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Everything posted by lord_breetai

  1. Yeah the music was deffinitly reused (as the reconstruction theme I believe or the Macross City theme not sure which)... however I just want to hear the actual opening without the added mock-tastic sound effects and added singer.
  2. Okay... the Macross Anthem dosn't count. since that wasn't Robotech... though I would be very curious to hear the actual anthem as I've never watched the pre-robotech Macross dub episodes. Can anyone upload that?
  3. Yes Robotech had completely different songs and music... and a much more limited set Minmei in Robotech had -Stagefright -To Be In Love -The Man in my Life -We Will Win and -It's You And I think that's it... Here's a clip of "We Will Win" the video is the spanish version just cause that was the easiest to find (Robotech is huge in Latin America), but the song is still in the original english. not quite up to Mari Iijima's singing calibur hey?
  4. Played the demo, thought it was pretty fun but don't have a PS3... PS2 version worth getting? Also read the graphic novel and thought the story was kinda weak sauce actually.
  5. hmm.... okay I can see how some mods can be useful, but I don't even take PVP tournaments that seriously, I don't have to win even when I play competativly it's largely for fun... I do work on improving my build and see how a tool like "hero stats" for CoH can be useful for that (I just decided to download it) but I don't think it will lead to my enjoyment of the game more. Make me a better raider or pvper probably in the long run but i don't put so much time into it that it's going to have a noticable impact for quite some time.
  6. Incorrect on both accounts... I've done competitve PVP (such as it is in CoH... probably the worst implemented part of the game they're stil trying to fix) and both of the high level raids. Still dosn't change the fact that mods can't effect the live content of the game. And if they can they will be quickly expelled and if they arn't there's something wrong. I will conceede I'm not a MMO player I don't play dozens of MMO games right now I only play one. that's all I can afford to spend time-wise and money wise. Though I will make room in my budget and my time for this one
  7. Oh please... this is just pure sillyness... "We're right and they're wrong" first of all I think many of you are underestimating both the size and the intellegence of the Robotech fandom... many of these people have watched Macross and prefer Robotech for one reason or another (be it the back story created by blending the three series, the bgm (yes there are people who prefer the bgm) or another reason)... Robotech has a lot of expanded material and not all of it is repitions of the same theme, there was a lot of experimental work with the Robotech comics from the late 80s to mid 90s... so don't tell me there's been no inovation in storytelling. Now I'm not someone who values Robotech more then Macross... I havn't watched Robotech since Space first started airing it on TV again last year and that was mostly for the experience and to get my girlfriend to watch a bit of it (we had watched the first bit of Macross but she thought it was pretty slow). So I'm not a fanatic... but it bugs me when a Macross fanatic says it's going to suck automatically before anything has materialized. I'm much more a Macross fan then a Robotech fan... I enjoy certain things about Robotech, I respect a great deal of the original thought and work that went into it over the last 20 years... but Macross in it's original form is better then Robotech: The Macross Saga... yes I agree with that but I don't redicule people who disagree. I also don't assume a new work is going to suck just because it has the Robotech name attatched to it either. You come across as a fanatic here... "this will blow because HG won't concede defeat to BW and get their support on a Macros movie.... MACROSS FTW!" is basically what you're saying. It's not Tommy Yune writing and directing this movie... they've got great screen writers announced, lets wait and see about the script and director, hmm?
  8. Ehh but there's only so much the mods and tools can do for you... they can't effect what's actually happening on server they can give you graphics changes on your end or give you helpful overlays that might tell you where secrets are and crap. but they can't haxors the game into making you ultra powerful or someting (the reason for this is all character stats will be held on the server and if they detect unauthorized changes you're gone)... Unless you run on a private sever or something... But generally the fan developed content dosn't matter much in MMOs.
  9. Well it's Robotech, which means that the Universe/God/Karma will not let it succcede, because of it's inferiority to Macross and because of some buisness tactics that HG made in the 80s which were common place at the time. Macross Worlder's understand this when companies and marketing executives do not... Robotech is dead, always will be dead and any attempts to revive it are doomed to failure because it's impossible for anything good to come out of Robotech. The great will of the Universe demands this. Sadly Holywood marketing executives, great screenwriters and producers don't realize this... that's why it is the sworn duty of Macross World to point these things out. If not this board then who will proclaim these great truths. okay that's enough sarcasm for the day.
