and Bloody Roar! loved that game... I had the arcade cabinet for that game in my college apt for years...
  22. The Sheryl Valk girl has a pink VF-25F "Hat" thats the same mold as the Ranka. The face is the same as the "White Bunny" Sheryl but with pink hair. The body is the same as Ranka Valk-Girl, but with pink highlights instead of red. The Ranka Black Bunny has the same head as the Ranka Valk girl but with Green/Black hair. The Body is the same as the Sheryl Black Bunny but with some Orange highlights on the boots and straps. So the two secret figures are basically mix and match with minor repainting from other figures in the series. The stands are unique also. edit: Oh, and the heads are removable. The figures come in several parts in a plastic bag with partitions like alot of Gashapon figures come.
  23. Just got my Ichiban Kuji set, the 2 secret SD figures are a Sheryl Valkyrie Girl and a Ranka in Black Bunny outfit. The body is pretty much a repaint of the regular counterpart (Sheryl Valkgirl body = Ranka Valkgirl body, Black bunny = black bunny). I'll try and take some pics over the next couple days...
  24. Hey guys, thanks for the cool lil meet. Always nice to talk to other Macross fans. Don't worry about late, it gave us a chance to chat. See you guys next time!
  25. Hi guys just got here. See y'all in... 15 minutes!
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