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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. One of the first v2 Roy -1S's. Transformed twice and been in my display case in Battroid mode ever since. It was fine when I first got it - I don't 'play' with them and there are no kids/pets in my house either, so I guess they disintegrate on their own. My v2 Hikaru -1A looks fine so far but I've only transformed it once and then stored it in its box. My just arrived VT-1 definitely has 'knurled' pins which really ticks me off as I expected this issue to have been fixed long ago. I will not purchase anymore v2 VF-1's until this issue is resolved and replacement parts are easily available. cheers
  2. It's just the M&M -1Js that aren't on sale anymore. A lot of other stuff (including the VT-1) is still reduced - don't know for how long though. As for Millia's -22, I think the pale colour is accurate. That said, I don't like it and red markings on a red plane don't help. I will be getting Max's -22 despite the pale colour and in this case the red markings will add to it and stand out rather than disappear. cheers
  3. Huge thanks, Graham! Mine's on the way from HLJ.
  4. Both my -1S and my -1A are fine but I won't vote just yet in case something decides to self-destruct in the next little while. Perfect for now...
  5. I do believe that I voted for her in the first poll as well - I always thought she was hot although that was before I knew about the "evil, tentacles, and multiple personalities" part. These days I'm in camp Sheryl....
  6. Well, my VF0A Shin arrived yesterday (from HLJ) and all is well - no cracks in the shoulders or other damage that I could find. No problems with the fast-pack magnets and the feet aren't too loose. That being said, this isn't a toy that I would want to transform often as I can see some parts wearing out sooner rather than later. The only real complaint would be the hands, as they are barely able to hold the gunpod. If anyone else buys one and transforms it for the first time; don't bother with the rotating cockpit/seat feature. I managed to break off the instrument panel when I tried to rotate it back going from battroid to fighter mode. Since I have a fair bit of experience building models it was no big deal to fix but it wasn't something I wanted to see that's for sure! Also, don't waste any time on the Ghost's landing gear. It just takes a lot of time and effort to get it out and even more time to retract properly if you want to be able to close the doors afterward. So, as far as I can see it's safe to purchase but keep in mind that I've only transformed it once. I don't know how things will stand up for the long-term. This is definitely not a kid's toy designed for daily play though.
  7. It would kinda make sense that to become a test pilot for the YF-21, you'd have to prove your stuff in pretty much any previous VF wouldn't it? The reason that Guld's scores were lower than Isamu's at times was because he always did everything "by the book" - which is what test flying is all about. Do maneuver X at speed A and see what happens; next do it again at speed B and see what happens; and again at speed C, etc. Pretty monotonous until the sh*t hits the fan - then you have to prove you're the best by staying alive and being willing to show up for work the next day. Isamu threw the rule-book out the door at every opportunity - luck was his skill... In combat the two were pretty closely matched, otherwise Isamu would have been able to get rid of him much faster.
  8. Well, if these are factory new, they should be fixed right? Unless someone dusted off a box that's been sitting in the warehouse for a while. I'm mostly planning to keep it in fighter mode anyway so if it was old stock it wouldn't kill me. Either way, I'll report here when I know more.
  9. That's what I'm hoping, so I ordered one - will report here when it arrives. Fingers crossed, fingers crossed....
  10. Solo, yes! For sure without any doubt he'd blow the doors off anyone, including Max. As part of a team like the Angel Birds, never! Especially if he's not the lead ship. Yeah, but he did it 3 times!
  11. Don't get me wrong. I'm not one of the haters (I like M7) but I know that if I had to recruit military pilots, I wouldn't want Basara as first choice. How effective do you think he would've been against someone other than the protodevlin? He's very talented but lacks the discipline needed to master his machine under all circumstances. He probably didn't 'feel' like learning/practicing to fly in Gerwalk mode, hence his poor performance there. This whole topic is very subjective though. For pure flying skills I'd say the members of the Angel Birds are among the very best. Would Max or Isamu have cut it there? We don't know (actually I'd say Max yes, Isamu no ) . Flying in extremely unusual attitudes in a tight formation while pulling G's probably requires a very different skill set than the aggressiveness & reflexes needed to succeed in combat.
  12. Where would I find this info - I have to admit that, outside of this site and the vids I don't track other info. I do remember the scene where Guld thinks he nailed Isamu but when he looks outside of the cockpit again, there's Isamu hiding in his shadow.
  13. #1 is Max. End of story. Basara isn't even in my top 5. Why? Because a fighter pilot has to be able to attack as well as defend. Basara may well have been quite able but he certainly wasn't willing to go on the offensive. #2 is Isamu. Insanely great flying skill. As great as Max IMO. Unfortunately, that's not all that was insane - hence the wee discipline problem... #3 a tie for Millia and Guld. Millia - what can I say? Only Max could defeat her. As for Guld, he matched Isamu right to the end but it took him way to long to realize that Isamu wasn't dead after all - long enough for a pilot as good as Isamu to send him packing. #4 Roy. Although not 'the' best pilot, he was certainly the best squadron leader overall. DD may have been his instructor at one point but who says that the student can't surpass the master. Roy is certainly the better team player which matters a lot when leading others into combat. True class all the way. #5 Ozma. Who else do we know that can tangle with a cyborg in the dark and live to take out the Vajara with a knife? 'nuff said. I'll stop at my top 5 but I'm surprised how many people are down on Shin; given M0's opening it should be obvious that he's extremely good. The only reason Nora didn't get killed is because she was flying the SV51 - if she had been in a Mig like the others Shin would've probably had 4 kills that mission. Let's also not forget how ridiculously little training Shin got when he transitioned to the VF0 - these fighters were so new that the tactics and procedures were still being developed. If he had stuck around, I'm sure Shin would've been right up there with Roy.
  14. In addition to what LowViz wrote, let's not forget that every army runs on a budget. It's probable that for the cost of one VF, you can build several destroids. Money aside, the VFs are probably also harder to build & maintain and require more training to operate. This would make the destroids a very cost-effective way to build up troop numbers even if they're more vulnerable to the enemy. In WW2 the Allies built something like 10 Shermans for every Tiger produced by Germany. The Sherman's didn't have the best reputation, their crews referred to them as the "Ronson" (after the lighter brand) because they would always light (as in catch fire/explode) the first time. German tank crews simply called them "Tommy Cookers". We know who won the war though, don't we? I guess your question is kind of like asking why anybody would buy a Chevy when you could get a Rolls...
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