  10. More like being a patriot in the German army or the Japanese Imperial Army who has high morals and believes that what they are doing is right.
  11. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Krayt Here we go Darth Krayt about 184 years old at the start of Star Wars Legacy... so... yeah take from that what you will.
  12. Well if they found the original they will probably just re-tool it I don't see why they wouldn't. But yeah... I hope they do something with Destro having designed the Joe's weapons... wether it's a Shadow Chronicles style Trojan Horse, or him ordering his troops to fire on a structural weakness only he knows about or some way that comes back to bite them in the but. One of the most disapointing things about my favorite Video game franchise Sakura Wars was that even though the main villain of the first game desgined the Robots the good guys use it didn't really come up or wasn't that important (because it was established later in secondary canon and only got incorporated into primary canon with the manga)... it would have been cool he could have easily disabled them all cause he designed them.... but no go there. anyway back to GI Joe... I want Night Raven toys!
  13. Actually the part that interested me is... I mean it was always known that he would be an Arms Dealer like he was in the comics but the fact that he designs the Joe's Weapons is interesting... lots of angles they can play on that. Anyway I hope the movie and toyline lives up to the Hype... I'm not one of those "oh it's movie toys skip it"... actually with Transformers I am I only want one movie prime for my Prime collection and that's it (and I havn't decided which one yet)
  14. No not neccisarily... there have been established cases of human Jedi or Sith (and remember Revan is trained as both) managing to extend their life for hundreds of years. Look at the Sith Lord in the Star Wars Legacy comics who turns out to be Ash'ard Hett who was a Padawan before the Clone Wars and is alive more then a 100 years after the destruction of the second Death Star. You can say that's EU so it dosn't count... but this is EU too. They said that characters who could still be alive might show up... that includes Revan and the Exile.... though personally I would hope they woud not be included directly.
  15. He and the Jedi Exile after him left the Galaxy to go find and confront the True Sith... which are apparantly this Sith Empire which is invading... so as stated both Revan and the Exile probably fell (either litterally in battle or to the Dark Side), I would expect to see both of them have their prescence felt but not neccisarily still be alive. Finding a Holocron or something telling us what happened to them.
  16. it'd be cool if there is a Permadeath optional mode though this is one game where I'd like to see it (I'm in a self imposed Perma Death Guild on one of the CoH servers)... because you'd care a lot more about the character and loosing them would be like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOESSSS! it'd be epic. Star Wars Galaxy had Permadeath originally for Jedi... the Empire would come and hunt you and killz you dead!
  17. I guess I'm used to City of Heroes where ingame if the term death comes up they mean it... and it never applies to you (who gets teleported to saftety any time you're too injued to continue fighting and ou arrest other characters not kill them... except in CoV then you kill them). It wouldn't be the first MMO to have perma-death though, if it does though.
  18. well city of heroes is introducing a new way to combat the problem of the casual player with the more active friends called the "leveling-pact" where you actually share exp with someone you want to play with consitantly... so you'll always be the same level... other games might start picking that up and that would deal with a lot of those concerns... myself I sometimes leave CoH for 6 months or more at a time... but I still find I can come back and play with the same people (thanks to CoH's sidekick and Exampler system) so... there are ways of working around that SLAVERY???
  19. Here come the fashion police! Though no one seems to mind in CoX
  20. What if it has no subscription cost, what then? You can always play it casually you know... don't have to give your life to it.
  21. Game is not D20 based... repeat not D20 based.
  22. perma-death???
  23. This sounds good... that was what I was afraid of... seems like there will be lots of branches and variation and replay value (like those games from that company here in Edmonton )
  24. That's cool "there are heroes on both sides and evil is everywhere" lol. I still want to know if you can switch factions though... kinda pissed me off in CoH when you couldn't be a hero who becomes a villain or vice versa.
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